《When I was old》Book 2 chapter 1


Ch 21

After the whole ordeal with lord Xin Ley was finished, my family had a period of prosperity. This little break helped in building a base for the new blood. The junior generation had so much more potential, it would be a waste if they couldn't exploit even half of it. Fortunately, fate seemed to smile upon us. The black iron mine which was our main souce of income, surprisingly had multiple great veins of Yin attributed metals. It was called "cold iron". As for the reason why did they only discover it now, well.. that's a secret.

In the short span of two years, my power upgraded by leaps and bounds. I was already in the middle of the martial practitionner realm, with a power of a level 2 core holder. At this point, I was by far the strongest in the city; probably even the region. I actually focused on building my foundation as much as I could, but between thinking of the long term amd getting immediate benefits, one shouldn't go to either extreme. You only need to plan things out, see what is vital for you and work toward it.

For me, the problem wasn't the far future, neither was it the near one. It was the middle. For I, being the person who waste the least time in the world, should probably be a level higher than most by now. And if I remember well, I was still few levels higher than the other top dogs in the godly library; the artificial bodies they created at first were of low quality and thus decayed easily. That mistake gave me enough time to set a gap between us, that miraculously lasted until the end of the 30 years given to us. By having already experienced the multiple higher levels, I got enough understanding enabling me to easily pass through the stages. Plus, I had no drawbacks as I didn't use any forbidden technique or such. This boost in speed should have probably gave me more than enough time for me to use to build the best foundation.

But, this head-start will only be of short notice. You need to remember that I am in a pretty poor clan. A clan with a mysterious history behind it, yes, but still a damn poor one which will give me a bad handicap. Ah, to see those idiots wayyy worse than me, but having such a benefits. Sigh, it's really the only thing that can stir up my irritation. But, I guess that it was always this way, be it in game or in real life money always talk.

Sigh, those fuckers should be soaking in medicinal herbs and qi boosting pills by now, truly dammit.


Oh, well. Thinking about what benefit they are enjoying right now wouldn't give me anything, so let's forget about that. Sigh..

"Hey, Yin. What are you doing here?" Said QuingXu

Ah, this is my friend. Another chosen or so, let's just go with reincarnator. As for why do I have a friend, I already said that I don't really try to keep contact with others? Well, I also said that I don't run away from it either.

"Nothing much, just wasting the little bit of time that I can freely use." I said while not changing my sitting position. As I bathed in the rays of the sun, my soul was cleneased and body rejuvenated. The purple qi of the east was at its strongest, but I didn't dare consume it as I already made my qi into a pure fire one. Adding the holy attribute of the sun into it will only serve as a hindrance.

"Hey, master. Is it alright if I wasted some of your time." said Xu-chan under his breath. The "master" he was talking about earlier was obviously me, don't know why he call me that way.

"If it's you, then I guess that it's of no problem. But before that, I'm gonna show you a place that will be your training center afterward." I said as I got up from my little nap. The grass underneath my feet tickled me, as my 1,2m short stature dashed toward the back of the main building.

"Yahoo, thanks sensei!!" said QuingXu as he followed me with his full strength. His speed is a notch above everyone, so he might be a wind or lightning attributed. That will be good, as, if I believe what he told me, he actually stayed solo for the whole time in the godly library. He don't like being used, or so he said.

"Sigh, as excited as ever. But, can you please drop the sensei. It feels too damn wannabe for God's sake!!" I said a "little bit" irritated at his overuse of half backed japanese culture.

"Hehe, oh well I'm bound to be excited, you said that you're going to give me a training center after all."

"Give you, did I really say that? I just told you that you're going to use it as a training center, not that it will be yours. If you don't show any potential in the lapse of time I will give you, then you will have to fight for it yourself. All the other guys in the clan will be your rivals"

"Heeh, b..but Why? Sigh, oh well fighting for things might be good for a change." Said QuingXu "well, that's how things always were" he mumbled. His last words were of such a low frequency that even with the noise clarity of the surrounding, Yin Xian couldn't hear it.


