《When I was old》Book 2 chapter 2 the first fight


Ch 22

"Whoaaa, sensei you're so cool" exclaimed Xu-chan at the top of his lungs.

"How did you even reach that conclusion, it's not as if I sculpted this place from scratch" I said with a low voice as to not make the roof crumble. This area hasn't been mined and by such don't have any pillars supporting it; any echo might make it crumble.

As my steps hastened, my feets cruched the brambles and vines beneath it. Multiple insects like dragonflies roamed around, showing how pure is the water as they drank from it.

"Dragonflies are indicators of the high purity of a water source. You can drink from it with no problem at all, I already checked in the godly library before and it seems that it also hold true for this world."

"Oh, thank you for the info master. I never thought to check any survival guide type of book in that place. I bet that no one other than you did." Said Xu-chan with reverence showing in his eyes.

"Heh, no one did? Hahaha. I know that even if earth was even more disappointing than what I thought it was, there is at least two persons which would have thought the same thing that I did. But, since I already experienced the crazy competition of those korean, chinese, pinoy gamer. I'm sure that there is many others which would have thought the same." I said as memories of the distant past flooded my mind. Ah, if there is one thing that this world actually lose out in against earth, it would be the lack of games.

"Pinoys?" Said QuingXu confused. But that's normal, this name is rarely used. Plus the random racisme that Eu players hold for them make it even rarer for it to be pronounced.

"Filipinos, they are filipnos" I clarified.

"Ah, so you're talking about the everlasting overlords of browser mmos, haha" laughed Xu-chan wildly, it seems that he have quite the story with them.

"Oh well, being nostalgic is good and all, but let's not waste time anymore. Ah, it seems that we reached our training place"

"Wait, what are those shiny, dark blue rocks" said QuingXu as he pointed with his index toward the dark blue crystals littered around the floor. An everlasting cluster of fluorescent rocks covering the floor and enlightening the space.

"Oh, that's the famous cold iron that everyone was talking about. It's just that this one is more pure, more...devilish"

"Devilish, what do you mean by that?" Asked Xu-chan in confusion.

"Hmm, are you familiar with the devil yin qi" I answered

"Hmm yeah, the host of such a desease can't go past the adult level, else the devil qi in his dantian will rebel and destroy his body, anhhilating it from the inside. All records of such a syndrom have all one thing in common and that is all those who have been victim of devil qi were heaven breaking geniuses. This fact led to a misconception: Anyone that host this cursed qi is fated to not live past 4. The reason for such a thinking is that each one of these host was a geniuse who reached the limit of the adult realm before the age of 4." Announced Xu-chan as if reciting an encyclopedia.


"Yeah, you saved me the trouble" I said as I took out a hand sized rock, played with it a little, and then crushed it. The yin qi that was sealed within finally broke free as the temperature of the room dropped sharply.

"Brr...cold..." mumbled Xu-chan as his body was shivering all over; his skin started to become numb while his brain was ordering his body to adapt.

"Oh, already surrending. But things just started to be fun" I dashed with all my speed as I thrown a right hand uppercut. My timing was too off as I had to go back so that it connect. Obviously, Xu-chan dodged it. I tried jabbing a little so that I get some hold on my body, but they were either too slow or too soft.

Seeing me in this state, QuingXu regained some of his confidence as he throwed a punch to my face. I easily dodged it as my body leaned to the right side. I closed in so that he won't any room to dodge as I swinged my right hand to his left cheek. I made sure to keep the level of my qi the same as his so that it would be as fair as possible, and also so that I train my control over it.


As time passed, my control over my body became more refined. There was little to no waste in my movements after some time passed, 2 hours to be exact. But if my adaptation could be called monstruous, then Xu-chan's would be in the realm of the impossible. His wild attacks leave almost all of his body as an oppening, but for some reason I get the feeling that if I ever try to hit him then I would be the one who would be in the losing end. His attacks are completely suicidal, he would basically sacrifice his whole body to kill you.

