《When I was old》Chapter 7


Ch 7

The yushi's clan head, yushi lin's Pov

Once upon a time, our Yushi clan was an overlord in this region, our fame spread far and wide in our Alash country, and even the kingdoms next to us.

Our clan have produced many earth shattering talents, which have stood as the pillars of the kingdom.

But, as if all of this was but a mirage, our clan has slowly declined. At first, we were still strong as a sect, and so have our ancestors protection, thus no one dared plotting against us.

But, like every other good thing, our prosperity days has came to an end. When our protectors died of old age one by one, several other military clan started ganging against us.

It started with just economic pressure, but as the time goes on, our Yushi clan, as a dying dragon, started weakening by the day. And the other clans weren't shy either, as they emitted even more pressure.

At the end, they just killed basically everyone, took out all of our ancestral treasures, took out our ancestors from their tomb, to absorb their source energy.

Fortunately, some disciple predicted this outcome, and ran away before the massacre happened. Our clan's head at the time gave them our clan's true heirloom, so that our line can still have a path of the living.

But we couldn't really state out our name, thus we couldn't really use our influence to gather up power. So we tried staying low key as best as we can, but in the process, we started losing our already weakening power. To the point where we can't even ruke a small city like moon town. It's

really quite hilarious how fate foul humans.

Fortunately, it seems that the son of the prophecy will come out soon. As the legend says, a new born baby will show his power on the mid of the night with a crimson moon. The vessel will have its power increase by leaps and bounds, and the world qi would gather to pay its respect, and the crops would triple for eternity. All of the prerequisites have been checked. Yuki's strength have gone from the 1st adult level, to the peak of the 10th level, making her easily as strong as our ancestor. In the whole moon city, probably not even 5 have the power to match her. The yuan qi's density has reached an impossible ten times the amount it was before, boosting the speed of our younger generation enormously. It also isn't possible to detect from outside, making the chances of someone with ill intents knowing about it even more slim. Of course there are still spies in our clan, but I already fed those with some other false information, making their report lose any form of credibility. Afterward we just hid Yuki for around one month. That way even if they send someone to check, they would find nothing.


The story says that the child of the crimson moon, would have crimson red eyes, dark hair, and a cold and proud aura around him. It also says that he will bring us to even higher stands than what we were.

2 months have passed, and the birthday is approaching. 1 month ago, we got news that the spies placed by the other clans have gone out. Thus there was no need to keep hiding my wife.

"Lin! Come here, your wife is gonna give birth now. Stop stressing!"

"I'm not stressing aunt, just too excited"

"Yeah, whatever, just come quickly.

Here is the baby"

"Waa whaaaa"

"What a strong shout. He will certainly grow up to be as strong as his mother."

'Like I thought, the marks of the blood moon children are definitely there, we only need to wait to check up on his hair.'

Normal Pov

'Ah, finally, it started to become a little bit irritating, staying in the same tiny place with next to no ability to move.'

"Wa wwaahaaaa!!"





What did you expect? I need to play my role here, else my stay wouldn't be what I would like to call comfortable.

'Oh well, this kind of gaze isn't one predicting good future, WHY IN THE HECK OF EARTH ARE THEY GIVING ME THOSE FANATICS GAZES?!!!'


'So let me recall. When I reincarnated, I was in my mother's womb, around 6 months old, afterward I... ah well that kinda explain everything, but even then, it shouldn't really mean anything more than being a good luck bringer, and someone with possibly monstrous potential. But wait, if my prediction are good this should be a poor family, since mother's cultivation was barely acceptable. There is also the possibility of this world's requirement being too low, or that I was given birth by a lowly branch family... oh whatever, I will find out eventually.'

"So, Lin, what will you name your son."

"Hmm, his traits are calm as still water, but they hide within their depths monstrous flood dragons, waiting for their opportunity. Okay, I decided, I will name him yin xian wei, or little yin for short."


'Yep, like I thought, I don't understand anything. Ah, that ass of a god didn't even give any book to master the languages, everything was in thoughts form, well that make it even more challenging, and more fair. At least those who reborned in royalties wouldn't know where to get their benefits, until they are over 6/8 months old, one year if they are dumb. In that aspect, I'm having a head start, with my powerful soul, my logical and analisation abilities are out of this world, I would probably only need less than 3 weeks, one month if I'm lazy to have a rough grasp on this world's language. Well at least this country's. Hope that as time passed the dialects didn't differ too much. Humanity has been cornered in one place for millions of years, now that they broke free, it doesn't mean that they will automatically start using different languages just to piss me off, right...'

Once upon a time, in a world named ***(don't remember if I already wrote the name, so I won't chance it) Humanity has been driven to a corner by an ancient specie, demonic lords. This powerful race had natural affinity to most elements in the world, with an acute one to chaotic darkness. They also had physical properties so absurd, that even a newborn child have more than enough power to one-shot an entire army of regular humans. But those trivial things matter not, as what made so fearsome wasn't there enormous potential, great number or elemental affinity. What made them terrifying was their royal clan. In this family, even the most talentless newborn child had the power of a fundamental building stage, making him able to slaughter as much human country as he want. The reason for that, is that at that time human potential was wayy too weak. Their natural affinity barely excised, and the most powerful expert they had was but a peak fundamental building stage, with no good offensive skills to complement it. All in all, humans were really pitiful. But these Demonic lords for an unknown reason didn't kill them, but gave them ways of meditation, and planted the seed of martial arts within them at the sacrifice of their emperor. At this age, still no one had known why.

"Hmm, can you guys pls stop with your stares, it's getting annoying."

"Oh! Look how cute. He is trying to talk with us."

"Lin! Don't be silly he is just a newborn child, how could be talking, haha."

"Hmm, that's true, but he is definitely a genius, look how focused are his eyes!"

"That's normal, he is YOUR child after all."

"Oh! Don't mention it. You were even greater than I was, but let's drop the depressing talk, this is the birth of the blood moon child, My child. Everyone should feast for the entire week!!"





"My child, you're going to be a great man, but mother only want you to be happy. So live to be happy, and let your happiness overflow your friends."


Yeah I kind of got confused when I wrote the end of this chapter, as I wrote the beginning one week ago. So if there was some unnecessary info dump, or if I didn't mention something, pls point it out, as when I was continuing, I probably would have thought that I already mention it.

And pls rate comment and review.

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