《New Game +》Hard Boiled (10)
Eustice rubbed his temples fiercely with his right hand, all the while staring at his black coffee grasped in the other.
"Eustice, look I'm sorry I got a little excited there, but you feel the same way right? The Doctor didn't even show up, instead, we got ordered around by his assistant." Johnny had his hands gripped together as he did his best to avoid the waitress's piercing glare. If looks could kill Eustice was sure Johnny would be a corpse nine times over.
Eustice removed his hand from his head and clasped his coffee before returning it to his lips for a sip. He gave his partner of fewer than six months an annoyed look.
"You'll learn soon enough that in the Administration how things go doesn't always make sense. While I could have overruled Rafael with my seniority it wouldn't have done much in the long run. He would have just asked the Doctor for other ways to keep our noses out of it. This dismissal from the scene is a much better alternative as we haven’t been directly told not to investigate." That was a fact. The Doctor far outranked Eustice, making trying to challenge him directly like punching a brick wall as a non-meta.
"I didn't go through four years of training with the Curriculum to just be told to go do something else by some smuck who's ego-tripping on his mentor's authority!"
Eustice could tell that the steam was building up quickly within Johnny.
"You’re letting your emotions drag you around again. I told you we’re still part of the case, Rafael’s just keeping us out of the main investigation team." Eutice blew on his coffee slowly.
Unable to get Eustice to agree with him Johnny felt the metaphorical ice bucket pour over his head.
Accepting Eusitice’s words he reluctantly decompressed, instead, he moved to sate his hunger with vexed spoonfuls and bites. Soon enough the 22-year-old was back to devouring his food like a vacuum.
“It just sucks, we’re all in this to prevent a terrible situation from arising yet they knowingly and willing allow it to happen. I didn’t sign up for this. I just wanted to help the world be a better place without having to run around in tights.” Johnny spoke once more after finish his food. His feasting allowing his thoughts time to form the purest of his thoughts into words.
Eustice nodded slowly but didn’t respond. The Administration was a government agency that handled anything meta-related and this day in age was one of the largest but that didn’t stop the corruption that could be found anywhere else. The Doctor had connections and Rafael as his assistant was unfortunately lucky enough to suckle on the teat of power that came from his master’s position.
“Your only twenty-two kid, with your level of hard work and dedication as long as you don’t butt heads with the wrong people you’ll be going places, just don’t get hung up over this. It’s not good for men to wallow.”
Eustice’s consolation seemed to have some manner of effect as Johnny released a short chuckle.
“And what, I’m supposed to be a hard age-worn detective like you? A black and white filter and you’d fit right in one of those classic noir films. All your missing is the cigarette to complete the attire.”
Eustice grumbled at the comparison. It wasn’t the first time someone had told him such things. It wasn’t his fault the overcoats and pockets were as useful as they were. The hat was also great for keeping his golden blonde hair from catching the fluorescent lights in the night, along with being stylish.
“Your one to talk kid.”
“I’m not complaining though. Sure I might be the most generic Bruiser to ever walk the face of this Earth but I’m probably the best in my Tier at what I do, crackin Skulls and tanking damage.” The bad emotions had left the large young man, having now been replaced by the prideful arrogance young men could help but display at times.
Eustice couldn’t help but believe his words to be true. A (B)-Tier Bruiser at such a young age it really would be hard to find someone as talented as him under his classification. Sure the world was a large place but Eustice would bet his pension that if Johnny named himself the second-best (B)-Tier Brute no one in Dusk City would be able to claim the title of first.
“Well if you’re finally ready to get back to work make sure to leave the young lady giving you the look of the damned a nice tip, in addition, to paying for damages.”
Johnny grew slightly pink, the color visible thanks to his buzz-cut hair and light complexion. If it wasn’t for his intimidating size he would probably get more interest from the ladies. He was quite handsome even amongst metas.
“Now let’s head out, I’ll try to see if any of my ‘friends’ catch wind of anything interesting.” Eustice left what he owned and nodded in agreement as Johnny pulled three benjamins too with a look on his face asking if this was enough.
As they exited the establishment they noticed a strange boy no older than 14 or 15 staring in shock at the waitress from his booth.
“Ah poor guy, looks like he’s fallen in love with the waitress,” Johnny whispered while holding back a grin.
