《When I was old》Book 2 chapter 3 and different reactions


Ch 23

After my tedious battle with Xu-chan finally ended, I gave both ourselves a break so that our wounds heal. Trying to keep our parents from noticing our miserable state was the hardest part. Remember that we are still but 2 years old little boys, our parents barely see us as anything older than a toddler. With the little to no time that I had, I just accelerated the regeneration of our face's skin as that is the most noticeable place.

Xu-chan was still unconscious by the time I finished healing both of our facial wounds, but that's normal as when I hitted him, I made sure to not be soft else I might have been the one unconscious as of now. As Xu-chan was still in deep slumber, I rushed back to my father's room to get some alcohol. No one was there as expected because father was usually just hunting in the desolate forest. He said that he lost all of his pride when he had to deal with both Xin Ley and Andre; this is detrimal for his future progress. So to get back his pride and dignity, he went to the desolate forest fighting wild magical beast of the peak adult level. Mother advised against it numbers of time, she basically begged him to stop his foolishness. But he made her remember when she decided to go against her own fate, thus she stopped. She already knew that he was not going to listen, she knew that he was a stubborn guy who won't just leave himself to rot away, but she couldn't just see him facing danger without saying anything, or so she mumbled in her sleep. A man has his duties, and a wife has her own, she can only wipe her tears waiting for his return and praying for his welfare.

"Now, now. Where do you keep your stuff father. By the way, I still need to ask you why the heck do you sleep in a different room than mother's. Oh, well let's leave that for another time. Now, if I was father, where will I keep my drinks." I mumbled as my hands searched beneath father's bed. My fingers touch something hard and cold, Bingo. I take out the bottle of wisky, or "the heaven burning drops of god" as they call it here, it's too long and a damn mouthful so I'll just go with wisky. The bottle had no campany name written on it, because of obvious reasons, there is no campany in this world. Maybe some businessman from earth will create one.


"Ok, my job here is done. Let's get back to Xu-chan. Ah, it's really my good fortune that I made it an habbit training with Xu-chan the whole day. Well, mother call it playing, but who cares" As I took out the bottle I dashed back to the mine. Father's room was closer to the main building, and by such I didn't have to go back to the main entrance of the mine. It was already such a hastle to exit it from the main entry unnoticed, going back from there would be too risky. I jumped in the pit I created earlier, my body bounced between the rocks emerging from the surface of the hole. I was already too much of a mess to try and jump the whole 15 meters with no support whatsoever.

As I finally reached the surface, I ran toward the still unconscious Xu-chan. Ay, it seems that I went too overboard, or maybe this is a blacklash of that wild mode of his, normally that kind of speed should have been impossible at his level, guess that he just turned off his limiters and now he is suffering from exhaustion.

"Sorry man, this will hurt like hell" I apologized as I poured down alcohol on his wounds. Maybe one would think that this process is unnecessary, but know that the imunity system of a practitionner is only automatically strengthened when he reach the martial practitionner level. I might be safe of infection, but he isn't.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! It hurtsssss!!!!" Screamed QuingXu in agony. Gods and ghosts' shriek paled in comparison to this cry.

"Hang in there, hang in Xu-chan. This pain shouldn't be sharper than the one you felt as I beated you up." I said with compassion. I'm sure that if he was in any conscious state, then he would have beated my ass up to no end. Best way to show your compassion to someone: make him remember the times where you beated him up Lol.


As his strangled cries transformed into moans, and then into hic-ups, I was doing my new daily routine of 10000 side kick, 10000 low kick, 1000 360 spin kick. I noticed that I use my legs more than my hands as these were too accustomed to gaming. I still do 10000 normal punch, but there is no variety in it; in a fight, they'll probably just be used for feints or when I use qi.

It was already sunset when Xu-chan finally finished his routine of waking up, screaming in pain, then losing consciousness once again. By that time, I also finished my training regime. As we both went home, two figures in different places went to bed exhausted. One because of a whole day of training, and the other... for some reason.

At dawn on the next day, I got up from bed to start my usual qi cultivation session. I might be interested in my body training, but I won't neglect my qi cultivation. Plus, for some reason one can only absorb a certain amount of qi a day, the rest of the time used on it is for refining purposes. My cultivation session take around two hours a day, and since I refine my qi as I absorb it, I have no need for wasting anymore time on it.

As the pure qi of the east showered me, a refreshing sensation pulsed out through my body. There was no purple qi at this time so I could absorb it with no trouble. The holy element is shown mostly at 12.00 where the sun is at its highest.

"Master, should we go to our training place." I was at my usual cultivation place: the training court. This is where the senior cultivators train. There are many facilities in here, but they are all low graded stuff.

"Wow, you're still going at it. Yesterday you were in a worse state than Bill Maplewood. You were that messed up. And you still want to go at it." I said as my usual habbit of doing bad sexual jokes.

"Wow, that was a pretty bad joke. And why Bill of all things. dafuq are you comparing me to a pedo damn phile." Said Xu-chan disheartened.

"Haha don't mind, don't mind. It's just that I prepared a pretty hardcore training, so I am not sure if you're really going for it."

"Hardcore? You kinda messed up my conception of hardcore yesterday, so how is it? Less hardcore than yesterday or more" answered Xu-chan truthfully.

"Haha, well yesterday was an exception as you went full gohan ss2 mode. But you can think of it as pretty similar hahaha"

"Pretty similar.... sigh, oh damn"


Haha, like I predicted, the quota wasn't reached. Now we will do another game. I want but one other review, that's the only thing you have to do to get that little pack of one chapter everyday for A whole week. (Never said when that week will be, but I promise to not do that in another 1k year bs)

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