《When I was old》Chapter 6


Ch 6

Society nurture personality. If you see someone who is schemes a lot, the most appropriate guess shouldn't be that he is of scheming nature, but that his society encourage scheming. Our society encourage stupidity in the form of education. My society encourage domination by being at the top.... Strength, influence, wealth, intelligence, those are all paths of the conqueror, whatever you choose in between doesn't matter."


"Warm... this is too different from the usual coolness, ... warm, is this the warmness of a mother's womb.

If I'm able to think, that means that at least all my vital organs have fully formed, and my brain is already strong enough to handle complicated thoughts. I should be around 6-8 months old. Well, since we're on our mother's womb, might as well check what I'm able to do."

After he said that, Oniyama(will be changed, srry in advance for the confusion) "willed" to search the body. His divine will started checking every nook and cranny of his mother's body.

"Sigh, it seems that I'm born in a pretty poor household, but it's for the best. At least I wouldn't need to worry too much about someone finding out something abnormal in my physique."

The reason why Oniyama made this statement is, his mother's meridians are all congaed, her channels metaphorically accumulated dust over the years, and are basically unusable.

Good thing he gained consciousness while he is still connected to her, the process of unclogging her meridians will be much easier, while he can know where are her limits.

And so for the next three months Oniyama used all his time unlocking her meridians and accumulating qi in her dantian, making her go up from Adult level 1 to the threshold of martial practitioner, the reason why he didn't make her breakthrough, is for fear it might cause her and him some harm, as the change in realms isn't like with the levels.

When you go up from adult to martial practitioner, the very essence of your flesh, skin and bones will have drastic change, and comparing the physique of someone who just broke through to martial practitioner and someone at the peak of the 10th level adult, is basically blasphemery in and of itself. So one can only imagine what kind of pressure will the baby and the mother need to go through at that point.

Now that we finished talking about the mother, it's time for the baby to shine. In these 3 months, Oniyama wasn't so idiot that he will just focus on his mother and leave himself out.

When manipulating qi, and making it go accumulating in the dantian of his mother, there is always some residues qi left, that the dantian rejected, the reason for that is that the dantian can only absorb a limited amount of qi on every go, this also vary from one person to another, and that's what is generally call "talent".

Of course the qi Oniyama gave his mother is extremely pure, he refined it to the point where not even a trace of impurity can be seen, so the residues of such pure qi will also be pure. Now to make thing easy, let's think of qi as some kind of powder, the higher the grade, the better is the explosion. Same concept here, that residues qi, if not taken away immediately, will wreck havoc on the body of the poor women, such as even her bones won't remain.


That's why Oniyama, almost immediately absorbed that residues qi from the channels connecting him with his mother, that qi is used to refine slowly at first, and only picking pace later, his bones, flesh, skin and bone marrow, his every being is destructed and reconstructed, to be more powerful than ever, vital places like the brain, and the five vital organs are imbibed with qi first, so that they become stronger and more resilient, to be able to endure the process of destroy and reconstruct. And thus Oniyama went up three levels on the first realm of dragon body art "dragon pulse".

This system is different than the yuan qi gathering one, as while the later accumulate qi in the dantian, to afterward boost the power of the body, by engulfing the body externally with qi. This process boost the defense, offense, and agility of the practitioner. But the first one rely on strengthening the internal and external parts off combat with qi, which make even their non qi based techniques extremelly terrifying, they actually don't lose one bit to the Yuan qi practitioner.

"Hmm, should I still practice my soul strengthening methods. At this point, I'm already at the state of "the result of one week training is but another drop to an ocean", so it's probably better for my body to catch up a little bit, that way my training speed would also take up the pace. Talking about souls, I wonder how Alan-chan is doing"

Super cliché annoying flashback incoming echo~echo~echo

It was when I just broke through to the Core stage level that our most beloved scammer Alan-chan visited me. When I was breaking through, I didn't think that it would cause some kind of commotion, that's why my hiding formations weren't really too complex, but Oh! Boy how I was wrong, 300 hundred kilometers have been engulfed by my black as night qi, the powerful undulation broke out some vibration that covered the entirety of the domain.

I was so flagblastered. How could this be, this kind of phenomena shouldn't happen until the breakthrough to the true deity realm, I'm still 6 realms away from that. It's only after, that Yuki told me the reason why, it seems that the purity of my qi rivaled a lesser deity's one and that's way the breakthrough was so spectacular. Of course, this doesn't mean that I suddenly have the power of some deity level master, the most that my pure qi could accomplish for me, is fighting against someone who is a realm above me, of course, that's taking in account that he have the same control as me and the same techniques. So yeah, it's still pretty op, but think about it, 7 billion guys have came over to the library, do you seriously believe, that even if the whole world is idiots, those writers that have emphasized the importance of the purity of qi wouldn't go by their own teaching.

Either way, at that time a torrent of expert have flooded the surrounding, making it seem like if today there will be some kind of announcement, and the crowd have reunited to hear the king.... yeah I'm being kind of arrogant.

"Ehh, can you guys tell me, why have you all came here, is there some kind of party going on, if so pls invite me in, I'm so excited."

"Is this guy truly the one who caused such a commotion, impossible, but.. his qi" mumbled some.


