《New Game +》Meet the Marigold's (11)
June moved to wrap the scarf she had kept in her coat pocket around her neck. Less than a minute had passed since her departure from the diner with the odd yet charming boy, and the sudden wind chill caught her unprepared.
It was Mid-February but the forecast hadn't announced temperatures plummeting this low, which could only mean something outside of the meteorologist’s calculations was the reason for the intense cold currently assaulting her.
Almost certainly Meta related, like all problems that plagued the city were.
Yet still, she wouldn't feel comfortable with the knowledge that someone her brother's age might be forcefully taken just to satisfy some special agent’s need to solve a case. She’d heard plenty of accounts like it before and she didn’t want to make a decision that would lead to another.
Looking behind her she caught the dark-haired 5’9 boy’s gaze around himself as though in a daze.
“You alright there?” She curiously, but with haste still in her steps. They were still five minutes from her place and she wanted to reduce the amount of cold she had to be exposed to.
“Oh, sorry!” June watched as the boy broke free from whatever trance he had been under as his eyes focused refocused on her own. Arctic blue eyes gazed into her own, a thankful warmth hidden in its icy wastes.
A kid he might be now but even she had to admit that in less than a few years it was likely he’d be breaking hearts without much of an effort if he so chose to.
“It’s alright, but do you mind if I ask you how long you’ve been in Dusk City? Can’t imagine you're an old resident with how much your eyes are wandering, this place isn’t exactly much to look like once you’re used to it.” Sidestepping an ass-slap from a bum, and choosing to spare the pervs fingers due to company, June continued on while waiting for Drew’s answer.
He paused for a second, before eventually answering. The fog of his breath joined the rest of the folk walking by.
“Well, you wouldn't be wrong. I haven't been in Dusk City very long and I’m amazed at how similar some things are yet at the same time the drastic differences.”
June nodded his words, he must be from a smaller city. The scale and scope of Dusk City could only be matched by less than 6 other cities in the world, with each district being large enough to be considered a city on its own.
“Well you have nothing to worry about, Sichuan might be rated a D-3 District but that's only because of its large border with Rivet. There's been talk to build a large wall to improve security and stop any of the less savory folk from causing more messes on our side. They say that if they do manage it they’ll be able to put in a request to raise the District’s Rating.”
“Wouldn't that make Rivet’s situation worse? I can’t imagine it’ll impact their non-criminal populace in a positive manner?” June almost stopped, surprised at the depth of Drew's thoughts. When she’d told her brother about the very same thing he had only looked at it from the perspective of a Sichuan resident seeing only the positive for them. Not that he was wrong in thinking in such a manner but June really wished he used his head a little more.
Still instead of giving Drew a follow-up about her own opinions she shrugged and continued on, her fingers were starting to grow numb despite the thick gloves she wore.
The pair soon found themselves standing in front of a building five stories tall.
June pulled out her keys and opened the gatelike door signaling Drew to follow closely behind her.
“We live on the top floor studio so try not to be too loud when walking up the stairs. Our neighbor on the 4th floor is a real piece of work that I’d rather avoid.
“Like a ninja, my steps shall be silent” Drew responded with a grin.
“They better or you’ll be the one dealing with that ogre of a woman.” June laughed softly while doing her best to step on all the right spots going up the stairs.
The floors and stairs were made of quality wood but wood was still wood and age tended to cause the dreaded squeak no matter how well it might have been set in the past.
Still Drew was true to his words and she noticed how well he followed her footsteps, placing each foot exactly where she had.
Eventually, after making sure to be extra careful on the 4th floor they reached their destination, a large door with some space for bikes or even a scooter if one had the strength to lug it up five stories.
Fumbling once more with her abundant keychain June ascertained the right one before inserting it into the door’s lock.
The pair entered without issue, the warmth of her home starting to wash away the cold that had started rooting itself in her.
A studio apartment of decent size, the living room they entered was well furnished although somewhat old pieces.
“Take your shoes off, It’s a pain cleaning the floor all the time.” June turned to say but already found Drew taking off his shoes.
