《When I was old》Chapter 15


Ch 15

Sigh, Father. You underestimated the oppenant way too much. You have always been thinking that the infos regarding my mother didn't spread to the mob. You also had the misconception that the ambassador was but an officer who got his position by corruption.

You have underestimated the royality way too much. Do you seriously believe that the imperial room don't value strength? If so, how did it protect its territory? Even if no one in this country valued force, the royality still would.

It's absolutely impossible for an ambassador who represent the royal family to be weak or foul. He just treated you as one, and had this little play for no reason whatsoever. Oh God, thank you for your gift. At least you left me with access to how the world of cultivation work in the library. Else, even I wouldn't be able to do much in this situation.

But before doing anything, I need to make this b**ch lose track of me.

"Young master, please don't run around everywhere. If master Lin or lady Yuki knew that you disappeared from my view. I won't be able to hold face in front of them." Random maid.

"Wa whaaa!!!"

"Young master, please don't cry. Here, here..."

'Sigh, now I'm really stuck. Oh, well. Since there is nothing to do. I might as well meditate. I still didn't open the third eye, so I can't really see this maid's cultivation, but if she is not at the martial practionner realm. Just the density of the yuan qi should make her lose consciousness. Hope that it don't take too much time.'

And so Yin Xian continued meditating, while the maid was both amused and astonished by his pose.

Meanwhile Lin was standing in front of Xin Ley dumbstruck.

"Now, now master Xin Ley. My son is but a three months old baby. How could he be the subject of any rumor."

"Haha, well that's a matter of course, he is still young after all. But, if I remember well, age wasn't really a requirement to be tested."

With this said, Lin's face turned serious.

"For that. I'm sorry master Xin Ley; but my son caught a strange illness. Sometimes he is devoid of any trace of qi, it's like if he wasn't even a living person. And other times he have bursts of intense and pure qi, that forget about me, even our ancestor get frightened by. That's why I didn't dare bring him to the test. We still don't know what kind of reaction he will have toward any contact with qi."


"Hoh, interresting. Don't worry Lin, the royal family have records about such a phenomena. If I'm not wrong he should be a hero. Rejoice little Lin, your son's futur is truly limitless."

'Damn, how could such a coeincidence happen. Now how can I explain things to him, when he understand that everything I said was bullshit.'

"Now little Lin, please guide the way" said Xin Ley, that for some reason, the fats on his body weren't as noticeable as before. And a sinister aura emanated from him. The kind of "Everything went as planned" aura.

'Damn, he got me. Now I can't even change the subject or make him drop the matter.'

"Ok.. please, master Xin Ley, I will guide you. Hope that even tho my offspring is ill, he won't disappoint."

"Of course, now. Lead the way." Said Xin Ley, impatience clearly shown in his voice.


"I finally got her to sleep. This ****, how can she withstand it for so much time. Is she a martial practionner. If not, she is at least a high ranked adult realm. Wait? How can a maid be this strong. Mah whatever, even if she were some kind of hidden ace of the clan. It's not like she will do anything against me. Even the fact that she is unconscious or just bluffing doesn't matter right now."

As Yin Xian said those words, he hurriedly moved his tiny feets toward the entrance of his departement. He already left a tracing array on his father.

The reason why he just left a tracing one and not a recording one, is because recording arrays, no matter how tiny, are more easily recognisable than tracing ones. As to create a tracing array, you just need to take a little portion of any spiritual metal and leave within it miniscule traces of spiritual power. But for the recording array, you need a compelete throughout spiritual formation sealed in the piece of metal. Thus the size of the metal chunk shouldn't be too small.

"Damn, I don't know how did the situation escalate so I can't really formulate a plan.

For now let's just leave a communication array at the entrance. Afterward I'll go quickly intercept them. Hope that they are not just having a silent trip. Else I really don't know what I should do."


In a hurry, Yin Xian ran toward the direction his father was taking. The distance between them was around 800 meters, a pretty long one. As Yin Xian hurried, only his shadow and afterimages could be seen. One could easily notice the physical abilities his pure qi and dragon body level 3 gave him. If compared to those children with the same talent as demonic lords. His talent wouldnt be way too off.

"Here they are, finally!!"

As Yin Xian's gaze turned toward the two figures. They were liesurly walking side by side, as if they were close friends, but.....

"Fuck, I should really start shutting the hell up. It's twice that it happened, really F**K!!"

The two were walking silently, with slow steps. As if they just got out of a friend's funeral.

"Sigh, whatever. It's not the time to be complaining. I hope that my sneak abilities are good enough, so that they don't notice me."

As the trio approched Yin Xian's departement, the newborn's brain was constantly working, trying to find a solution to the current problem.

'Now, let's calm down. First of all, the discussion they had before was definitely about me. As they are now going to my departement. While I wonder why I don't live with my parents, it doesn't matter now. I'm going off topic... There is the possibility of them just going to check my talent. But since I'm this supposed crimson moon child, father probably want to keep my identity a secret. But then why isn't he trying his best to stop Xin Ley from checking me. The only possible answer is that father pushed himself into a corner. It might be a lie that turned against him, or that he just lost an argument with the ambassador. But then if he just lost an argument, he can still use the atrition war strategy, but he doesn't dare. That only leave the first possibility, as he will probably be afraid to be dug even deeper in shit.

Now how to help our super idiot Lin that I have no way of communication with. Using spiritual force to do telepathy is the same as telling Xin Ley "I am here and I don't want you to hear what I'm saying". So the only thing that I can do is make them go elsewhere. Good thing that I left a communication array at the entrance, at least then I can shoo them off while bei g as vague as needed. I should probably say something like "I have sent your child to his mother. His special case get controlled when he is around her.".... Damn, there is also the possibility that I'm compeletly off topic with the spectial case.. What should I say? What should I say?!!...... Wait! Why am I driving myself into a corner?! There is a simple way to deal with these kind of situations.

"Ah, we finally arrived. Little Lin, why is your child living in a departement on his own. He is still 3 months old."

"Well, you see about that...."

??? "Little Lin, I'm Andre. Your child is with his mother. Some kind of strong spiritual resonance happened between them."

"Who are you?!"

"A pavillion master of the true Yushy clan...Little Lin, you really did a good job on perserving our bloodline." Said Andre, affection clear in his voice.


This chapter should have been on 2 hours ago. But cram school started half an hour earlier than usual so I couldn't post it.

Ps: will you believe me if I said that this turn of event was compeletly out of my expectation. When I first started this mini ambassador arc. I thought that it wouldn't take more than two chapters. But at the rate things are going on. It will probably be 10 chapters or more.

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