《When I was old》Chapter 9


Ch 9

After the incident with my mother, She stayed in bed for 2 days.

When she finally opened her eyes, father was sitting next to her bed with a worried look in his face that instantly transformed into a grin, when he saw her opening her eyes. He, of course didn’t want to let her see a gloomy face first thing after living through a near death experience.

As Yuki tried shaking off the feeling of dizziness, her lips murmured.

".. what happened..."

"En, it seems that you got over that certain death trial, as expected of my wife. Now for the scolding part. Please, never do that again. This time I was really lost on what to do." Said Lin with a worried look on his face. Even if he wanted to trick his own emotions to cheer her up, his love for her still took over. How could he remain impassive.

"...hmm, yes husband, it would definitely be the last time. Never again will I do something as crazy as that." While Yuki was saying those word, the meaning that they held was more for her own self than directed to Lin as she was only trying to convince herself that her “all out” behavior will end with this incident. She didn’t think that the backlash of the devilish Qi would be this fearsome. In the past, she tried several times to go against her fate, to try and cultivate. At most it would be just her passing away, or having some internal injury that will heal after a month. But what she didn’t take account of is that when she went through the cultivation levels, she wasn’t the only one to become more powerful, the monstrosity in her dantian also did. I mean, the source of the dark qi is residing in her dantian, so it’s only logical that it will feast on the qi that entered.

"Sigh, it seems that you understand. Our child need you the most, so please don't do something as risky as that in the future. Going face to face with death is my responsibility, how would I consider myself a man if I couldn't even do that." Said Lin as he hugged between his thick arms, the slim and frail looking figure of Yuki.

"En, my husband is the strongest… but I can't lose out to you by too much." Said Yuki as she tried to change the subject.

"Of course!" said Lin happily. He was already tired from all the stress accumulated worrying about his wife’s well being. If not because of that promise, he certainly wouldn’t have let her do something so dangerous. So changing the subject was for the best to him as well.



(Author Note: I would be using En as a mean of affirmation from now on, as hmm doesn't seem to give the image I want to convoy)

As the days went on, 2 months passed without my noticing. In these couple months I tried my upmost on solidifying my foundation.

When dealing with the abnormality that mother faced the other day, I got some insights on how to refine my qi to an even further level. The trick was to create a shock between heaven qi and elemental one, both should have around the same level of purity for optimal result, as my tests concluded.

The result is at the same time a mix between the two, but not quite at the same time. To understand what I mean, one should understand first what is heaven qi.

Heaven qi, or yuan qi is basically the qi that create balance between the yin and the yan, holy and cursed, male and female, basically it's just the principle of balance made into tangible energy.

When checking all the elements in existence, they either fall under the category of yin, yan, or yuan, so it’s either neutral or one of the two extremes.

The last time, the shock between the devilish qi, and the holy qi gave birth to a higher tier Yuan qi. When those oppressive forces clashed with each other, the yuan qi inside Yuki's dantian was gradually upgraded, and it's only after it reached a considerable amount, did the residues qi, that metamorphosed from holy or devil qi to yuan qi, enter her dantian.

The process that I went through this time is slightly different, because if we trust what the trilogy of the Sun king say, a single attribute qi is way better than just some half-assed balance. When we absorb what we call Yuan qi, we only absorb it from the surrounding air. How can air have but a single attribute?! It's just a random mess of different elements.

To reach true balance, one need to accurately, and precisely create shocks between his own qi and all the elements in existence. You need to do that in a back and forth manner. To explain what I mean, let's take an example: if you started with pure light element, afterward you need to immediately create shock between your qi and pure dark one. If you start with holy light, then you do the same with cursed darkness. If you go with fate, then it's chaos next. With this, I hope you understood.

Now the question isn't what kind of benefits would achieving true balance give. It's impossible to imagine. But do you know what's even more absurd to fancy. Well, it's how much time you would need to waste to do it. If we don't take into account the time you need to travel between planets to get the environment you want. You would need around 1000 years to finish. Of course that's if you're a genius, as many wasted millions of years of their “life” trying to do it with no real achievement.


That's why for the time being, I would only focus on yan based attributes. The process would be agonizing, true. But the benefits are worth it. Plus, when my core is formed, all the qi will be stored inside. Thus no rampaging qi will go through my veins. But in the meantime, hell is awaiting, sigh...

And so the 2 months have passed. In this period of time, Yin Xian proceeded through the whole baby realm and was in the verge of broking through. As he already planned, the clash between yan qi and his own heaven qi did marvelous job to his total battle power and his overall qi purity. As for the question of where did he find any elemental qi, as there is no pure energy source around. The answer to that question would be his elemental affinity, as his powerful soul and natural affinity give him the ability to get only one type of qi from the surrounding. The process was pretty tedious as his body is still young, weak and non-adapted to elemental qi, but he was still able to get his qi’s purity to crazy high level. The concept of purify then enhance that was used in his soul training work with qi also. That’ why Yin Xian hold so much importance to make his qi as pure as possible first and only then work on his cultivation level. This is commonly called in the martial art world as “building the foundation”.

As Yin Xian was about to break through, he made decision against that at the last moment. He know that with the high purity of his qi, a breakthrough from the baby level to the adult level won’t be as normal as he should be…

And this event that he was so impatient about finally arrived. The royal ambassador was coming to test the potential of anyone that was less than one year old. If the rumors say true, a prophecy should have been told by the royal oracle.

"On the year of the crimson moon, a new generation shall arise. This one overshadowing the lords of heaven and hell. But between the hero stories, a godly being will go against fate. This one should overthrown the true one as stated in the ancient testaments. This one's name should be "the crimson moon child"."

'Whoa, that's some serious case here. Is everyone in this world chunnibyou. But, that suit me fine. At least I can just say the name of my skills out loud with no one thinking of me as an idiot.'

The day the ambassador was supposed to come was near. Everyone was preparing to host his excellence* with utmost care. Ladies have been prepared to satisfy him, and man hunted fierce beasts to feast on, most of them were at the adult stage.

The streets have been decorated, and every house was filled with lamps enlightening the dark sky. The multiple clans governing the city were competing on whose territory would be the most satisfying for the ambassador. To these low level cities, a royal ambassador was basically god himself. How could they not do their upmost to host him well?!

The most awaited day has finally arrived, and the streets were filled to the brim with people like they never were. Everyone was watching with heated gazes the far horizon, awaiting the arrival of the ambassador's carriage.

And like expected, they weren't disappointed. A huge horde of horned demonic horses came to sight. The horde of demonic beasts was galloping with such speed and ferocity, that the sandstorm they left at their trail was enough to cover the sky. Each and every beast had a majestic aura around it, making it cold to the rest of the universe. Their red skin gave them a one of a kind fiery appearance, that would make even the most aloft prince's blood boil.

Even with this formidable surrounding, the majestic carriage of the ambassador didn't lose out even one bit of its luster. The immense carriage was decorated by golden dragon statues coiling around it, and two obsidian lions trying to snatch the crown above the carriage. This was the emblem of the imperial room, the “royal Stigma”.


"So pretty!!"

"Lord Ambassador is so mighty!!!"

"Wow, that's extravagant."

"Shut up, or do you feel the absolute need to die."



As the voice of the speaker stopped, the entire crowd scattered, afraid of spoiling the mood of his excellence.


* I don't know what title I should have given him, thus I went with that.

Next chapter should come in 10 hours

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