《When I was old》Chapter 20


Sorry guys if anything I say seem weird, or if there are any missing words. I have been sick for the past 4 days, and my phone was damaged pretty badly. Hope that it is repaired soon (this part is to be forgotten as I just got my phone back. For those interested, I first wrote this author note 3÷2 weeks ago hahha). So yeah, this is my first time after 2 to 3 years to type out a chapter in pc, don't know if that will help me or just bug me (in fact, it did just bug me. The proof is the latenness of this chapter. I'll probably have my pc used just for spell checking. As I don't see a mobile microsoft word version. Microsoft writer does exist, but there is no spell checker)

Ch 20

"Well, well well...... The heck happened there?!" Said Xin Ley, voice empty of hope. Nothing was making any sense and it seemed as if god was playing a stupid joke on him.

"I really want to know as well..." said Andre with a dead voice.

"The heck care what was that super booom, how is my little Yin is what I want to know" said Lin, faking to be angry as he ran toward his "child".

"I would advise you against i..."


Before Andre even got the chance to warn Lin, this one was already blown off 2 meters back of his original position.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Screamed Lin as golden flames started burning the upper half of his body.

"Quick, use devilish tomb water." Ordered Andre. Xin Ley was pretty surprised to know that this mysterious master actually knew what was on his possesion.

"I would have done it even if you didn't tell me to. But, how did you know that I had it on me?" asked Xin Ley. His round body hopped toward Lin who was still in misery.

"I didn't, I just knew that every high grade dude in your country should have this object on hand. An imperial order or so." Said Andre as he recalled the moments he had spent on the godly library. He tried as much as he could to dig out of Yuki the highest possible amount of information about the political situation of this world.

The continent he is actually in is by far not the strongest. One couldn't even think about something interesting in it even if he spent decades. Bu that doesn't mean that Andre had a little amount of knowledge about it. That's why he knew about the state of war this country is currently experiencing. Plus the importance of Yin attributed items for its security.

"Mr. Andre, could you please tell me who gave you this information." Said Xin Ley, even the fat in his chubby face couldn't diminish the seriousness of his expression. An imperial order is to be of absolute secrecy. There shouldn't be anyone other than the king and his trusted subjects to know about it.


"Sigh, I shouldn't have said that. Xin Ley, could you please forget what I said. Don't want to dwell too much on this subject. Let's just say that a country that you don't even need to know about is backing me. It holds no ill intention to this kingdom so don't worry about it. In fact, you guys might benefit from its interference." Said Andre looking as if embarassed. He already knew about what was going on in this country, and how interested were the guys over at the strongest continent, Saykin. Thus he was using this knowledge to create this whole bullshit story. It's really weird how but a bunch of bs got him so far...

"ok I'll stay quiet. But please don't do anything idiotic. Having you as an opponent in the battlefield might be of oppressing nature, but if there is no other choice then...." Sighed Xin Ley and said. His usual happy go lucky tone was turned of. Instead, the grandeur of a royal ambassador was felt from his speech.

"Don't worry, don't worry... there won't be any move from us. Well, at least for now... Hope that you guys do your preparations. With that out of the way, how is little Lin? Is he still alive" Said Andre as he leaned a little bit next to Xin Ley. This one was blocking with his body the figure of the muscular Lin.

"As you see, he is alive and kicking" said Xin Ley as he made space for Andre to see the demortified figure of the poor father.

"Ouch... I guess that hurt, right?" Said Andre, not looking sorry at all.

The disfigured Lin had a hideous scar digging through his face. His ears gushed out viscous liquids while his eyelashes were evaporated. He was lucky that he managed to create a qi membrane the moment he heard Andre talking. That's why his injuries were limited to a disfigured face and a charred torso. He got no internal injury as the golden qi wasn't particularly harmful. Else even if he had ten other lives he wouldn't have survived for enough time to have Xin Ley save him.

"...ouch..." mumbled Lin, as he fell into deep slumber seconds after.

'Good job, father. You really did great. Now that we setted up this whole comedy which by the way went wayy beyond my expectation, I think that we're done with this smart ass' thought Andre as his eyes warmed up seeing the "heroic" sight of his father. For some the sight of a father randomly getting burned, slapped and bitched around all over the place would be pathetic, but for Andre it wasn't. It was in fact far from it, as only a truly courageous and smart person will be able to pull off the script that Lin was able to play. A person who won't care about the world's opinion as he do what he think of as right, is a person worthy of respect.


