《When I was old》Chapter 5


Pov random guy

My name is Mashihiko, and like the whole population of earth, I got dragged up on this messed up insanity. I lived my whole life as society wanted, I had no conflict with anyone, and lived the fullifying life my parents and society promised me. If I were to describe myself, I would say that I'm normal, just your average 165cm tall, a little bit fat and unhealthy looking worker. There was nothing important enough to write stories about on my school life, a normal guy with average score, no fancy ideas in his head, and just some bruises in his body from bullying, but those guys got what they deserved, as no one of them got any good career, just let them rot on their mafia shady business. Hope police catch them soon, so that I can see them suffering.

All in all, my life has been as boring as it can get, but that changed,.... for the worse. As I were going back from work late at night, I saw some guys talking in a civilized manner about some last game or whatever, so as the good citizen that I am, went to instruct them on how such hobbies will burden them, and that it's idiotic to play games at their age (all in all, he was just laughing his ass off on them), but how could I have predicted that they will just ignore me, such rudeness. As I was just about to rebuke them on their manners, I noticed from the side of my vision a truck rapidly approaching them, I tried shouting at them, but the words didn't come out, I tried running to push them, but my feet wouldn't budge, at the end I just thought that they deserved it. It’s karma playing its role, who am I to stop it?! But if someone were to tell me at that moment what would happen next, never in hell would I have believed him. The truck that was about to crush the poor guys into meat plop, suddenly shifted its position and turned toward me. I didn't even have the time to contemplate my death before darkness engulfed me. ‘What an unfair death’ were my last thoughts.

"Welcome to my domain billions of earthlings, I'm your god, and I'm here to offer you another chance."


"You lots have died, your entire race exterminated from the universe, but worry not as you will have another chance."

"Huh? What is this guy saying, is he nuts? But true, normally I did die, but then... how?"

"Guys, I think this is the so called collective dream, it's extremely rare, but it's the only logical answer."

Within the numerous cries, I heard that voice, yeah, it's true, I did indeed read something about that, normally it would end in some few hours. Oh well, that guy seem intelligent, and have more capacities, it will be better to stick up with him, right?


After that, an impossibly enormous crowd of what I think was souls, flooded the surrounding of the charismatic voice. He also looked like a randomly put together colorful gazs, but I'm sure that if we take off that cover, we will see the charming figure of a handsome leader (funny how he take the soul as the cover and the body as the core).

"Guys, like I said before, this is possibly a collective dream, drawn from our collective consciousness, I too didn't believe it before, but compared with the other only possibility, it's much more logical and believable, I mean who would believe that everyone on earth died?"

As the charismatic soul finished its speech, laughers filled the area, I too did the same, as first: it helped extinguishing the feeling of anxiousness, and second: why would I go and try being different than the mass? Illogical.

"Please, be quiet, if one million soul start laughing at once, you can imagine how loud it will be.

So like I said before, the chances of us really being dead doesn't even exist. I'm saying this so that you wouldn't misunderstand what I'm about to say. When you're in a collective dream, the risk of backlash is monstrously high, so by no mean go against the courant, I hope that I'm clear enough, whatever that pseudo god say, you do it, else there is a high chance of forceful disconnection, which in best case will make you a retard, worst case, well you can more or less guess what it is. So with this said I hope that we will have some fun with each others before going on our ways. And in this short lapse of time, please consider my suggestions for yours and our security."

(Even I am impressed with this guy's skills, don't know what kind of insight I got to write this)

What a great man, or women, don't know, but this kind of charisma, coupled with his honesty. I have been checking if he misguided us somewhere in his speech, using the knowledge I got from my social and economical studies, he/she is clean. He didn't think up some lie like "if you don't do what I say, there is a high chance you die", but even if he did, we, as society armed with knowledge aren't like some ignorant country bumpkins. I didn't think that our society which started hosting more and more shameless and deterrent people, still have these kind of saints, our government should take some cram classes from him/her.

"Silence!! I, your god have given you a new chance, Earthlings!! You, have lived thousands of years believing you're unique, that there is no other sentient being in existence other than you. Some of you even denied the fact that divinity exist, but the Almighty one and true god decided to give you another chance. And it’s not just reincarnating you, he also gave you unlimited access to the godly library for 30 years. Strive for power! And SHOCK the worlds! For now, you're dismissed."


