《When I was old》Chapter 16


Ch 16

"How?! Everyone should have died at the time..."

"Lin, don't show this pathetic state to lord ambassador. I will explain everything afterward. For now, just go to Yuki's departement, Yin Xian is there."


"Let's go little Lin. While I find it a little bit rude to be talking with just a voice, it doesn't matter for now. What do, is going to your child's side immediatly. I'm pretty interrested on him."

"O..ok.. Master Xin Ley..." Lin was obviously still in a daze. But how could he be not?! He suddenly know that there is a survivor of the great calamity that happened to his clan, but can not even ask what happened. His heart is in complete turmoil after this turn of events. One could only wonder what kind of reaction Lin will have, when he will notice that this Andre guy doesn't even exist.

While Lin was still in a daze, Xin Ley next to him was grinding his teeths and mumbling

"Tch.. damn, who is this Andre guy. I feel that the rules of the game just changed without me noticing. Oh, well, Whatever. This is just to kill some time, no need to go overboard."

The duo continued their march, while the noises in the background gradually faded away..


'Oh, well. Now, I at least have some time to prepare myself. Let's see:

First: Any plan that requiere the assistance of father is put down. His mind is already in deep slumber and extremely muddy. The shock from "knowing" that a clan member from the old clan is still alive must be quite great. So yeah, I can't really do anything while still thinking that father will probably understand what is going on. And that he will react accordinly.

Second: The distance between my departement, and the departement of my mother is around 500 meters. Normally this distance should be quite a long one for commoners. But for cultivators, it's still within the norms. Seeing that there is many detours in the way, it might take them around 2 minutes to around 3 minutes to arrive to mom's room. In this amount of time what can I do... Wait, I still have the metamorphosis spell. Hahaha, how could I forget about something so simple. Now I only need to check if a baby's body can withstand the pressure. But it should be fine, I already quenched my internal organs with qi afterall...'



'Sigh, what's happening to this world... is it real... Was there really a survivor from that time... but then how? .. the betrayal from those scumbags....'

"Little Lin... litlle Lin?... LITTLE LIIINN!!"

"Huh??! What's going on?! Ziki's releases take too long.... what happened?!"

"Hoho, nothing. You just seemed way too off tracks, and wanted to warn you. You were just about to step on that cute little child."

"Huh?!" As Lin turned his head down, his eyes meeted a pair of cute, watery, sparkling puppy eyes. A child was clinching to his leg with a mixture of emotions in his face. Adoration, shyness, cuteness (I know that it's not an emotion, but it emanted from his face. So just let it be) and a little bit of fear combined together into the cute little child's face.

"Ahww! Sorry, little child. What's your name."

"Hmm, are you clan master, mister.. ah sorry I meant Sir!"

"Hahaha don't worry about such fancy things. Yeah I am Lin, the clan head. Now that I introduced myself, it's your turn."

"Mister, you seemed preoccuped. Is something the matter."

"Hahaha little child. It seems that little Lin's child is ill. So he told me to cure him." Said Xin Ley

"Wow!! Is uncle a doctor!! So cool!!" Said the little child while his eyes were sparkling. If anyone saw this scene, he will think that a little sun was hiding inside the lad's eyes. They were shining to that point.

"Hahaha, well technically I'm not a doctor. But I'm someone better than that, so you can just think of me as such." said Xin Ley, his eyes couldn't help but showing a trace of pride in them.

"So cool, Uncle Master Xin Ley is so powerful!!"

"Hahaha, it's nothing, nothing I say hahaha"


"But uncle, why is little Yin ill. He already started saying some words. Shouldn't he be healthy to do that." Said the little guy, confusion appearing in his eyes.

"Oh?! Is that true little Lin?"said Xin Ley, a glint of interrest appeared in his eyes.

"How could it be? Hahaha, he is but a 3 months old child. Hahaha"

"It's true uncle, but let's leave it at that. Now could you tell me about little Yin's illness, I'm really curious." The gaze that the little guy used as he spoke could suck the world. Anyone who saw it who feel as if they were trapped in a spider web. The kind of feeling that you have no control over your body.

(Author note: yeah, like you have guessed, this is a reference to hyouka.)

As Xin Ley's eyes had contact with the kid's gaze, he felt as if a black hole suddenly appeared and sucked him in. This kind of feeling wasn't born from spiritual force, or was the effect of an array. It was just pure charisma and royal aura that binded anyone in its trap.

'What a terrifying talent. I have seen multiple heaven defying geniuse this yeat, but no one had this leader aura around them. Oh, whatever. If what little Lin said was true, then it doesn't matter even if I told him."

"O..ok.., calm down first. Well, you see. Little Yin have this weird symptom where intense qi burst out of his dantian, and some other times he is just devoid of. I'm here to digognise him and see what can be done."

With this said, the absorbtion feeling the kid gave was gone. And the serious expression was substitled by a happy go lucky face. His cute and fine little lips opened and said "thank you uncle."


Sometimes strange things happen. At first I was going to have Yin Xian transform to a random body, and say that this was Andre. The scene with the kid was at first there just to add some humor. In the end I forgot that I was writing about the little kid and thought that this was Yin Xian transformed. At some point I noticed that something was wrong, and was just about to erase the part. But then I thought "wait, what. Will I just erase this part and push myself back to the corner I was in." In the end, I just went with the transformation to a kid, since it's much easier to go with that (just imagine if I made Yin transform to tge man called Andre. Every move he make will be supciscious to the eyes of Xin Ley)

Now for another topic. You guys might have noticed that I am the one who started "Opness is good for your health". The reason why I stopped that story is because I couldn't think of anything better than a d**k kamehameha, other than an interspactial d**k battle. But I have some ideas, so if you want I can still continue doing that story. Although it probably won't survive more than another 20 chapters.

Ps: wow, I didn't notice that the chapter was so short.... sorry

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