《When I was old》Chapter 11


Ch 11

After finally shooing off my mother. I started laying with my tiny body the array formation. I had ten minutes to break through the adult realm, but first off I needed to put down a concealing array. The breakthrough between the baby rank and the adult one, is usually an everyday situation, as no phenomena appear like in latter ones. But for me, things aren't so simple. The purity and density of my qi is already ten thousand time those at the same level. So the breakthrough to the adult realm for me would be even stronger than a normal breakthrough to the martial practitioner realm.

I sat down on the queen sized bed cross-legged, smelling the scent of my mother. The aroma filled my noses like the purest honey. Is this the scent of truth. (LOL)

As I focused on my dantian, a wave of qi pulsated like a heartbeat, running through my veins. The pulsations continued for around a minute or so, gradually intensifying. And as the final pulse surged out, a storm of blue qi gushed out of my million pores.

If seen from the outside, this action would definitely have been as badass as it can get. But for me, it was just a torment as exaggerated as kirito's achievements. I gushed my teeth as hard as I can, while thunderstorms ragged out outside my body. This scene is definitely a rip off dragon ball….

As Yin Xian was stuck in his delusions, the concealing barrier was painstakingly holding the vibrations in. Every time it looked as if it’s going to crack, the array would hold on by a hair's length. It's obvious that even Yin wasn't expecting his breakthrough to be this intense.

'Damn, if even the first breakthrough is this insane, the next ones will create international level natural catastrophes.'

What Yin Xian didn't know was that it's precisely because it's the first breakthrough that it caused such a reaction. The Yuan power in his dantian was turned into pure yan one. While not as crazily pure as a qi that have been forged by all the yan attributed elements, Yin's yan qi was purer by dozens of time than any so called pure yan body genius. The body was adapting now to such drastic changes, so that it leave no future problems

As time went on, cold sweat dripped of Yin's forehead. This reaction was in contrast with the extreme heat surrounding him. The ten minutes limit was already at it lasts drop, and the storm of blue qi didn't show any sign of stopping.


'Damn, it seems I need to go with plan B, at least I was smart enough to create a recording array in those two months.'

For Yin Xuan who spent 30 years in god's library. He can tell that formation arrays are definitely complicated, but not the way common people think it is. The process to create an array formation consist of three steps.

The first one is to have a high enough understanding on the subject of your array. If you're trying to create a rank one fire spell array, you need to have at least basic understanding of burst laws. If you are trying to create a mist one , you need to know how water evaporate and how can it stay at low altitude.

The next step is creating a complete spiritual version of the array with spiritual power in the inner space. This one is like a portal dimension that your soul own, it has its own ecosystem and such, but most people and even array masters don’t have full access to it until later levels. In this virtual inner space, one can't just create a rough draft of the wanted formation. In fact, even just a tiny bit of error in this process might result in serious backlash. That's why there is a limit on what kind of array you can do, depending on your level.

The third and last step is the least important, as you only need to find a metal with spiritual properties. While this kind of material may be rare in a commoner's house, a little clan of no national importance would have an overflow of it. Of course just low grades ones, but they still do the job.

In this concealing formation array, Yin Xian only used black iron. While it certainly have spiritual properties, but it's just barely. That's why the array was a breath away from getting destroyed by a mere breakthrough.

Either way, as Yin thought back to the recording array. He injected a bit of his soul force on the hand sized chunk of black iron.

"Ah!!!" screamed Yin Xian in agony.

'Damn, it hurt. Note to self: Never lose focus while having a breakthrough.'


In the meantime, Yuki just finished telling her husband and some generals about her so called "plan". She told them, that because of her unnatural breakthrough, she got spiritual ability. She also convinced them of her "intuition", and how it's of absolute importance that she metamorphose herself into a dark brown monster filled with fats, and its face suffering terrible acne.


Lin, of course was disheartened. Leaving aside just how humiliating for him it would be if his wife was disfigured. What would pain him the most is how humiliating for her it would be. That’s of course after Yuki convinced him of what’s actually happening, because at first he didn’t even dare believe it. But after seeing Yuki’s serious expression, he gave up and said that it’s not a problem. If her intuition was right, then we would have escaped a calamity. But it wasn’t, then it wouldn’t be that much of a problem. But while he said that, he was still pained in the inside. For Lin a damage done to his wife is more painful than ten thousand the amount done to him.

But as the saying goes ten thousand wish won't stop a raging torrent (self made xp), Lin can lament all he want, it doesn't change what need to be done.

As Yuki returned to her room, pain welling up on her chest as the sad look on Lin's eyes flashed in her mind. A voice cold and dark filled the space.

"Stop. Yuki, did you do what I told you."

"Yes, I informed 23 high graded persons, Lin included. And told the vice master of the dark assassin's hand what need to be done. I didn't stop to see the process so that I can return before the time limit."

Afterward, an awkward silence filled the air.


"Ok, here is my next order. I'm going to create an array. It might give rise to a disturbance, so I want you to stay outdoor for a while. When I finish, I will inform you."

"Understood." Said Yuki, a little perturbed about that awkward silence of before. She questioned herself if she did anything that spoiled the mood of this “Andre” person.


'Sigh, that was close. It seems that my prediction of the discussion was quite accurate. As expected of me.'

As Yin Xian sighed on how hard it is to keep his actions a secret. The raging energy was slowly reaching its peak on his dantian. As more and more qi pulses surged through his body. His 5 organs, bones, flesh and qi were being strengthened at an alarming speed. His skin was turning as resilient as bronze, his flesh contained energy to pierce giant boulders, and his bones became stronger than steel.

When trying to strengthen one's body, there are two different type of areas that are most difficult to train.

The first one being the internal organs, like the heart and the liver. This is common knowledge.

The second one aren't so, and little pay attention to them. They are the various muscles in the human body. While many muscles are developed everyday, and are easy to train, most aren't so. The muscles that are impossible to train like those at the ears or the nose are the most noticeable ones. There are even more muscles in place normally thought of as just skin. Those muscles are only trained when quenching them with qi. The result of training these kind of muscles is an overall boost in agility, strength and mobility.

As Yin's overall power increased by leaps and bound. The qi pulsation became even more fierce. The originally already pure, blue fire qi had gained a trace of divinity in it. This trace was barely noticeable, but it already hold enough suppressing power to overcome anyone on the same realm. Of course, that's taking into account that they don't have the same kind of power.

When the trace of divinity appeared on Yin's qi, the pulsation in his dantian gradually decreased their intensity.

One hour passed, and Yin's strength was still increasing, until it finally stop at 200 thousands jin. In the process of breakthrough, Yin didn't only breakthrough realms, but also got up from adult level 1 to level 5 in matter of minutes. This kind of speed, placed in any plane will be terrifying to the extreme. Even those young masters of the divine plane might not necessarily compare. But if the fact that a newborn baby, barely two months old is a level 5 adult rank would shock anyone silly. One would probably choose castrating rather than believing that this same guy has the power of a level 3 martial practitioner.

"Finally. But damn, the pressure of this pure yan qi on this fragile body is impossible. It's basically a miracle that I didn't need the support of medicinal pills to go with this rate of improvement."

"Yuki, you can enter."


Author Note: I wrote this chapter part by part, at regular interval. So if it's not flowing well, please do tell me, so that I word things in a better way.

Ps for those thinking that Yin could have had a breakthrough anytime he wanted. I will just say that he only reached the peak of the baby realm ten days before the arrival of the lord ambassador. And that everyone was a little bit too excited to sleep.

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