“Quite Johnny, we’ve all been in that position, older women do have their charm after all.”
It was as they walked past the boy though that a fragrance tickled Eustice’s nose.
Not the type of fragrance that could be smelled by an ordinary nose.
No this was was the smell of a clue.
The Hound found himself a new lead.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is bad…” Drew was doing his best to not appear like a creep staring at June but it was hard not to.
June Marigold. Title-Host of the Slumbering Pheonix. Time till awakening 43 days. Best be careful. She’s a ticking time bomb. Literally. (S)-Tier Potential.
“An Elementalist? Pyrokinetic Slinger? An Obliterator!!?” Different classifications and their specializations started popping into his head.
Specficalcally Obliterator. If June really was a potential (S)-Tier Obliterator she might just erase an entire district or two from the face of the world when she manifests her powers.
His mother herself being one of the rare few had told him of her awakening, but the difference here was that she had been tested for her abilities at a much younger age, allowing for proper preparation for it. She was taken to a perfectly secluded place where she glassed everything in a two-mile radius, and she was only rated as an (A+) Tier Potential. The destruction that June would bring would make his moms look like the (Fat Man) vs (Tsar Bomb).
Obliterators were a very rare type of Slinger/Elementalists that could be considered walking nukes. While they would have to grow into their abilities they were one of the few that displayed their almost full potential during manifestation, with Artificers being another example. They were given their classifications due to their ability to charge up energy and release it at a much greater scale than other Slingers and Elementalists. A (C) - Teir Obliterator for example if allowed enough time could charge up an attack until it could compare to a regular (A) -Tier SpellSlinger or Elementalists attack.
“I could ignore it but theirs also the chance I could be within the range and just die on the spot. Still, I can’t just let thousands die without doing anything…..” Now Drew wouldn't consider himself a shining knight of justice but the number of deaths that June’s manifestation could lead to was simply too much for his conscience to handle. He had to do something even if it cut into his efforts to get back home.
“Eyes of Knowledge provides me with the strangest choice of information. Why does it tell me such a big secret but not something more mundane like her favorite color or preferred ice cream topping.” Dropping his head down to the table groan in frustration Drew barely noticed as a shadow was cast over him.
“Fella, its starting to get late. Shouldn’t someone your age start heading home? The Sichuan District might have a decent amount of patrols for its rating but it’s still known to have some dangerous folk.”
Drew’s heart rate increased, at the sudden conversation but none of this showed as he looked up from his position into the gazes of the two men looming over him.
“Oh, I’m just getting some din din as my grandma likes to call it. Been hankering for some flappy’s. This place got best this side of the city don’t you agree?” Causal with his response he forced himself to appear carefree but also with a slight worry in his gaze. Just like someone who was wondering why two men were questioning him about his choice of dinner.
“Mind if we sit for a minute friend?” The older of the two as well as the one who had initiated the conversation gave him a kind look but Drew wasn’t a spring chicken and had seen his fair share of calculating eyes.
“I don’t see a reason to refuse, although I should be head out soon. My homework won’t be doing itself sadly enough.”
The second younger man now that Drew had, had enough time to notice was the guy who had broken the table a few minutes before. His gaze was different from the old man who at least attempted to hide his interest. If the older man hadn't made it obvious enough that he wanted something from him then this guy had written it all over his face in bold sharpy.
‘Shit why is are these guys asking to sit down with me? Oh. Wait. Oh no.’ Light amounts of sweat began to exit his the skin of his back, while he did his best to remain as unconcerned on the outside.
The two men sat down on the other side of his booth. The larger of the two struggling a somewhat to fit in the area smaller than his previous table.
“My name’s Eustice and this lovable lugnut is my partner Johnny. Now I know it might be sudden but I just wanted to ask you some questions.”
The large man as Johnny remained silent but twitched at his partners choice of words, though Drew could tell it was more the man holding in a laugh as the corners of his mouth moved upwards before being held back.
“That’s cool…. But why exactly do you wanna question me? If you’re worried about me being some sort of kid at risk of gang recruitment let me tell ya my grandma would leave my hide raw if she were to catch wind of me doing anything like that. Videogames are a much more suitable outlet for this thirst for destruction we male teens have an abundance of.” Drew chuckled at his joke nervously.
