《When I was old》Chapter 10


Ch 10

"Calm down calm down, I'm not just gonna disappear, hahaha" said the ambassador as he got down from his carriage.

The fats in his face bulged out, and saliva was coming out of his mouth like a torrent. Sweat covered his already messed up face, and his little legs looked extremely disproportioned with his round body. He was really in a such pitiful state that even frogs would sympathize.

As the gazes of the crowd got complicated. Struck between licking boots and being horrified at this appearance, an awkward silence emerged. Luckily, the higher ups had good reflexes, and started a discussion with this monstrosity.

"Lord ambassador, you really bring us joy, that our old frail bones might find unbearable. Let this lowly me guide your excellence through the city" said the clan head of the fang clan "Fang Kiu". His smile as humble as it can get, while his eyes masked a flash of shrewdness.

"Oh, well, then I will give you this honor."

"This one will be forever grateful, your excellence."

'Is that shitty bastard really thinking that this kind of suck up would help him in any shape. This fatass can't take care even of himself, how could he give you anything.'

"Father, I shouldn't worry about your behavior right?" said Yin Xian as he forgot about his own age.

"Huh, who just talked to me." Said Lin confused.

'Shit, forgot that I'm still a newborn. Let's just ignore things for now.'

"Hmm, am I hearing things? Maybe just the pressure."


After the whole suck up was done. Lord ambassador named Xin Ley finally decided to "honor" the fang territory with his presence.

"Sigh, that was hard. Damn, if someone told me I would someday have that much emotion at once, never in hell would I believe him. Fortunately, between disgust and shock, there was some kind of weird balance that let me keep my cool." Said Lin with a sigh, a cold breath was sucked up as he brushed off the cold sweat accumulated on his forehead.


'For once, I agree with you pops !'

"Oh, well. Being disgusted is one thing, and keeping formalities is another. Guys, I don't want any of you to show a hint of disgust. Anyone who spoil the mood of that pile of crap is gonna be tortured then executed. Else, I don't know how to keep that lord calm." Said Lin with a serious face. He had to make sure that no unpredicted event happen.

"Yes, sir."

"Good luck, sir."

"Yeah, I would really need that."

Father had two position within the clan. The first one was of course the Clan Head one. The second one is a little more special, as not every clan head hold it automatically. It's the first general position.

A first general needs the approval of at least 11 out the 13 great elders of the clan. This one have supreme authority over both the elite army and squads, and the armies of the “dark side”, like assassins and spies. He also have a position a little bit higher than a clan head. In the case of a clan head being the first general. His authority is then only second to the ancestor(s). Not even the authority of all the elders combined can overthrow his words.

That's why, when the solders salute him, they don't say "understood, lord", but use the military one "Yes, sir."

"Lin, those guys from the fang clan. I feel that they are scheming something." Said Yuki with a worried face, she made sure to whisper close to Lin’s ear so that no one hear.

'Wow, is that it. Can't you predict what's going to happen. Are you guys serious. You know that they're aware of your abnormal speed, and can't think of what reaction they would have on that.

Man, it seems that I need to do everything in this family.'

"En, now that you say it. It's true that they were a little bit too focused on having that pig visit their territory first."


"Husband, I think that it's for the better to be on guard. If the need call upon it, let's take out valuables from our treasury to bribe him."

"... Why do we need to do that."

"..Lin... I have such an urge to just shoo you off, but for the sake of face, I will explain things to you.

Those Fang clan bastards are going for a bribe war. Whoever leave the most impact on that pig will probably take control of our blood moon city."

"What?!! But, shouldn't an ambassador be neutral and not use his authority in the matter between low level clans." Said Lin disheartened, he always had a pretty simple vision of the world. Even before, when he was still part of his old team he was still simple-minded. Now that he held the position of clan head for years, he do have a not to be underestimated set of tricks under his belt, but he still didn’t have that distrust at sight reflexe.



After a long time of explaining, and convincing Lin of what is happening in the shadows. Yuki finally got a break and was going to sleep a little in her queen size bed. This one had a mostly red bedcover, stripped with golden tissue. There were also various drawings, mostly on the corner, of dragons, vampires, fairies, and many other creatures symbolizing power and nobility. Overall, it was a fairly decent bed, that one would wish to sleep even one night on.

"Yuki Xian. My name is Andre Landerbert, and you have no right to question me."

As a mysterious voice filled with killing intent filled the room, a suffocating feeling pressed down on Yuki's chest and soul. It seemed like if a mysterious power hold her soul like an egg, afraid of destroying it, but nonetheless using enough power to crack it.

"Yuki, what I'm about to do to you is called a metamorphosing spell. After I finish, shit will probably look sexy next to you, but there is a reason for that.

Those crap shit Fang clan are afraid of you, afraid of your growth. That's why they will leak th information that you're a late bloom cultivation genius to that dickhead Xin Ley. This guy, as greedy as he is, will probably fancy you, and order Lin to give you to him. The question isn't what will Lin do, it doesn't matter, both choices are death ends. Thus we can only create a third one. If you look like shit, not even that pervert will dare to have eyes on you."

"En" said Yuki a little more eased up than before.

"But, don't you think that it's a little bit humiliating. And it's not like we're out of options, you can still kill that noodledi*k Xin Ley."

"You're getting a little bit too greedy, but it doesn't matter.

Yes, I indeed can kill that vig*nassores Xin, but can you bear the consequence. If I kill him, you guys have a 100% chance to be doomed."

"True... but sir, your methods save no face."

"I'll give you ten minutes to tell your husband, and some trusted persons. Be sure that even if there is a spy in the higher ups. He should have no chance of telling the Fang clan in time. In fact screw that, whoever you tell this secret, you stick an assassin close to him. Give those boys green light against anyone who act suspicious. Kill immediately."

"Ok.. with this, we will at least know who is a spy."



Author note: sorry for the late chapter. I can only blame my laziness, and novels on wuxiaworld being too good.

The reason why I stopped this chapter here, is because I had no idea on how to switch between scenes, without having that piece of theatre feeling.

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