《When I was old》Chapter 4 Cold


Ch 4

"Cold... this place is cold... why is this darkness engulfing me... why is there no one beside me... is this really how it's supposed to be... cold... this place is.. cold."


'Sneeze' " I didn't know that I was this popular, so that even in death someone talk about me.

"Oh, well, now that I finally adapted to this body, let's start cultivating... but first let me do some tests"

As Oni said this, miniscule traces of qi started entering his body through his pores, but this seemingly harmless energy, produced soul crushing pain throughout his body, the kind of pain even someone who struck by lightning twice in a row, would shiver just thinking about it, but who was Oniyama? Was he someone who will give up just because of some little pain, his pride as the number one gamer in the world wouldn't let him even if he wanted (total bs here, he is now crying like a bitch, but let's save him some face), this kind of deep rooted arrogance wasn't something that physical pain can subdue. As time passed, the originally thin as hair channels, widened one step at a time. At first, the pain was extremely intolerable, but afterward, his meridian and pathways adapted, and while the process was certainly still painful, it's worlds apart from where he first started.

"Sigh, finally finished, Damn! I did think it would be an arduous task, but for it to be this nerve wrenching, the bastard who made this system was certainly an S one.

"Well, since we finished opening the first pathways, we might as well start cultivating now."

As Oni mumbled his chant, multiple white specks started surrounding him, as if attracted by a magnet. These specks, while twinkling like stars from afar, were in fact full of impurity, and that's why Oniyama wasted two hours for each cluster, refining them. The result was as predicted. The strands of qi were still full of impurity. Not as much as they were before, but still. However this problem wasn't something he needed to worry about right now. As even if he accumulate tremendous amounts of impure qi, he can still return later to refine them. And so continued his "life" for the amount of time he had left in the library.


In those 29 years, Oniyama experienced multiple challenge in his path of cultivation. Of course, he didn't forget about his soul, and trained constantly. He even wasted 2 years on it, just because his soul reached such a high level that it couldn't be refined nor familiarized with elements, while leaving his training on auto-combat mode (a reference for browser games players). That period of time was probably the most painful and mentally stressful one, as it's a known fact that the soul is the most fragile part of a being. But the results were well worth it, as his soul already surpassed the core holder realm by at least two levels.

For the array master part, Oniyama already reached the 19th level, coupled with his peak core holder cultivation level, the destructive potential he have is impossible to imagine, truly heaven breaking and earth shattering. The reason, why his achievements in the array master part is way higher than cultivation, is the fact that his body is rapidly decaying, his meridians are already half shattered, and his channels are one push away from turning into dust, but that's to be expected. Even if he had knowledge enabling him to create a body, that doesn't mean he have the capacity to create meridians and channels able to escape the chains of time, and withstand the force of heavenly qi, if he could do that, wouldn't he be able to stand head to head against god, if it is just medicinal knowledge?

The most important benefit he got from those 30 years, wasn't in term of power of soul, or cultivation and formation master level, yes true, going through those level in real world afterward will be a breeze as he won't have any bottleneck. But that's not the best thing he got, what was, were the profound insights in the laws of the elements. For the twenty years of life he passed on earth, Oniyama was mostly wasting his time contemplating and comprehending the laws of life, on why did things turn out as they did, and why is he always disappointed. But in this life, Oniyama knew that such questions are pointless, as whoever have the stronger fist rule, so why should he think about those things, shouldn't he focus more on how to change his life... Like heck. Things like those are easier said than done, comprehending the law of the universe basically became a part of his daily routine. But not being able to stop himself from doing so doesn't mean he can't change his hobby to something that will help him in his plans, thus our current situation..


'Finally reached the "one with space" stage, sigh, this one really took up quite a bit of time, so let me recall. I now have mastered the 5 basic elements, space, a little bit of comprehension toward time, and gave birth to 5 fusioned elements, which are:

lightning(fire + metal)

Wood(earth + water)

Mist(water + fire)

Ice(wind + water)

Magma(earth + fire)


Yeah, totally something that I will conviently think, when I just finished my training'

"The 30 years access has been finished, it was great serving you master." (Yuki)

"It was my pleasure. But Yuki, we have been with each other the past 30 years, but I still didn't get the honor to see you, don't you think it's a little rude letting me just talk with just a voice" (Onliyama)

"Master, I would have loved to.. but I can't comply with your request.. at least not yet.." (Yuki)

"I see, so you also have to fight your own battle. In that case, I won't say any cheesy line, but just promise me to win no matter what" (Oniyama)

"That's already a fact, don't worry" (Yuki)

"... that was a dead flag, yeah, just right there.." (Oniyama)

"Euuh? Ahh!! What should I do?" (Yuki)

"Don't worry, mentioning the death flag, nullify it" (Oniyama)

"Sigh, I felt like my heart have stopped beating." (Yuki)


"Hey! You just laughed right there, right? You definitely did!!!" (Yuki)

"It seems that all this death flag thing took a toll on your mind, just rest, and you'll certainly be better" (Oniyama)

"Don't try fooling me! Wait, that's not most important, How can you be so shameless!!! Your ability to turn black to white, and white to black in a instant, basically rival those bad princes from the novels." (Yuki)

"I will take that as a compliment. Oh! Well, it seems that I overused your hospitality, for the library itself to teleport me." (Oniyama)

As Oniyama said that final line, his body as if a mist, started disappearing, like if it was never there.



Hi, Author here, as you might have noticed, I'm basically Mr. Noob author, my grammar is half decent at best, and my use of punctuation is terrible, so I would be forever grateful, if you could point out my mistakes(I know there are too much to count, but pls I'm begging you T-T)

Ps: on another note, you sure have noticed that I was talking about something is cold or whatever right. The reason for that is that it's extremely cold here, and being close to the beach doesn't really help it ( no I'm joking, the reason will be clarified afterward), so yeah good afternoon to you , or whatever, I'm just saying good afternoon because it's afternoon on where I'm at.

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