《When I was old》Question that are left unanswered will be answered here


Okay, I have seen that some of you were confused and I guess that it's my bad. I actually never tell the whole information as I use the limited 3rd person. This style of writing give me the possibility of having the reader attached emotionally to the characters but at the same time can't let me express full ideas. My rhythm also impose a certain lapse of time where I need to tell ypu as much as I could without info dumping. But my inexperience play the biggest role, so I'm sorry on that.

First: Why did Yin Xian wait for the ambassador to come so that he break through?

Well, it is pretty simple. Know that what Yin Xian actually attempted to do when purifying his Qi by familiarizing it with elements was a nwver seen before case. He has no damn idea what could happen as even god library (at least the first level of it) didn't have any record on it. There is so many unknown variables that he couldn't risk breaking through while everyone's attention was on him. If by some chance his parent or anybody actually knows that Yin Xian broke through the baby realm, for Yin Xian it would have been a catastrophe. What kind of reaction will they have? When will the other clans know about it and what would there reaction be? How limited will his planning options be now that he is a recognised geniuse? So many variable and such great risk for no benefit.

That's why Yin Xian waited until some kind of major event will either camouflage him completely, or at least take the attention out of him.

2: Why an ambassador, what is he doing here?

I already talked about the profecy wayy back then, before the ambassador even came. That's the reson for Xin Ley's parade through the region. But if you want a deeper understanding of what is actually happening, then I'll have to talk about politics and what's actually happening behind the scene. Well kinda (I'm not going to spoil you or anything, will just talk about the reson why he came to crimson moon city, which could be written in the story on one line).


Let's say that you're a king, and that you know that by the end of the year a hole bunch of crazy monsters will be born as children of your country. You also know that other countries will also experience the same changes. And by consequent, the country you'rw wagging war with too. The smartest decision you could make is to immediately send royal envoys all over the country to have a better under standing of the new overall level of your country. This give you multiple choices as you could change your politics and the royal student course that the next king will be going through. And obviously make him adapt to the new changes. You will also have a bigger time span to adapt your political reflexes as the datas that you're working with as a basis had a radical change. You would aldo send spies to the country you're wagging war against but that's for later.

Notice that I give importance to the War, this wad a hint.

3: Why are the son and mother duo aka Yuki and Yin Xian thinking of Xin Ley as a disgusting pervert? Why is he actually nice? What's going on here?!!

Let me just tell you guys that you really don't pay attention to the details. Notice that whenever I said disgusting fellow and was talking about Xin Ley, it was either from Yin, Lin or Yuki's perspective. I also talked about him that way frm limited 3rd person kinda like ( said Andre as he was contemplating the disgusting figure of Xin Ley) but note that I only said that because Andre should have already said something like ( Xin Ley, that disgusting pervert). Note that these exemples aren't in the story and are here just to give a better idea about what's going on. My MC isn't that idiotic of a fellow, he be full of prejudice but still.

Now let's talk about why the trio actually THOUGHT of Xin Ley as disgusting. Well, let's just say that this is a world where steong eat weak and that if you lived in a medieval setting thing such as fucking a married women and then killing her husband and her whole clan were of second nature. Just watch Game of thrones anf you'll understand. In fact, there is no need to talk about a medieval setting. Just today's society give room for fucking the homeless, if you don't believe then just go to the getto or whatever you guys in your country call it and you'll see things you wished never seeing.


As for the actual personality of Xin Ley, then I would say that he is close to a mix of a random comic character, jiraya and chogi. Plus a medieval touch of natural blood and gore as it should be Lol, he is a royal eblnvoy who lived his life like a tenryubito after all.

The misunderstanding was already cleared up in the story, but since there was no scene describing it I'll just say it here. (My character lack too much emotions, and therefore lack regret which oblige me to give no thoughts about the misunderstanding. He normally wouldn't even think about it. Yes he is that egocentric)

4: Who is Andre?

The MC who made himself change appearance through the metamorphosis spell, and created a character for himself as time went on and by bullshitting everyone.

5: If the MC is Andre then who is little Yin

By this question, do you mean the term little Yin. If it's that then little Yin stand for Yin Xian. But the little Yin that the other characters talked about (meaning Lin and Xin Ley) was but a doll created by the true Yin Xian as stated in the last chapter. He actually created a Yin attributed piece of black iron and just had a regulating array formation control the force by which the Yin Qi was actually emitted. As for where did he find the pure Yin Qi needed to concentate it on a chunk of black iron, well I would just say that you need to remember the residue Qi his mother ejected on her breakthrough. He actually amassed quite a bit of it and left it in a place that I would talk about in the next book. By the way, the piece of black iron was basically as big a rock but even then it turned to dust immediately after finishing its job. Inside the doll of course as it wasn't noticed by anyone.

As for the yan Qi stone. Well it's the stone that was shown at the end of the chapter. Yin don't have that much yan Qi to spare and that's the reason why it was but a burst type formation thatbhe used.

Now comes the doll and I would only say. GO REREAD WHAT I WROTE TO DAMN UNDERSTAND I ALREADY TALKED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF CREATING SOMETHING FROM JUST QI. As for the actual process, well it's a clear spoiler so I won't say anything.

6: Why was there a burst of yan qi qt the end?

Little Yin have yan qi. How could he explain this fact whilr they know that he have terminal divil Yin Qi

7: why was then any need for that all yin cold sonething chunnibiyou part

Well, I would just say that Yin/Andre needed to leave a big impression on Xin Ley as he will need him afterward. And having just a burst of Yan Qi coming out of his "body" would only make Xin Ley think that the poor boy detonated himself and that's it. Yin needed to rise tension with whatever was on hand. And what did he had most of? Yeah it's his mother's Yin Qi.

8: Who is little Xin?

I just misspelled little Yin and wrote little Xin. At some point it became an habit for some reason.

Well please do ask any question that you have in mind. If I can't reply without spoiling then I'll say "I can't reply". If I can, welI I will

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