“Oh, don’t worry I can already tell your not at risk as you put it, but it’s also due to this same way that I know that you happen to have some info we might need.” Eustice pulled out something from his coat pocket bring all of Drews’s muscles to action-ready before he saw the glint of bronze.
Administraion Special Detective Eustice Tune. The badge shined in a way the could only signify a daily amount of attentive polishing.
‘Oh shit, oh fuck I really wished I wasn’t right…..’ Not even a day in and he’d already somehow caught the feds attention, and not just the regular ones but probably the ones who actively deal with otherworldly visitors.
Doing his best once more to remain unperturbed Drew kept his wettening back to the booth making sure they could only see his face which he was thankful was covered slightly by his hazel curls. Somewhat hiding the trace amounts of sweat on his forehead.
“I just want to ask you a few questions. If you want we could even do it somewhere else but if you’re worried about the authenticity of my badge we can stay right here. I’m not here to arrest you or scare you just want to ask a few questions about anything you might have seen these last twenty-four hours. That sounds ok you friend?” Eustice gave his proposal to Drew in a calm and relaxed manner that irritated Drew.
“Ah sure, but can your partner stop staring at me so intensely. I saw what he did to the table back there and I’d like to keep my thoughts away from him doing the same to me. Unfortunately with the way, he’s looking at me I can't really help it.
“Oh sorry, I’m just nervous dude. Rough day at work and you happen to be a lead…..” The tuff look melted away so quickly from Johnny Drew would have sworn that there was a new person in front of him.
“It's good…” Drew respond. He no longer felt like he needed to hide his nervousness. Johnny’s original appearance and gaze gave him all the leeway to just declare his growing nerves just the result of the large muscular man.
Eustice gave Johnny a look before turning his gaze back at Drew. His eyes were still calculating but he at least had some traces of sympathy for Drew which helped relax Drew as well.
Not because he appreciated Eustice's mood towards him but because it at least ruled out that they thought he was the target they were chasing.
‘He must be some sort of Analyzer to pick up clues out of nothing. Wait, I did leave a literal crime scene this morning. Arrrghhh.’ Drew internally groaned at his idiocy before returning his focus to the problem at hand.
Drew wished he could use his Eye's of Knowledge but it was known that some Meta's could detect Analyzers abilities, so he was better of not taking the risk.
“So, were you anywhere near the edge of Sichuan district connecting to the Rivet this morning. Or even within the borders of Rivet?”
Drew swallowed his spit. Not trying to hide it at all. Him denying this would be a mistake in two ways. If Eustice was an Analyzer with Lie detecting abilities Drew was fucked. If he answered no but was still showing up as interesting to Eustice's power about his potential involvement everything he said would be taken as a lie, and while technically speaking they wouldn't be allowed to detain him, that hadn’t stopped special officers in his own world. Such matters were easily swept under the rug if the officers had enough support from the government.
So Drew chose the easiest way out.
“How did you guys know, I was quick out there!” He spoke with a stutter in his voice. One he didn't have to try hard to force due to the situation.
“Oh, we officers all have our methods, but I'm sure you know it's due to being a meta. Let's just say I’ve got a good nose for these sorts of things. Now would it be alright if you answered?” An intensity had entered Eustice's voice a method he likely developed after years of his line of work.
Now it was time to gamble, on the potential of a lie detector, but he felt like the flow of the conversation wouldn't have ended the way it was if Eustice really could see through his lies.
Drew gulped once more and hoped for the best when he finally let out the hogwash abomination he’d been cooking up in his overheating head.
“Look, End Fiction X is too expensive and my allowance isn't till the end of the month! How could I wait till then when the largest RPG of the decade is out? So I heard from my friend Jerry that the Rivet district had some guys who pirated games, now sure I wouldn't be able to play the game while connected to the internet without being caught for sure but who needs that? As long as I could get that single-player experience I don't mind not connecting back until I 100% percent the game with all the character classes. I’m sorry and I'll throw it out but please don't tell my grandma, she’ll withhold my allowance as punishment and I don't know how long I’ll have to wait before I'll get to actually play the game. I think I’ll go crazy if I have to wait any longer. I already started a character but due to school I only got to play three hours. Do you know how much that sucks? Would have called out sick if my grandma wasn't smart enough to call baloney on me. Gah please don't tell her!”
