《When I was old》Book 2 chapter 4 and start of hype training


Ch 24

After Yin Xian basically told QuingXu that he is going to die, the duo went back to their training center. As usual they reached their secret place using the pit, as going back to it from the entry of the mine would be too supcisious. As for how did no one find that random hole in the middle of nowhere. The reason is that Yin Xian filled that hole using earth elemental spiritual energy to connect the pieces of rock he is trying to fill in with the gap, and the surface of the pit. That way, no one feel anything supcisious. As for why did no one notice it before the pit was filled. Well, who will be so interested in a land barren of life, the normal training center is at the other side of the main building and that's where everyone usually gather.

"Eh, master. Will we be doing the same thing as yesterday? I mean, there is nothing really to do here." Asked Xu. But his confusion wasn't baseless, there was nothing other than devil qi that could serve as a training material in this "secret" place of theirs.

"Oh really. Well, if there is no training material we'll create our own. Can you see that waterfall?"

"Well yeah, I can but... will withstanding that puny pressure do anything. We're way past that level of training." Said QuingXu assured of his propositions.

"Hoh, well aren't those some pretty confident words you have there. Hope that you do remember them as you go through the training I prepared for you. Haha" laughed Yin Xian as little drops of saliva shot out of his mouth, he tried covering it for lack of respect, but remembering his motto he stopped caring about it. His habbit of mocking everyone he meet resurfaced as he made QuingXu create the very trap he was going to fall in. It seems that those distant memories of the past were close to be forgotten as he wouldn't have dared to do so in earth. The reason was obviously HER.


"Xu-chan, do you see those cold iron rocks thingy?" Asked Yin Xian with his everlasting light smile.

"Yeah.." said QuingXu confused, he didn't get the hints that his master was conveying to him.

"Well, you take them out, go to the water source, submerge it in and CRUSH it, okay?" Said Yin Xian as a matter of course.

"Nope, not okay at all. How the heck do I crush it?!! It's cold iron C-O-L-D D-A-M-N I-R-O-N, Okay. It's not something that you can just come and crush for no reason whatsoever as if it's made out of bread." Shouted QuingXu hysterically. The randomly impossible situations this master of his made him go through, had him gone completely out of character. He is usually the shy and servile type of person, but what Yin Xian ignited on him was the spark of rebellion that no one managed to catalysis.

"Hmm who knows, maybe the same way I did" said the little master with an amaranthine, termless mocking smile. His, made anyone bear a feeling of inferiority deeply engraved in the chest.

"oh, so you're saying that I should just be awesome and do it, right?" Asked QuingXu with a deep sigh. One can see him buckling under this master of his' unreasonable requirements.

"Wow, you just compared me to the things I hated the most. I feel insulted. Oh well, in fact you don't need to be super darky awesome to crush this cold iron. Note that I said THIS damn cold iron, as these rocks are newly formed and are basically just a fragile containers of devil Yin qi. The ones that are at the beginning of the mine aren't, so don't try your luck in crushing them." Explained Yin Xian with great "stoicism". This so called patience, however, was not going to last long.


"Okay, that's good. You understand now, will you please do what I said and fill water with Yin qi. I have a nice surprise for you afterwards." Continued Yin Xian with little restraint.

After the little master finished speaking, QuingXu didn't waste anymore words as he started crushing stones within the lake, pouring down devil Yin qi in the process. As time passed, the bored past-gamer started purifying his qi. At this point, hours of training might not show any significant progress, but it's only by adding up those little bits that a gap between competitors is formed.

After a long enough time passed, Yin Xian had QuingXu stop crushing stones. By this point, his hands were close to bleeding from all this monotonous process.

"Okay, that's it. Great job Xu-chan and thanks for the hard work. We may start the true training now. Let's go closer next to the waterfall." Said Yin Xian as he finally got up of his sitting position.

"Okay, sure... wait, wasn't that shit you made me do the hellish training you were talking about?" Said QuingXu as he finally sobered up of his dazed state. Just having to crush those rocks for 2 hours made him worned out mentally, one can guess what would happen if he is pushed any further.

"huh, what the damn heck were you thinking? What did you think was all these preparations for? Maybe just for the sake of swag?" Asked Yin Xian with a mocking look in his eyes. He pitied the young child for what is going to happen to him, but laughed his ass off at his reactions.

"Swag, lol I didn't hear that for 32 years now, right? Oh well, let's get done with this shit." Said QuingXu as he recalled the memories of the distant past.

"You might not want to get so careless with your language. Else, you might have some troubles with your parents." Reminded Yin Xian.

"Yeah, I'll remember that" replied QuingXu.


Author Note: ok, it seems that no one posted a review. I actually waited for so much before writing this chapter for it, but alas. Oh well, who cares about that now. So here is the deal: if I don't get a review before posting a chapter, well it will end on a cliffhanger. Yeah, kinda like this one, I had you hyped for the training for so long but just decided stopping right before it Lol im evil.

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