《When I was old》Chapter 17


Ch 17

'Hahahahahahamuwahahahahaha!!!! It's my win. Xin Ley, you really are one hundred million mile away from me. Lol. Who is idiot enough to show his true color, while the game is still on the middle part. But I'll give you some credit. You at least, with all the handicaps I had pushed me into a corner. A shame that it didn't even last a quarter of the game.'

"Uncle, sorry but I should go now. Else my parents will be worried."

"Now, now. Of course my child" said Xin Ley with a gentle smile on his face. The contrast between his expression and face structure was so big. That even the most hardened manwhore would vomit.

After seeing the little kid go happily toward his parents, Xin Ley mumbled

"What a strange kid. Now remembring it. I didnt tell him my name. So how did he... Ah forget it, I'm just overthinking things."

"Is something the matter, Master Xin Ley?"

"Nah, nothing really. But what a strange kid."


"Yeah, he is a little bit strange. Well whatever, Little Lin, could you please lead the way. I still didn't get the honor to visit your child."

"A..Ah! Haha of course, of course"

'Damn!! And here I thought he would lose interest'

In the meantime, Yin Xian was undoing his spell. The six pillars formed the usual sixheaded star formation. And his already small body became even smaller. The dust that as always covered the backyard revealed little Yin's baby skin. It had a rosy and fresh feeling to it, as if you could just go eat it raw. His already cute face became even more devastating as his puppy mode became a default one. His face that overflowed with cuteness suddenly became a shrewd one. A grin appeared from end to end in his baby devil face. Anyone who saw this will be flagbasttered as they will think that this character came straight out from a comedy for children. Where the main character a baby, play jokes on all the adults of the house.


"Sigh, maybe I should stop with those flashy arrays and just create normal ones. Sooner or later, it's gonna bit me in the back. By the way, I should also think of restoking black iron. I already used all the stock I prepared before hand on my multiple hideouts."

As Yin Xian said that, he hurriedly dashed toward his mother's departement. He breezed through the tall grass and falling green leaves like the wind, while his gaze focused on the two storey, traditionnel chineese buiding. His shadow appeared swiftly, to instantly disappear afterward as he jumped up of the tall grass to land on the mini stone road leading to the buiding. He dashed left and right with his short statur so that no passing eyes could notice him.

"Huff, huff... While I may have a pure to the extreme qi, and a strong physical body. This body is afterall a baby's. I shouldn't let it endure too much of a pressure.

"But either way, I finally caught up to them."


Meanwhile, the duo Lin and Xin Ley was slowly approching Yuki's room. The two were talking about some of the political struggles of the region. And the mysterious downfall of multiple great sects at once, when suddenly...


"Schhhhh!! Did you hear that?!"

(Schhh= the sound of telling someone to be quiet)

"Hear what?"

"Someone went past us, his stature is probably small as I only saw a shadow."

"Is that right? I didn't feel anything"

"Be quiet, I'm hearing a noise again.."


As the duo approched the source of the sound, their steps gradually leaned toward the window


"Did ypu hear that?"



"Meowwww!!" A cat suddenly jumped in from the window. It was a small cat around 2~3 months, it's fur was black and it's eyes screamed "Please stroke me". But Xin Ley wasn't amused at all, his round face became red from anger, while veins started appearing on his forehead. He was basically a rip tomato as he finally breathed out the steam that was rolling in his lungs. His gentle weird face finally reappeared as he gently carresed the little thing's fur.


Lin didn't say a word as he knew if he did, Xin Ley might really explode. Plus Xin Ley's suffering was relief and rejoice for Lin.

"Let's go, we already wasted enough time as it is" said Xin Ley, trace of anger and shrewdness flashing on his cold eyes.

"Yes, master Xin Ley..."

"Just call me Master Ley"

"Of course master Ley, this little one shall comply."

The two continued together with their steps the short distance that they had to make to reach Yuki's room. For some reason, this distance of 1km and something in total that should have been a breeze seemed abnormally long in the eyes of Xin Ley. If the lord ambassasor was a little bit more experienced, he would have known that this is a sign that many things happened on this trip, and that the new variables might turn the table against him.

"Yuki, I'm entering"


"Yuki, are you awake?"



"Just enter, Yuki is sleeping" ???

"Who is it?!"

"Wow, did you really forget about my voice this easily" said a shadow as the doors slowly opened up.

"I am Andre. At your service."


I wanted to make this chapter way longer than this (at least 600~700 more words), but the ending was so fitting that I didn't dare ignore it.

If you guys want another chapter, I need to see at least another serious review. And tons of comments, they make my day.

Ps: I made that random sentence about ziki on last chapter, but no paid it any heed. Did Ziki already got forgotten, he was one of the pionner writers in this site. If you guys don't know him, you can check on google Eye of Adventure. And no, he didn't pay me so that I do ad for him.

Pss: who noticed the horror movie reference. If you didn't, well it's my bad ant it seem that I'm just a noob comedian too. Well in every horror movie, this black cat always appear. So yeah, I made a reference on that.

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