《When I was old》Chapter 8


Ch 8

Author Note: Sorry guys, I know that the pace is slow and everything, but that's just how the story is flowing. I'm not a super author or anything, just your random noob writer, thus I can only fill the gap of infos by putting some povs, or flashbacks, it help me not giving you too much infos at one go, but in return, it make the story go at a snail's pace.


And as father said, the whole family feasted for the entire week. Well, that's what I deduced when he made that grandiose shout, and the whole family feasting afterward.

Our family may be a poor one, but at least they know how to party. Barrels of wine have been finished in matter of seconds. Huge demonic beasts around 3-4 meters have been roasted whole, and everyone was happy and merry.

I guess the birth of a luck bringer child does bring happiness and hope. Every member of the clan have been summoned, and they invited all the rival and friend clans, each of them expressing their "heartfelt" happiness, and wishing our family a powerful successor.

Of course, some were surprised and suspicious on why did our family go this all out with this party, but they merely shrugged it off thinking that it's for the better, as it's our family's recourses, and how to spend it depend on our clan, but if these were spent on investment, naturally they would have had another view on the matter.

An odd ten days have passed, and only then did our family finish celebrating at the cursing of the rival families, thinking why didn't we spend even more, would it have mattered?!

Of course, on those ten days, I didn't show any abnormal behavior, and constantly supplied mother with world qi, albeit this time I didn't dare go all out. Thus I delayed the breakthrough of mother, and just worked on building her foundation. At this point, she would probably pass as a heaven sent genius, her channels and meridians was already special from the beginning, and I knew that until later when I was making her cultivate because her channels were at first too damaged.

"Lin, I think that my breakthrough to the martial practitioner realm is near. Please make sure that no one disturb me, I'll be cultivating now."


"Are you sure,..... that thing might resurface.."

"I made up my mind,.. the terror in my heart, and the terror in my dantian... today I'll get rid of both of them."

"Yin Xian is still a child, he still didn't even feel love. Are you sure you're gonna risk it? He would definitely be sad and it will haunt hil for a long time if you die."

"That's why I'm not gonna die, and that's why I'm gonna do it, I don't want him to see me dead,...but what I don't want to see most, is him seeing me dead while still alive."

"You care for our child more than for me sob~sob.."

"Hehe, I'm sure you understand my choice more than anyone in the world, that's why I fell in love with you."

At that instant, a complicated gaze surfaced in Lin's eyes, it's as if he was thinking 'I'm not really all that strong'.

When Yuki noticed the gaze in her husband's eyes, she leaned toward his ears, and her rosy lips murmured

"..Sorry, this is my own selfishness, but please, hold on... so that I can too."

When Lin heard this, his muscular frame, as if rejunivated, straightened up, his face cracked in a smile and said

"Of course, my wife is this strong. How can I, Lin fall behind!"



Afterward, Lin cleared the pavilion, and told everyone that Yuki is going to have an important breakthrough and no one is allowed to come near her chamber, unless they are eager to die of course.

"Little Yin, sorry... your mom may not be there to see you, I hope that when you grow up you will be healthy, you will have many girls around you, and friends that you can rely on. Be strong, as no matter how I wish against it, only the strong are right in this world, only the strong have the right to protect those close to him.... and lastly... be happy.


As Yuki said those words, black torrent of devilish qi started gushing out from her body.

The black tentacles of qi ravaged her inside with so much force, that it would have driven any battle hardened solider to the limit of insanity and back.

The pain was akin to be cut from the inside by millions of knives, while being burned by hell's fire. The pain she was experiencing was so absurd that she thought this was all an illusion, because such torment is simply impossible to imagine that it's real.


Normally this kind of pain was impossible to experience because one would die before even reaching half of its current intensity. But, the devilish qi wasn't causing fatal physical injuries, the main weapon of this qi is its mental properties.

It basically can kill someone from pain before he even have the chance to react to it. But Yuki wouldn't die just like that, she refused to do so. The deep tenacity, and somewhat pride was stick to her bones, never to be moved. She has a child and a husband that wait for her, How could she possibly let herself dying here?!

In the meantime, Yin Xian was frantic. Others may have not noticed the weird qi disturbance, and probably just got an ominous feeling, but how could he not?!

His soul has already been trained to the immortal level, and got near perfect attunement to all elements, forget about now that he is close to the source, even if he were ten thousand mile away, he would still feel it clearly.

At this moment, he is trying to trace to who the qi is, and couldn't help but get even if just a little bit shocked. He still don't understand completely this world's language, he basically barely understand 15-20%, so he couldn't immediately know that the devilish has some connection with his mother. But now that he do, he hurriedly used soul force to scan the entire territory of the clan, and pinpoint the exact location of his mother, afterward, he hurriedly gathered the surrounding world qi. The reason why his reaction was so frantic and desperate, is because his mother provided him with warmth, a warm that he never felt for dozens of years.

The warmth his mother provided him and her genuine care, has been extinguished by the cold barrier he created across the years completely but a glimpse, this wisk of warmth that entered his being, was the sole to do so for who knows how much time, and that's why it left a huge trace. Yin Xian was always thinking of ways to get close to that warmth, his entire being carved it, but he was always disappointed. At some point, he just gave up. But now that the answer is close, that his possible goal is within reach, it's going to die away just like. NEVER IN THE F**KING EIGHTEEN HELLS OF EARTH!!!!!!

The world qi he started gathering a while ago, finally reached a reasonable level. He started purifying it, and attuning it to the most docile form of holy light, so that it can calm that devilish dark qi.

The process took half an hour, and Yin Xian could only imagine what kind of pain Yuki experienced. The little bit of rationality he had left, was the only thing that stopped him from biting his lips to the point they rained blood. The others would be panicked, and may make him lose focus.

After Yin finished his preparation, he immediately controlled the holy qi, and made it go next to Yuki. Afterward, he slowly cornered the black qi that was now like a black tornado around his mother, and made it regress. The mini-storm that was raging in the room, destroying any form of decoration, finally died out, and the black qi that was storming outside Yuki, has returned to her body.

Afterward commenced the slow and tedious job of focus all of the negative energy inside his mother's dantian. Of course, he made sure first that she stop feeling pain, by a semi martial soul skill, called "soul relax", the name might be odd, but the profoundness of the skill is unfathomable. All in all, the process took around 2 hours.

In those two hours, Yuki fainted halfway. But that doesn't mean that her strength didn't soar. Her already pure as a saint qi had an even further refinement, bringing with it massive qualificative change. And when all the holy qi reached her dantian, she suddenly broke through the realms, and got up from an adult of lvl 10 to a martial practitioner of level 3. Yes, she didn't only broke through realms, but also broke through 3 levels afterward. One can only imagine the amount of qi that was in her dantian.


Author note: you guys have some weird luck. Normally today should have been super busy, but many plans got dropped for various reasons (illness, prof forgetting about giving us homework...), so yeah, you got a double chapter. Maybe a third, who know.


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