“Oh sorry habit, my grandmas the same way.” He said while putting his shoes in an empty slot.
“Nineteen and I’m already thinking like a granny great.” Putting up a fake despondent attitude she pretended to sigh.
“Well, there are a lot of worse things than being an old soul,” Drew responded.
June chuckled.
“Well, I’m going to go check on my brother, if he’s doing as he’s supposed to he should be in his room. Take a seat at the table by the couch, there’s some pencils and paper if your friend can send you the photos for your assignment.” Drew nodded and June left him to go check on her brother.
Putting on her house slippers she made her way down the hallway, until she came to a door a few feet away from her own room.
“Septimus, I left work a little early, are you sleeping?” She knocked but no one responded.
“Ok, well if you’re not gonna respond I’m coming in.” She Whispered. Opening the door a chill attacked as she glanced at the open window, the drapes billowing in the wind.
“This goddamn bastard.” She whispered barely holding in the volcano within her.
She did have a guest after all.
Septimus growled in annoyance.
The windy night tore at his body, wisps of himself being lost to the wind as he flew through the night sky.
Not only was he three hours late, but his sister had also apparently returned early so she caught him off guard and red-handed. It was the only reason he wasn’t even more annoyed at being late since it matters little now that he was already fucked the moment he got home.
“Stupid Red Ties, fucking choosing this night to try to invade our territory. I had plans tomorrow, now that’s fucked, and my sister is gonna yell my ear off.” Septimus mumbled.
“Come on Vapor, if you hadn’t come with us, Ellen Street would have been lost, and with that all the free movies from the old theater there.” Torb exclaimed from the floating orbs carrying him like a love seat. The tall, similar in age teen was wearing a red hoodie with a full skull face mask, his leisurely voice only pissing Septiumus off more.
“Fuck the movies, now I’ll be lucky to go anywhere on the weekends. Why the did she come back home early, she never leaves work early!” Septimus yelled back, his voice like rising steam.
“Ah, who knows, maybe she found a guy she liked a lot at the diner, and brought him back home, after she was done with him she probably remembered she had a brother and went to look for you!” Shimmer followed along with the pair by shifting from reflection to reflection, his speed in no way inferior to the two fliers. His laughter echoing out eerily.
Septimus almost exploded at Shimmer’s words but held himself back.
“My sis hasn’t had a boyfriend since high school, she's too picky, I doubt she’d find someone out of nowhere like that.” Septimus might deny it but he had somewhat of a sis-complex, of course, nothing romantic or such but to him, his sister had practically raised him and he’d be damned if she got anything but a perfect lover.
“If that’s what the sis-con has to say then sure. This is my stop so I’ll see you schmucks on Monday. And Vapor, at least you’ll have enough time to finish Mr. Ronalds project seeing as you're gonna be grounded six feet deep. Shimmer's reflection stopped following as the probably deposited himself from his Reflection Dimension to his room. Septimus had seen the huge mirror he kept that allowed for ease of access.
“Fucking assholes, the both of you.” Septimus growled
“Oh honey we love you to!” Torb said in a fake motherly love.
“But sadly this is my stop as well, hope your sister doesn't emasculate you too badly.” Torb dodge a rushing stream of Septimus mist, hoping of his makeshift seat, while keeping a single hand on one of his orbs to control his fall.
With no one left to whine to, Septimus returned his focus to getting home as soon as possible, as the mist that he existed as thined and spiraled increasing his speed threefold.
Less than two minutes later the young meta entered his bedroom as a blueish mist before returning to his human form, his body becoming solid and losing its enhanced connection to the moisture in the air.
A room covered in posters of bands, from ages past covered every corner of his walls, as well as a guitar and its electric variant hanging from the wall next to his speaker. A present from his sister two years ago, when his friends first started calling him an old school wanna-be for his extreme interest in rock, and its variants. A messy unmade bed, called his name but he had to take a heavy piss. If his sister wasn't here waiting for him then she’d decided to leave the lecture for morning which he more than preferred. He was too tired to be yelled at right now.