"Now, now, don't be so stressed, let's sit down, have some good wine and talk about life, you lots seem good wine buddies" said Oniyama as his gaze examined his surroundings.

'Well, hierarchy seem to be already on function, just ten years, and you guys already got yourselves a country, good job men, really,... oh wait, that guy has some happy go lucky aura around him, not only him, others also have it, but.... they also have a not even knowing his situation slave's expression, slave+ happy go lucky, what was the answer to this equation.... ah, got it! Interesting'

"Ah, srry guys, but could you please form some kind of teams and choose a representing dude, as I really can't talk to you all at once."

"Worry not, each of us several factions already have a leader, could you please tell us what faction are you the leader of, mister..."random guy1


"Yeah, mister Oniyama"

"Well, I'm kinda solo player, and I like being solo."

"Eh, from any country do you hail from mister Oniyama, I'm talking about earth" random guy2

"Ehh, noob."

"Pft" (random guy n1)

"Hehe" (Alan)

"Mister Oniyama, you may be powerful, but don't be overbearing, you wouldn't want to invoque the wrath of our New world faction." Random guy n2

After seeing that everyone started mocking his plot, random guy n2 was obviously enraged. No one has ever put him in such a shameful position in both worlds. That’s why he became a little bit like an arrogant naïve kid thinking he is the best in the world. Random guy n2’s plot was of course to make Oniyama feel more related to him as random guy n2 knew that our mc was Japanese. Him being an ex politician with good reputation made him think that getting to converse with Oniyama and have know about his past and such will make this op solo player be more akin to join his New world faction, but Oniyama obviously saw through the trick and so did everyone on scene. Oniyama may have had no problem with it if he was the same as before. He wouldn’t have even made the poor random guy n2 in this embarrassing position, but he isn’t. He already changed and stopped being the same, all of this because of that day. Or should I say those 2 days.

"Huh? Mister, you seem a little bit stressed, some problem at job, if you can't really talk like a civilized man, I wouldn't mind sending you out"

"Mister Oniyama, please don't mind this old dog, he always spout nonsense to the point where we stopped giving an ear to what he says." Alan

"Yeah true, please don't mind lord Oniyama"

"Now, now, of course I didn't mind (more like, I'm confused on why would anyone create a body this old and unhealthy looking to stay in), so could you guys please tell me what bring you here."

"In fact, when your excellence broke through, the heavens darkened in this holy domain, and the earth shattered, to the point where even those at the extremity of this godly library felt the immense pressure, truly, this was heaven's ceremony for her chosen one.

We, as the talentless persons that we are, have been stuck on the middle fundamental building stage for ages, and can't advance further, the only thing that we can do is hope, that your wiseness give us some guidance" Alan

"Please!!" all said with great fire burning in their eyes, you could see the thirst for power masked by the faked reverence they hold toward Oniyama.

"Hmm, could you please, you young gentlemen tell me your name."

"Alan, lord"

"Your suck up is way too forceful. When you tried to show my might, saying heaven darkening and earth shattering would have been enough. What you should have focused on, on your speech is where were you stuck, why, the feelings you experienced, all in all you should have stated some facts, more real than emotional, that way, you would have given your speech some kind of sincerity and honesty."

"Such wise words, this one feel shameful for displaying such meager skills"

"Better, but still not enough. Now stop or else I'll get angry."

Afterward, an awkward silence filled the air, making me think about just brushing them off, but...

"We have an offer.." Alan


"You give us some pointers for half a year, and we give you anything that you regard as precious other than our souls." Alan

"Okay, I choose you, the rest can fuck off."

"Mister, please reconsider, our faction hold much more information, and recourses than them. You as the experienced master, should know how difficult it is to change spiritual energy to material one , and refining it to become a treasure."

"I said fuck off, because I thought it would take less time that way, but if you don't want that, I can always kill everyone here." Said Oniyama with a grin akin to a devil.

As our mc said those words, without hearing any further complains, everyone scrammed, afraid of enraging further this supreme expert.

"Sigh, finally some peace of mind. Alan, could you please stop thinking that it's because you took the lead in the discussion of before that I chose you, it's annoying."

"Huh? How did..."

"It's written all over your face, now shut up and listen. When you go back to your faction, you would create multiple teams, each one of them specialized in one random domain. At the end of each year, you will have them meet me, I will just copy their memory, so don't worry. For my end of the deal, I will just give you these words: the reason why you're in a bottleneck is because your body is decaying, it's better to just create a new one and transfer the qi, it would take 3-7 years for you to completely drain out the energy from your last body depending on the purity of your qi, last but not least, purity and soul are good for one's health, now scram you too. Still too soft, tch"

With those final words our cool mc kicked Alan's ass to the point where a space rift was formed and Alan teleported to the other end of the library.

And thus continued both Alan's and Oniyama’s life, both benefiting from each other for the next 20 years.

End of the super cliché annoying flashback.

"Oh, it seems that I will be born soon"

"Wa waahhhh!!!!"

"Oh, what a strong baby shout, it seems that this little one will be as strong as his mother."


Wow, this one was a hassle, this double release was to apologize about the one week disappearance, don't tell me to write a third it's close to impossible.

Ps: now I have two chapters to edit, what a hassle

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