As we dashed through the main building we found ourself in a barren land, void of any recources. Seem like this one was just for mining purposes, but since there was no one working or any trace of work for that matter, one can't say for sure.

"Oh well, it's here" I said as I was finally able to catch my breath. I may have extraordinary muscle power and qi, but my blood circulation isn't that great; old habits die hard.

"Eh? Master... there is nothing here.." said QuingXu confused.

"Ah, in fact there is. Can you tell me where do we stand" I said as neutrally as I can; if I don't kill this habit of mocking anyone I see, I'm going to have my ass kicked when THAT girl comes around.

"Well, let's see" said Xu-chan as his expression turned slightly serious. He is quite like me, we both take challenges pretty seriously; that gamer blood run through both our veins. "first of all, we're close to the main building of the clan. The hall where all transactions are made. Next to it, at 500 meters from here, there is the black iron mine, or more like the cold iron mine for now. So, then the.... wait, the cold iron mine, isn't that spanning to here too. Do you by some chance mean..." said Xu-chan as his baby face brightened up. His short 1.05m stature seemed particulary excited as his little chibby hands danced around. If someone saw him in this state, never would he think that he is a reincarnator. Maybe that's an effect of his body, since for some reason I too seem too happy go lucky than usual.

"Yeah, the training center will be the mine. As we will use the abnormal level of yin qi to train both our adaptation, and speed up our body training." I clarified whatever point he might have missed in his deduction; a bright face never really tell anything.

"But then, why did we stop here for..." his words were cut out by my pointing downside finger. My evermasked behind my back left hand dropped a sound making array. My left foot backshooted it a pretty far away distance as my pointing downside right hand turned into a tightly shut fist. BOOOOOOM!!!!

It seemed that little Xu wasn't prepared for the explosion as he lost his balance in midest the falling, giant rocks with a big shout. Hope that no one is beneath us -cross fingers-

The fall was but of few seconds, but I'm sure that for little Xu it should have been as long as animes make them to be, hahaha. Oh well, let's check if we killed anyone as we fell.

"Hey, is anyone here"


"Seem like fine, yeay, at least with this I won't have to waste time being reprimanded by father" as I finally got to sigh in relief, a weird shriek made me jump out of terror.

"Ahhh!! My ankle. Damn it, I think that it broke!!" Screamed QuingXu. Good thing that I actually had that sound masking array cover us.

"Seriously, you should already be at the middle of adult level by now. How can your ankle possibly be broken from a random fall?!"

"B..but it hurts.." said Xu-chan with big watery eyes. If anyone saw him, he might think that he is one of those moe characters of the legends; I knew better than that.

"En, ok. Then you just stay here and wait for help. I'm going to train for a bit, you can't since your ankle is broken after all, right?" I said as my figure started disappearing in the shadows of this cave. I already knew that he was only doing this to start making me bit by bit think of him as a student; he doesn't need to do that tho.

"Hey! Master, please come back I'm sorry. I will never try to do it again." Said Xu-chan as genuine fear started emerging from his. Who could blame him, there is nothing but darkness in this cave and no one will ever search as far as here. As for will I come back, are you damn kidding him, he know me better than anyone muwahahahaha.

"Get your ass the hell up and come here, if you don't want me to leave you there that is" I said as my steps didn't stop even for a bit. My hands were as ever crossed behind my back, and my short stature made even more difficult to distinguish between the various shadows haunting the cave.

"Ok ok, here I come" said QuingXu as he dashed with his upmost speed. It seems that he was scared out of his wits. For some reason, he was never chill with dark places, guess that it's just because of his body.

"Wow, what is...this?" said QuingXu while gasping at the faeric scenery. As the torrent of pure water flowed down vericaly from the waterfall, crashing down on the water source, blue light illuminated the scene giving the scenery a holy and pure feeling.

"Ah, this. Well, it's our new training center."

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