《When I was old》Chapter 12


Ch 12

As Yuki entered, the terrified look on her eyes slowly disappeared.

'Well, it seems that this plan was big fail, lol...Sigh, oh well. I just hope that nothing was damaged. Now it's time to explain things to mother.'

"Sorry Yuki, it seems that the chaos I caused terrified you. I can only blame my lack of control."

"There is no problem, master Andre."

"Now, now, Yuki. You don't need to use honorifics. Calling me Andre is fine."

"Ok, Andre."

'Whoa, how did she change her attitude this suddenly.'

"So... Yuki, are you prepared."

".... would it even matter?!"

"Not really. But to just for the sake of formalities, I needed to ask you."

"Sigh, let's start already. Hope that this story don't reach the ears of little Yin when he grows up. Else I don't know how to explain myself."

"As they say, If it’s fortune, it’s not a disaster. If it’s a disaster, it’s unavoidable. There is no use worrying about things that aren't in our control. As if it's not meant to happen, it won't. But if it do, we won't be able to change the outcome, no matter what we try."

"En.." said Yuki a little bit confused.

"Sigh, well, it seems that we wasted enough time. Yuki, please come near me."

".. I would like to... but I can't see, so...."

"Ah, sorry about that, my bad. ... You know what, just stay close to the door. It doesn't really matter."


As the long conversation finally ended, Yin Xian started infusing the various chunk of black iron prepared before hand in a six heads star formation with golden qi. These pieces of black iron got a black luster around them, making one feel that they hold mystical power above the realm of mortals.

This black luster continued lingering above the pieces for around half an hour. Suddenly, a golden radiation came out, as six golden pillar of the heaven stood out, drawing a circle surrounding the six heads golden star. Fortunately, these pillars were limited by the concealing formation from before. Surprisingly, the concealing array was effortlessly holding the radiations in, unlike when Yin Xian broke through.


This otherworldly scene, where pillars of heaven illuminated the dark room, was abnormally short. As if it was a prank made by the heaven, it left any viewer with a sense of unsatisfaction thinking 'Damn, this is too anticlimactic'..... if one really thought that it's a prank with just what happened, it's left to everyone's imagination what they would think of the upcoming scene.

When the golden pillars disappeared, and the luster that the black iron had, dimmed. Dust covered the room. Normally there shouldn't have been any dust on the room, as it's cleaned every 12 hours, but the turbulence that happened today, made any particle stick to a surface, cover the air like a mist. In the center of what should have been the six heads star array, a hazy figure was slowly getting up.

"Cough..cough.. what happened?!"

"Haha, it seems that the formation worked, though I don't know if that's something to rejoice about or not.... the array was a little bit... too effective.."

"Sigh, should I even look at myself on the mirror."

"Nah.. better not, it will leave you with some weird psychological trauma..."



Damn!! Sigh...To think that I, Lin would need to put up with having my wife turn herself to a monster, so that our clan can survive. That sh*thead whatever was his name (I seriously forgot his name T_T lol), will probably find it annoying that a women he set his eyes on, was engaged with someone else. Sigh, if this was at the time, where our name frightened the heck out of even the imperial room, forget about what is happening today, even to our lowliest disciple, there wouldn't be anyone who would dare to look down upon him. Sigh, if my cultivation wasn't crippled, and my core not destroyed. With just me, being an overlord sect in this region would have been piece of cake.

A shame that the glory of our past wouldn't help us on the crisis of our present. I better think of a way to make the process of making that asshat lose interest in our clan as smooth as possible.


"Sir, the lord ***** has come."

'F**k, are you joking with me.'

"Okay, I'll be coming soon. Sorry, but I'll have you wait outdoor for now."

"My pleasure, sir."

'How is there any pleasure with that, damn can't you choose your words a little bit better.'

Lin can rant all he want, the problem at hand won't be solved naturally. Of course the clan head know that, and that's why he chose to stay in his lock room. He needed to regain his cool and think of various strategies, so that he can adapt to the random changes of the ambassador.


"Guide the way."

"Understood, Sir."

As Lin and his guardian walked through the magnificent corridor, covered with various painting of expert using their mastered martial arts filled with profoundness. The eyebrows of Lin have been constantly furrowed. His brain have been working nonstop on how to please this mysterious lord, making one rethink their position toward this seemingly silly clan master. Lin might not be someone who easily see the bad in people. But once he do, they usually don't have a good ending.

'Let's see. What kind of information do we have about this guy's character. First, he is from noble origin, and have a position as an ambassador, he must be eccentric, arrogant, and a scheming guy. If not, that would have been easily noticeable from the expression of his subordinates. Since they ate always fearful, there is a high chance that he is the overbearing type.

Second. If we take what we thought about on the first point as a basis. This guy must be greedy. Once someone lose his chains from the position he got, things like being easily upset, or being greedy and envious comes hand to hands. So, if we show any part that make him believe that our clan have some kind of treasure, even if not true. We are through fully finished.

Now let's think about what kind of information does he have his hands on. First, let's think about things that the common people knows of. If I were him, I would probably ask some random servants questions like "did anything interesting happen lately". He is searching for the blood moon child, so he is sure to ask things like those.

So, what does everyone know. First, the arrival of the royal ambassador, and...... well nothing, really. So that marks a dead end on this path.

Now for the second path. The schedule of the royal ambassador, is as follow.

Visit the fang territory

Visit the Yushi territory

And finally the Tengu territory.

So, as Yuki mentioned, that Yin Xiwen (finally remembered his name, yahoo (sorry, it seems that I didn’t lol, his name is Xin Ley hahaha)) will probably get to know of the crazy progress Yuki had. Since he is not an idiot, he probably won't think of her as a late bloom genius, but a potentially crimson moon child's mother. If that is the case, then I can only hope that he is no spy from another country, or someone who hold a grudge to royalty. But if not, what Yuki did, can be considered as the perfect counter-measure.'

"Ah, Mister Lin, finally got the chance to see you. If my eyes aren't playing tricks on me, I say that you are even greater than the rumors make you to be. A genius martial artists, and have a beautiful genius women. One can't help but be envious."

'.... haha, it seems that I over thought things, this guy, can't he be a little bit less obvious.'

"You over praise me, this humble one can't be considered even a waste compared to your dazzling brilliance."


Sorry guys for the late release. But I was little bit tired these days. And there was also the grand release of tmw. I think they caught up to the raws.

I'll edit later

For those confused about why is his qi golden, while I clearly stated that it was blue before. It's just that the color of the qi doesn't mean the purity, but just the element that it belong to. In this case it's the holy element. Naturally, a qi that is just golden because he just infused with it a trace of holy spiritual power wouldn't be close to be compared to a genuine golden holy qi.

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