"Huf..huf..." I was already tired, too damn tired. Making a damn neet do this much work, are you fucking trying to kill me?!!

Bruises covered our ankles, elbows, arms and face. No place in our body was left untouched as we forged our bodies through fight. I dashed toward Xu trying to do a tai boxing elbow blow, I boosted my speed by a fire combustion to have him lose his timing to block it, it connected.

As his teeth were falling out of his mouth covered by blood and saliva, and his body losing its balance leaning to the left side, I do a low kick so to finish a combo. His knee made cracking sound as it slightly deformed. Normally, I would have been too scared to do this, I mean, why would I go to such lengths. Plus it's my first fight, so I'm not used to the sight of blood, and the sound of bones cracking. But I knew better. I knew that if I were to be soft against this guy, then dying might not be so bad of an outcome. Xu-chan is completely different in his fighting mode, it's as if he was a different entity than the usually shy boy.


After I finished my combo, Xu-chan rapidly regained his balance. I tried to do a 360 spin kick, but as I knew that such a slow hit would only get me killed, I used the same trick as before to boost its speed. The result was a sonic rotation that made even me dizzy. I tried my best to control my output as I accurately aimed toward his head, but something was amiss. His usual wild composure disappeared to give place to a cool, unfocused one; I knew what was going to happen.

As the front of my foot was at but few centimeters away from his left cheek, Xu-chan suddenly disappeared from my view. I knew that this was going to happen and already predicted his next course of action. He probably had an adrenaline rush which made him have temporary instant reflexes. The only oppening where he could disappeare into is beneath my still flying right foot. In less than 0.6s, he would probably be already behind me. I needed around a whole second to finish my move as that qi push made my body quite hard to control. Then that only leave me with one choice.

As Xu-chan disappeared out of my view, I made sure to prepare a focused fire platform in the space where my right foot will land. I had a fire barrier ready behind my back, to feel instantly afterward a force push me from behind destroying it. As I turn around the first thing that caught my eye was the figure of a blood eyed, savage looking QuingXu. His whole body was covered with more or less deep cuts, ones reaching even the bone. Some of his joints were deformed, but he standed tall as if he didn't care. As I saw the state he was in, thinking "how the heck did this training reach such serious margins?!", my right foot finally landed on the focused fire plateform. As my leg fingers touch it, the platform explose giving birth to a shockwave strong enough to propel me toward the 2 meters away Xu. He probably didn't predict my reflexes to be this good as a surprised expression emerged from his face, but I knew better than to underestimate him. I created two focused fire balls both in his right and in his left side. My crouched position made it so that he can't go past me through any oppening. This leave him with two options: Either fly away or back dash. The first one being impossible as I already knew his level and he can't even afford to jump as it will take too much time, forget about flying. Or go back where there is a nice surprise behind him: a wall.

As predicted Xu-chan tried back dashing to get out of my check mate. But noticing the wall behind him he bitted the bullet and side dashed toward the right. The focused fire ball immediately ignited to let him experience a shockwave propeling him toward me. He tried adjusting his position so that he can use this gained cynetic energy to help him give an evem stronger attack than his usuals. But, did he really think that I would give him the time to do that? Before he even finished balancing himself, he was already in my fire range. Multiple punchs, kicks and balls of blue fire qi bombarded his already messed up body. I only stopped hitting him after I was sure that he lost consciousness.

"Huff.. huff. Dammit what the heck? Is this guy some damn monster" I cursed under my breath as I had no energy left to speak. My consciousness also drifted away as darkness started engulfing my vision.


Author Note: hi guys, it's been a while that I posted a double chapter. my release speed also dropped down drastically, but that's because of the many things I have to do irl. Also, I'm going to play with you a little game: if I recieve more than 10 REAL comments in this chapter before the next one is up, and one other review. Then in the next few days, I might go back to my super wawawa release speed (at least a chapter a day, if not then 2)

Btw, this is actually the first fight in the serie Lol hahah. Talk about being slow paced hahaha.

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