Without breaking a beat Drew let it all out. Overwhelming the two men who had no idea what the hell he was probably talking about. He’d checked a few things when he first arrived and he’d seen an ad about this End Fiction X release date being a few days prior. With a little bit of acting and some bullshiting reminiscent of shitposting a copypasta on the internet Drew did his best to disorientate the men into believing they were dealing with a brat who only thought about playing video games.
“Calm down kid! We appreciate the transparency and we won’t tell you grandma about anything, we just wanted to know if you saw anything out of the ordinary.” Eustice pulled out some tic tacs from his coat pocket before downing a bunch, likely shaken by the absurdity Drew had just spewed in his direction. Johnny on the other hand was giving him a knowing look and just spoke of fellow gamer.
Drew calmed himself down, the action not being an act. The fish had taken the bait and now he just had to reel them in slowly.
“I.. don’t really think I saw anything. But there was this one alley where the sound of a fight echoed out from. I remember some shouts, as well as what sounded like strong hissing. Didn't want to see what was making the noise or fighting since it was the Rivet district so I just took off making sure to avoid getting too close to anyone till I got.”
“Hissing? Would you say it was more like a cat or a snake? Or like something a machine would make when releasing pressure?”
“I don’t Know… I was too worried about myself to give it a look!”
“Take your time, think about it, we can wait as long as needed,” Eustice responded.
‘Dammit, your relentless you wanna-be noir detective!’ Drew wanted to scream at the man's face but before he could respond with something else a half-filled jug of water was slammed onto the table.
“What the hell are the two of you doing harassing this kid, was the table not enough now you have to scare our customers directly!?” Before them stood a very very angry-looking June. Her eyebrows were flaring and her hazel eyes had taken a dangerous sharpness into themselves.
Both Eustice and Johnny flinched at the intensity of the woman before them.
Drew on the other hand was celebrating inside.
“I let the table incident fly since it was obvious the two of you were metas with how much you ate and I've seen you around a few times but you’ve crossed the line. Drew here's literally sweating bullets with the two of you pressuring him.”
“Miss if you would please calm down, we were simply asking the young man some questions, we work for the Administration you see.
Eustice pulled back out his Badge but June was having none of it as she completely ignore it keeping her eyes focused fully on the two men.
“Drew did these guys pressure you into answering their questions?” She asked but did look his way.
“Not really…. I felt guilty about something that I did and I thought that they were after me about that.”
“What did you do.” Her gaze now shifted to him causing him gulp for the third time that night.
“I bought a pirated game…..” He forced out under her withering gaze, but it soon softened with impressive swiftness.
“At least it's nothing horrible, though you really shouldn't do something like that. Those developers put their heart, sweat, and tears into their games, save up and buy it if you really love the game.” Drew nodded at her. Still shocked at the presence she seemed to emit despite not having manifested. He was sure that when she did weaker men would quake in their boots.
Turning back to the two men June pulled out a small stick that flashed twice in succession.
“I’ve taken your photos. The two of you are banned from here for a year. If you do anything like this again after that it'll be a life ban. All banned customers are shown to employees with these photos so no trying to sneak back in on my off days. Now please exit the establishment before I call the Aunty Susan.”
“Miss, we just wanted to…” Eustice tried to once again reason with her but was soon reminded that doing so with a woman that had made up her mind was near impossible.
“Fine. We’ll be on our way, forgive our rude behavior, we will miss the food and coffee here.”
“I bet you will. Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson.” June responded without missing a beat.
“Eustice the lead though!” Johnny said to Eustice.
“Can it Johnny. The coffee here is too good to give up for life. We got something from the kid. Let's just go.”
“But!” Eustice gave the larger man a sharp look shutting him up.
The two men exited the diner, leaving the scene and causing the onlookers to lose interest quickly.
Drew turned to June who still had her gaze on the two men who were crossing the street.
“Thanks… I really appreciate the help there. The big guy was quite intimidating and the older man looked like he was ready to push me till I told him the code to my little lama diary lock.”
June looked back down at him and guffawed.
“What did they run out of journals?”
“No, the diary just had a scratch and sniff cover. Kiwi watermelon.”
“Your awfully jokey after being interrogated by those two officers.”
“Oh, I know it's the nerves talking.”
