《When I was old》Chapter 13


Ch 13

After the usual blabla of flattering, Xin Ley (Yeah, reread ch 11 and found his name, I was lazy to do that at first. Guys, don't ask me to edit it out. It's too funny) that for some reason I thought was named Yin Xiwen, finally returned to the subject.

"So, mister Lin..."

"Oh, how honored am I, to be called that way by his excellence. But please master Xin Ley, calling me Lin, or little Lin is fine by me."

"Okay then little Lin..."

'.... can't you guys be a little bit more smooth with your changes of character...'

"As I said before. Lips came to my ears telling me interesting things about your wife."

"Master Xin Ley, if there was anything that displeased you, I'll go teach her a lesson right here and right now. In front of you, if that ease up your wrath. But, I ask you please to hear me out. My wife is as dignified as fall's leave, and as noble as snow. She definitely wouldn't do anything dishonorable."

"Now now, little Lin, did I ever say anything about her doing something dishonorable. You shouldn't come to conclusions hastily. And even more so regarding your wife..."

"Little me understand, little me was wrong. I hope that I didn't irritate Master Xin Ley with my foul behavior."

"Hahaha, no worries, no worries."

Afterward the two laughed "happily" and "heartedly". Lin continued on the discussion while leading the way toward his wife's room. Every time Xin Ley tried talking about Yuki, Lin easily change the subject, and start talking about various other problems, like how the new generation hold so much potential, and how will the balance crumble with arrival of the blood moon child.

'I don't know how did the name of the hero stated in our clan's legend, came to play in the oracle's prediction. But I do know that this guy doesn't need to know about it. If my child is really the crimson moon child, then his future achievement should be impossible to imagine. He might even reach the core formation stage, before the age of ten. At that time, I can proudly announce that he is the crimson moon child. And Yin Xian at the time will be powerful enough to stop anyone's scheme on killing him.


Now he is like a blazing little sun, while being as fragile as a lion's cub. Our clan can't protect him. And before the capital even intervene, he might be slaughtered. At that time no one can prove if he really was the blood moon child or not.'

"Little Lin, I'm really envious. They say that your wife, Yuki is as graceful as falling snow, and as pure as the moon. And I was wondering if those rumors were true. I mean if such an earth shattering beauty was so close by, and I couldn't even see her. Wouldn't that be the greatest shame."

"Cough.. cough, sorry." 'You're in for a good surprise. Ah, man, I can't believe I'm rejoicing because of someone seeing my women in her current form' Lin thought

"What's the matter little Lin?"

"Nothing master, It's just that I believe that one look would talk more than a thousand word."


"Let's go, Master Xin Ley. Yuki's room is in front of us. I can only hope that your excellence would be generous enough not to tell anyone about what's going on."

"Come on little Lin, no matter how incomparable your women is to those in the capital, you can't...... " as barely opened eyes, that looked more of fissure rather than eyes, stopped on the fugure laying on the bed. The fats around them stiffened as they were about to pop out of their socket.

The scene of a balloon with popping eyes would certainly be humorous, but once they trace with their gaze what those weird eyeballs looked at, their smile would stiffen.

In the queen sized bed, a women was laying on the red pillow. She was around 23 years old, her body was swollen and crinkled, her legs had cellulite, legs were chubby with visible spider veins, she had many pimples and blackheads on her back and neck. She was bow-legged and flat-footed, with a reddish color around her belly button. Her lips were dry and pale, and her breath smelled like a rotten skunk when it had died. She had two bunions on her feet, arms covered in lesions, and her breasts were misshapen, one was smaller than the other. (Sorry, I had to copy small parts of this description from internet. But it was mostly what I wanted to tell, so it's not like if it's just a blind plagiarism. Again, sorry)


"I take back what I was going to say. Are you guys conducting some kind of human experiments?!!" Said Xin Ley in a high pitched voice, it was apparent that he was frightened beyond his wits.

"I wish" said Lin dryly, his tone carried a sense of self-mock, "my wife was, as everyone said, a proud daughter of the heaven in terms of look. But she had an illness that no one could treat. She only had herself to rely on, if she wanted to get rid of the monster in her body. You see, Yuki had terminal devil qi dantian. Any qi that entered her dantian, will become ice-cold and savage in nature. It will destroy her veins, bones, skin and body, if she tried to break through a realm.

Three months ago, my child was born. Everyone was happy as Yuki went through a whole realm, while the baby was in her womb. Everyone thought that he was a luck bringer, and that he would become a youth sage, with impossible potential when he is born. My wife thought so too...

One month ago, Yuki was behaving strangely. She was often absent minded, and a resolute and somewhat dark expression flashed on her face from time to time. I should have noticed that something was wrong, that she was going to do something dumb.

Unfortunately, the dumb one was me. I was ignorant, and useless. I should have known my women the best, and that even at the price of her life, she wouldn't let her son see her with that demon in her heart. That she would have definitely go against her fate in a final showdown, trying to break through to the martial practitioner realm. Even though the devilish qi will rampage in her body.

Fortunately, or is it? She survived the ordeal, and became the second martial practitioner on the city. But the price was the state she is in. She said that this was the price she needed to pay. That we don't need to worry as she will only need two months to recover. But how can I feel alright, while my wife have to go through such an ordeal for a whole two months. How can I stop my heart from bleeding when I see her, as she turned to this monstrosity. I, Lin, have gone through heaven and hell but never found a pain this sharp and oppressing!!"

"I understand my friend. But little Lin, in this situation, you can't help but feel fortunate, as normally the victim of such syndrome have everlasting repercussions. For your wife to only need two months to recover, this can only be considered as heaven's gift." Said Xin Ley, as the fats on his face danced like the waves on the ocean. But he innerly thought

'F**k, what kind of shit did I just see. Hurry, burn it with fire!!!"

"Grand master Xin Ley have insight, little me is dumb, please don't mind this little one." Said Lin as he hurriedly made the most humble face he possibly could.


I don't know how my mind work, but it's definitely not the right way. For a chapter I sometime need 5 days to complete, and a double release come afterward like it's nothing.

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