As that pseudo god finished his savage, uncivilized and enraged speech, the mist covering the already white as marble area, revealed a humongous palace like library into view, the finesse of the art covering it, the dragon and fairies statue decorating it, gave off an otherworldly, holy feeling to it, as if we were in front of the nine heavenly palace, or the fairy castle at the end of the world tree, the realistic feeling, and the urge to prostrate myself, was a hair away from making me forget that this is nothing but a dream, sigh, such a beautiful sight, but I can only feel it for a tad bit of time.

"Suddenly, I feel like this is not a dream, I wish this is not a dream, the chances of this being a dream just dramatically lessened. But whatever if this is a dream or not, it will definitely leave its eternal trace in our mind, for how long we will still be in existence. This fairish sight make me want to relax and just leave everything be. But when remembering that a backlash might still happen, i think 'if the backlash will happen, it wouldn't matter even if I tried to not succumb to it, but if it won't, it would be such a waste to not use our time to its fullest in this story like journey'. But.... I'm sure you have a different mindset, true this place is mesmerizing and all, but would it matter if we die, no, that's why I won't succumb to this mermaid enchant like feeling, and I, and you will all stay awake for our future and safety."

What is a true leader? This is a true leader, a person who will selflessly throw away even his principle for the safety of all.

"Like I said, don't throw away the hope of this not being a dream, if this is truly a godly library, then the youths and the pursuer of knowledge will certainly choose dying rather than missing up on this opportunity. Of course I'm no dictator, and have no qualification to be one, thus, let's see if, this is a dream or not"

And so we entered the library. At first, I was surprised when I heard a voice in my "head", but after confirming that everyone heard the same thing and consulted, with that charismatic person who named himself as Alan, we reached the conclusion that everything we see here is true, that this is no dream, bur reality, when we hit this conclusion, some didn't dare believe it, but after calming down a little, we knew that this is true, the reason why we could is probably related to Alan taking the lead at first, but even with it, when we realized that we truly died, the atmosphere couldn't help becoming gloomy, for that, Alan just sighed and said, that we human are weak creatures, but knowing our weakness, and not losing them is what make us strong, such wise words. The funny thing is that if someone else said it, I would have just thought of it as funny and nothing more, like I thought Alan is definitely special.

With the course of time 5 years has passed, like we thought, this definitely isn't a dream, call me weak if you want, but I still clinched on the hope that this is but a dream, and afterward my life wouldn't really change. In this period of time, we accumulated a massive amount of knowledge. Some as Alan said thought that with their knowledge at hand wanted to stir an emute and exile him and thus started criticizing him, saying that he only want to use us for his own benefits. To that, our lord Alan didn't even frown, he just said that if they think so, why don't they go out from our group, starting another one, but they got greedy and said, that the knowledge we suffered years for getting is in his highness's hand, and if they go out, they would just have given their support for free. To that Alan just told to take whatever they want, but secret techniques that the community worked for are off limits, and so they just did as told and left the warehouse clean. Our lord is really too kind, if I were on his shoes, forget about giving them anything, just for the fact that they started an emute, I would have drained their souls, but that just solidified my loyalty for him even more.

And so years passed, and the final date approached, thus we made a gathering, and promised that once reincarnated, we would go to the center of the world, create a guild or organization named ghost hands, and spread our name, so that we, as friends created by the bonds of fate may see each other once again.


Author's note:

I kind of rushed the pace at the end of the chapter, initially, I wanted to start some kind of confrontation between this faction, and our MC, but the story itself rejected the idea. But who knows, I may do a little flashback later, anyway, I tried to make their story more deep than just some guys being tricked by a douche bag. Don't worry, the douche bag part will come a little bit later.

Ps: sorry for the guys who wanted to see the mc's hype train, bit I promised a pov chapter, and I don't break my promises.

Pss: sorry for the late release, but I had a busy week, and an even busier one is awaiting me.

Pss: I will edit this in around 3 hours, so if you noticed some mistakes pls point them out in the comments below

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