June frowned at that.
“You ok?” She asked with concern.
“Could use a shower after all that sweating but that'll have to wait till I get home and my feet start responding.” It wasn't a full-on lie, since while he could definitely still walk he was extremely high strung at that moment after having gotten so close to being caught. He was confident in having diverted their attention after enough time but there was always the risk of a slip-up. June's intervention saved him from the possibility.
She seemed to lose herself in her thoughts for a moment before finally coming back to reality.
“Wait here for 20 minutes.”
“Just relax, I’ll get you a snack to pass the time but for now don't leave this spot.”
“Ok?...” Drew wasn’t sure what was going on but June's authoritative voice didn't leave him much wiggle room and just decided to follow along.
June returned to her work with a quickness in her step, going into the kitchen and returning with a slice of chocolate pie she dropped on without a word in front of Drew. She then collected some plates from the dwindling customers, before returning to the kitchen. Time passed while Drew thoroughly enjoyed his pie. The sweetness melted into his tongue without saturating it. The crust itself also being its own delicacy.
Soon the said time was approaching its end when Drew noticed a new waitress enter the Diner from the back, soon followed by June who had put on a long coat over her uniform. They conversed for a bit while the other waitress who was also pretty in her own ways despite also being much older.
June then gave the lady a hug and headed back to the table before speaking up.
“While I won't say those officers might be the type I don't feel comfortable letting you go home with the potential of you getting kidnapped. You can come stay with me and my brother for the night if you're ok with it?”
“Why, you just met me.” The surprise was quite easy to spot on Drews's face as he was unable to contain it.
“Yeah, so what? I’ve always been a good judge of character. Plus if you're worried I can’t take care of myself I guaranteed that even 5 of you would leave a scratch on me.” Drew doubted that but recalling Jun’s physical fitness shine through her uniform he guessed that was just her way of saying she wasn't some damsel that would be worried if somehow he turned out to be someone with bad intentions.
Still, this was his chance to get close to her. It would help him deal with the situation of her going nuclear in the future. If he could befriend her maybe just maybe he could help avoid the disaster for everyone.
Goal Acquired. Prevent the Coming Disaster.
Achieve Zero Civilian Deaths during June Marigolds Manifestation
Two Hidden Objectives. Difficulty (B).
“What are spacing out for? Are you going to take my offer or not?” June was starting to grow impatient so Drew swiping aside the windows finally gave his answer.
“Only if I get top on the bunk bed.”
June grinned, and for the first time Drew who was used to Lia’s beauty felt his heart rate increase.
“You’ll have to come to an agreement with my little bro for that.” She said as she pushed open the dinner door and motioned him to follow.
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the unwanted claim
"WHAT I WOULD DO TO BANG THAT" a voice said, I turned around to see a guy who I assume is from the athletes by the jersey he's wearing." what do you say in giving me your virginity? I will be gentle." He said making me scoff.I tilted my head and said "I am not, but what will your tiny dick do? It won't even get through".The statement he said next made my blood boil, who the fuck does he think he is? He doesn't even know me!"a whore..I see." With a glare. " you called me a whore even tho you asked me.. a girl you know nothing about to sleep with you, but that's cool right? well listen closely asshole, Just because you have a lame excuse of a dick and I a vagina doesn't mean sleeping with someone makes me a whore and you cool." I gritted out.Some boys ooed while he glared at me. I don't take shit from anyone..not him not anyone else.My blood is boiling and The next thing I know is my fist colliding with his jaw making him fall to the floor earning gasps from the studentsI glared at him and said " disrespect me one more time and I will make sure you spend the rest of your life mute and in a wheelchair.". --------Amber steel is the daughter of a well known drug lord, she doesn't take shit from anyone and always knows how to treat those who cross her line. now that she's in a new school and a new city, what happens when she gets in a fight not knowing that a pair of hazel eyes are watching her and taking interest in her?--------Carlos Rodriguez is the son of a powerful mafia king, he and his father have control over the entire city. he's well known but to those new, his aura is enough to set an alarm within them. what happens when he sets his eyes on a fiesty girl with deep grey eyes and takes interest in her? what happens when his obsession gets out of hand?This story contains:• mental abuse•rape• suicide •trauma•miscarriage the end is twisted and unlike my other books.
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