"Oh, well Mr. Andre. I think that I should say this to Lin but seeing the state he is in... oh well, it seems that I overused your hospitality, sorry for that. I need to go check on the other clans, hope that you will excuse me." Said Xin Ley as he heaved a sigh of relief. His weak old heart recieved too much shock in this short period of time, and he was completely drained out.

"Sigh, sorry for all the inconveniences we had you go through, lord Xin Ley." Said Andre with a faked trace of regret.

"No worries no worries" said Xin Ley with his everlasting big smile. His chubby face gave him a kawaii impression way different from his usual perverted looking demeanor. "But, should I really not worry about what you said before. Can we keep contact. That way I know what to expect" said Xin Ley with a trace of fear showing on his face. He was a close to be full fledged perverted idiot, true. But he still had his own feelings for his country, he can't just see danger heading for Sylvia* and stand there waiting for things to happen. In fact, the only reason why he still didn't try killing Andre was because of the "friendship" bond he created with this array master in this short period of time.

There is also a more pragmatic reason as for why he had no extreme reaction. A super angry random fight wouldn't only be detrimal to him for already stated reason, Andre is an array master after all. But it will also be for Sylvia, as the country backing this mysterious person seem to be overpowering. If it's a country able to back a possibly level 4 array master, it should at the very least be a notch above his. If it wasn't even really trying to create any trouble, then by taking Andre as an enemy he would have spelt doom for Sylvia. But if it was planning against them, then he would have just accelerated the process. Plus having Andre as an ally might save him. So it's either an absolute win if he choose to be a friend of this mysterious master, or an overpowering defeat if he choose to go against him. Only an idiot wouldn't know what option to choose.

"Oh well, good bye" said Andre with a tired voice.

"En, ah. By the way, that metamorphosis trick you pulled there was pretty good. You had me surprised when I saw the state of Yuki. But since that other clan already told me tails about her beauty, it was easy to guess what actually happened once I knew that there was an array master here. That was a good decision, if it was any other envoy, no, in fact even me would have done some nasty things if she caught my interest. This is but a shitty clan in a weak city after all. Well, I guess it is not so much now that I know about you hahaha. But then, I wouldn't have done anything if you just showed me the potential of little Xin hahaha" Laughed Xin Ley wildly, he regained his usual composer and chubby appearance as the trace of pervertedness that flashed in his face disappeared.

'Sigh, are you serious Xin Ley, I thought that you were better than this. Do you really think that you would have cared about the potential of little Xin if you already did the deed and cooked the uncooked rice. You would have only thought of him as a threat to be rid off as fast as possible. That's why I did all this shit, wonder why it turned out this way. It was supposed to end with just him seeing mother and going insane. Ah, so tired. This body already went past what it could handle'

"Hmm? Why are you silent all of a sudden?" Asked Xin Ley

"Nah, just a little bit tired. I'll go sleep for a while" Said Andre with a sigh.

"Have a good sleep then, mister Andre" Said Xin Ley as he left the heavily damaged room.

"Thanks.." said Andre as he slept next to Yuki. His body as time passed regressed to his original baby state. The little Yin of before started disappearing, and a doll took it place. After a little bit of time passed the doll automatically turned into dust and only a bright piece of black iron was remaining.

In the meantime, Yuki was still soundlessly sleeping.

*Sylvia is the country he is in as of now. Don't know if I already named it before with another name

Hey guys, sorry I was on physics class as I was finishing this chapter so I couldn't really do an author note. Now I can, so let's begin

First, for the time that I spent before posting this chapter. It actually wasn't just wasted time. I thought that I had noticed a possible plot hole earlier chapters so I went to checking them. I am talking about my qi system, I thought at first that if little Xin did what I actually said then there is a high chance that he would die. But after much debating I thought aboit a way where he have a 100% chance of living and not damn destroying his dantian. I could have just editted the hlwholr true process in, but decided against and thought of using it at later chapters.

I also edited the chapters from 1 to 14 and I hope that they are more readeable

By the way, I left some hints on possible future event s all over the place. Both in the editting and when I first wrote the chapters. So let's play a game and see if you can find them

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