Pulling off his boots, and untangling his long hair Septimus walked out of his room, the darkness not proving to be an issue as his familiarity of his home allowed him to go anywhere in the house with his eyes closed.
The silence of the house was only broken by the flushing of the toilet and the sound of someone washing their hands.
Not wanting to have anything happen at that moment Septimus chose to wait out till his sister returned to her room, which thankfully was in the other direction from where he came from.
Sticking around the bend of the hallway he kept his body out of sight while the bathroom door opened. The lights flicked off before its occupant left.
The door closed as someone came out, but to his surprise it came towards his direction.
Shit, was his sister really not going to wait till morning now that she’d been awoken?
Then something different struck Septimus. The footsteps were too loud. His sister and him both knew all the spots to avoid even in the dark so not to wake the other when using the bathroom but whoever this was, was walking without abandon.
Without a further thought Septimus found himself rushing at the stranger in his home, his anger finally having an outlet. He stuck low to the floor and while not sprinting per say, he was definitely moving quickly, as all the martial arts classes his sister forced him since he was younger making themselves known.
But his utter shock the blurry dark shape of the stranger detected him the moment he got within three meters, the man he assumed now that he had a better look in the dark dodged his attack by quite literally running up the wall partially throwing Septimus off his position.
That was quickly rectified as Septimus reached for the moisture in the air to detect the stranger, the information entering his brain and allowing him to react immediately as his fist rushed for the stranger, its trajectory aiming for the lower abdomen.
Still once again, the stranger surprised him as he twisted letting go of wall to fall back down while grabbing hold of Septimus neck who was still shocked at the insane level of control the stranger seemed to have over his body. Only people he’d ever seen move like this were metas with martial arts training or true high level masters like his teacher at the dojo he and his sister practiced at.
Without a chance to respond Septimus found himself flung down the hallway, his body seemingly moving in slow mo as it twirled.
‘THATS IT!’ Septiums let go of his connection with his mundane body and exploded into a mist of water particles just before he hit the wall.
Like a storm unleashed he felt for all the moisture in his home commanding it to collect on his person as he exploded out towards the intruder of his home.
“Shit.’ He barely heard as he struck the stranger hearing his lungs expluge out his breath. He slammed the person into the wall with enough force to shake the surrounding walls.
“STAY DOWN ASSHOLE!” He yelled at the body that was hunched over.
Then the stranger's head rose up and Septimus felt his blood freeze as fear entered his heart when the eyes of the coldest arctic tundra gazed back at him.
“SEPTIMUS WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!” Junes voice broke the numbing fear that had been entering his body.
“Intruder! Sis!” He yelled back whoever this was his sister wouldn't go easy on them either. He could remember a weak perv of a meta intruder from three years ago having both his arms broken by his sis when she found him trying to steal her underwear. He’d been too distracted touching her clothes to keep up his stealth and had been caught red handed. With no combat abilities to speak of June had made short work of the man.
Now he watched on waiting to see what sort of pain she would bring this new intruder.
“Drew are you alright!” Septimus felt his jaw drop as the expected outcome never came and his sister instead pushed him aside to cradle the now visible boy his age. Blood was dripping from his mouth as his breath came harshly.
“Never better” He coughed violently, spitting blood on his sisters night gown.
“Sis! He’s getting blood all over you.” Septimus yelped.
“Now whose fault do you think that is! You don't properly look at your messages even when you sneak out! Outwise you would have known that I had someone staying over!” June was livid, it didn't take a genius to tell that.
Septimus’ mind went blank as Shimmer's words from earlier refreshed in his head.
Words left his mouth without even registering.
“The guy looks younger than me! You're going to go to jail if anyone finds out!”
The storm in Junes eyes stopped.
“You…..You……” June struggled to speak as she looked at the floor. Then all of a sudden she laughed.
But it wasn’t her cheerful normal laugh.
At that moment. Sepitmus knew. He’d fucked up.
Big time.
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Crafting Hero
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