《When I was old》Chapter 14


Ch 14

Wow, just wow. You really can't judge a book by its cover. To think that father is this sly. Well, he kinda have no pride, but it doesn't matter. As long as he wins, who cares. But really, I'm shocked. Never would I have thought that this guy who looked like a stereotypical all muscles-no brain warrior to be this scheming.

Oh, well. Father has done his job. It's my turn to do mine. Let's return to my room, I already used more than the time limit this plan gives me. I hope that nothing goes wrong at this point. Mother, sorry, but our hopes lean upon you.


Yuki's Pov.

Sigh, finally.. This should have finished the job right.

"Andre, everything should be settled now, right? Could you please undo the spell"


"Andre, are you here?"

"Andre, this is no joking matter. Please undo the spell!"

"Sigh, did this guy just disappear forgetting about the spell, or what?"

As time went on, I started getting used to my new physique. I still had the feeling that I'm wearing some baggy clothes and wrinkled skin. But I tried distracting myself thinking about how will Lin act with Xin Ley. But it wasn't that effective, as I knew he would do just fine.

And so passed the week needed for Xin Ley to depart. Don't ask me how I relieved my basic needs... you don't need to know.


Lin's Pov

After showing lord Xin Ley the state my wife is in. He hurriedly asked me the way to the toilet. My heart hid a mixture of rejoice and sadness, as the sight of my wife really pains my heart.

After around half an hour, the fat body of the ambassador finally rolled out of the bathroom. His face was pale with traces of a green liquid on his huge lips.


"Sorry lord, this little one is a failure."

"No worries, no worries hahaha, it's my bad for not controlling myself."

"This little one is really a waste."

"Hahaha, don't worry little Lin, let's go to the main plaza. We need to attest the younger generation, yours seem mostly interesting."

"Haha, you over praise them, lord Xin Ley."

As the duo laughed, their feet took as destination the main plaza that was east of Yuki's department. The main plaza was at the central place, and was filled to the brim with people. There was noise everywhere, as everyone discussed how much talent their offspring show. The reason for that is not as someone who knew about the mass reincarnation would think. Many would believe that the next generation is just the 7 billion earthlings reincarnated into new bodies. It's impossible. The reason for that is that even when talking about the new generation of this world, the number is still in the trillions. This world's name is Ronghe Shijie, and as the name imply, it's the merge of multiple major worlds. How can the population of such a planet be small?!

When the one true god decided to destroy a whole world, give its denizen enough power boost and head start to make the power balance in Ronghe Shijie crumble in a mere century, he didn't forget about the true childrens of this world. While reincarnators like Yin Xian have an enormous boost in term of knowledge and experience, the other guys from the same generation had all special bodies that make their future limitless. Pure yang or yin bodies are just the bottom of the food chain. There are some newborns whose talent is the same, if not better than the royal family of the demonic lords. They are born with their core already formed. Of course, their qi core don't hold that much qi. But the process of gathering it to the point where its comparable to a true level 1 core holder take but 3 years. This speed is so frightening that even those families who had close ties with the demonic lords millions of years ago, can't help but be dumbstruck.


That's why this generation, be it reincarnators or natural child of this world are sure to be full of heaven breaking monsters. The common populace couldn't know what is happening in the realm of gods, but could at least see that their 1 year old child, have power of 50000 jin, which shouldn't have been possible even if he had 40. Thus the current situation was created.

"To all childs and parents, please form a line so that the lord ambassador can test your or your child's talent!"

Following that shout, the whole mob as if manipulated, orderly formed a line of more than 100 people. Parents and child had their gaze on the front building, where the lord ambassador was sitting in a chair, in front of a wooden table carrying a blue crystal head sized orb.

"Please, make your way one by one to the lord ambassador."

The first person was a 1 year old boy, his hair was dark and messy, and his eyes were hazy and unfocused.

Xin Ley told the child to punch him, and so he did. His parents were flagbasttered and couldn't stop him in time. Fear emerged in their eyes, as they thought that they were finished. But against all odds, Xin Ley didn't mind at all, and just said

"Quite good, your talent is pretty good even in this generation of miracles. If you were born 10 years earlier. You might have been considered a monster among monsters. The crystal ball say 100000, do you know what that number means? It's your strength, as of now, you have 100000 jin force, you can go to a 3 star academy."

""Thanks lord ambassador for your benevolence"" said both parents at the same time. Relief naturally emerged from their eyes.

"No worries no worries" laughed Xin Ley, with his everlasting dancing face fats.


And so continued the test for another 4 hours. In the end, the majority had the ability to go to a 2 stars academy while only 10 had the ability to go to a 3 stars one. As for a 4 stars academy, only a baby 6 months old, who had a pure yin body could enter it.

"Hahaha little Lin, you guys’ descendants are really scary. In my time, if even one of them appeared, a huge ruckus would have been made. Especially that pure yin child. In this region, only 3 pure bodies have been found. Hahaha"

"Hahaha we old dogs should really step aside for the next generation. When I see those disciples, I can only shake my head in shame."

"Hahaha, by the way Lin, I still didn't see your child. Strange rumors have been circulating around him." Said Xin Ley as a sinister grin appeared on his face.


Author note: No No and NOooooo!! I didn't just make everyone on the world powerful, just so that Yin Xian don't become op too easily. There is a reason for that, and you'll know it in around 1000 more chapters. Nah just joking, but it'll probably be around 400 chapters before things start making sense

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Ps: if you guys notice any mistakes, please do tell me so that I notice it too

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