《New Game +》Late Breakfast (9)
The sound of an alarm pierced through Drews’s dream. The memory of what he had been doing quickly fading as just the image of Lia’s face remained.
“Don’t even remember setting an alarm.” Talking to himself, Drew looked down on the phone, the battery life nearing red while the time 6:00 pm blinked back at him.
Looking around groggily at the dusty motel room, Drew recalled everything as his mind regained its edge.
“Yep, so none of that was a dream.” Lifting himself from the bed, he slung his feet over the side.
“At least the bed was clean.”
Standing up to stretch, he found himself quite relaxed. He had probably fallen asleep around 11ish, so he’d gotten at least 7 hours of sleep.
“Status. Hmm, HUD?” Trying out something new, Drew wondered if he could make just his (LP), (SP), and (EP) pop up without needing to be in combat.
Three bars appeared in his vision.
Life Points- 30/30
Stamina Points- 32/35
Energy Points- 40/40
He hadn’t checked his stamina before passing out earlier that day after a shower, but he could only assume that it had been quite low, especially with how it still hadn’t filled up even after the rest. In games, sleeping always sped up Regeneration of all kinds, so Drew was hoping it was the same for him. He’d have to remember to keep track next time.
Drew continued to stretch, making sure his whole body was as flexible as he could make it before exiting his room. He still had to check out the rest of the menu, but his stomach was demanding food from him, and he couldn’t help but agree. He was starving.
Storing everything, including his bag, in his inventory, Drew left the motel room. He’ll be using it for the coming week as a hideout but only for resting. Due to his inventory, he didn’t have to worry about being robbed. The motel’s Security didn’t exactly bring forth any confidence in him, which made him all the more thankful for his personal pocket dimension.
He could probably make a killing as a smuggler if he really wanted, and well, considering his circumstances just might have to as it would be hard to earn any sort of cash legally when he technically didn’t exist in this world.
Leaving the 101 Motel, Drew wandered the densely packed streets, the Saturday night bringing out everyone who wanted to hit the town.
The sky was cloudless, having cleared sometime while he was napping—the light pollution disallowing all but the brightest of stars from shining through.
He had just left the Revit district and entered the Sichuan district. The change in quality slowly becoming more apparent the farther in he went. Buildings had less graffiti on them as well as appearing better shape. Apparently, this world used the same system for determining Hero patrols as his own.
Reading up on some more info on his phone (formerly Forehead One’s), he learned that the Revit district was classified as a D-4 district, only 1 crime rating away from the worst. Being on the edge when he entered the world, Drew had lucked out and only been found by regular goons instead of the meta ones that were more prevalent.
Looking at the map on his phone of Dusk City, it was hard for Drew not to be surprised at how much more crime-ridden it was.
Dawn City had around 5 D-0 Locations where the only crime that would occur was those of truly crazy Villians, and even then, it was rare for them to accomplish anything with the number of Hero patrols there.
To put things into perspective Dusk city only had 1 D-0.
‘And I thought our Hero Groups were corrupt.’
The smell of food kissed his nose, his stomach responding with a loud grumble. Looking across the street, a diner with archaic neon lights glowed softly in the night.
“Breakfast for dinner? Why, not!” The people around Drew gave him funny stares as he crossed the street right there, avoiding cars while receiving no small amount of frustrated honks.
Entering the diner, he was intrigued by the warm atmosphere. It wasn’t particularly loud, but it relaxed Drew, who found himself sitting down at a booth near the door.
“Hiya there, what can I get for you?” While examining the menu, Drew turned his attention to the voice of the waitress.
She appeared to be in her late teens, a hometown beauty as Atlas would have called her. Normal yet vibrant brown hair tied up into a ponytail. Her apron wrapped around her fit figure, which could only come from maintaining a workout routine.
Hazel eyes waited for his response.
“Ah, sorry, bit tired today. School work's been kicking my butt.”
The woman smiled brightly and nodded. “Better than joining a gang or faction, kids really should focus on personal betterment. I tell that to my younger brother all the time. Anyway, is there anything you would like to order?”
“I’ve never been here. Could you recommend me something, preferably Breakfast related?”
“Haha, of course. The chocolate chip pancake with a serving of sunny side eggs and tater tots. I eat it every day, even when I don’t have a shift. A real killer to burn off but worth it all the same.” Drew could imagine. Eating that every day and maintaining a figure like that, he half suspected her of being a meta.
“You’ve got me sold. I’ll have that…..” Looking at the name tag on her ample chest, Drew finished his sentence. “June.”
“No worries, I love converting new customers to Susan’s cooking.” She finished writing on her notepad before looking back at Drew. “It’ll take 10 minutes. I’ll get you water unless you’d prefer a shake or some coffee?”
“Water is fine. Don't want to spoil my dinner with sugar this early.”
“Perfect. I’ll be right on it!” June left his booth, picking up some plates from empty tables on the way.
Drew turned to examine his surroundings. The diner, while not full, was at least at half capacity. He could spot multiple heads popping slightly over the booth chairs. One particular man's head completely visible as the man’s impressive size barely allowed him to fit in the booth. His face gave away his annoyance as he talked to a man hidden from Drew’s gaze due to his position.
Seeing that there was no one in the booths around him, he decided it was safe enough to open up his menu.
“Menu.” He whispered. Drew had made an attempt to open it up without speaking, but he’d failed every time. It seemed like he had to be able to speak to gain access.
Score Store
He pondered for a minute over what he should open. The Codex was likely a statistics tracker/information recorder, while the trials looked like a special challenge you’d find in games.
But what really tickled his fancy was the Score Store.
“Score Store.”
Current Score- 2,925 points.
Available purchases (F-E) Tier.
Score Store Upgrade-
Unlock (E) Tier Purchases and Non-Random Item Selection. 50k Points.
Status Upgrades-
1 Stat Point of your choosing in (F) Tier. 250 Points.
1 Stat Point of your choosing in (E) Tier. 500 Points.
Upgrade A Stat from (F) Tier to (E) Tier. 10k Points (Until this is done Earned Stat points will be withheld until the user makes this purchase.
Extra Lives- 3/3 100,000 Points. (Each consecutive purchase will multiple the value by 100.)
Random Empowered Article of Clothing (F-E) Tier- 5000 Points.
Random Empowered Armor Piece (F-E) Tier- 10000 Points.
40 Life Point Potion (F) Tier- 1000 Points.
40 Stamina Point Potion (F) Tier- 750 Points.
40 Energy Point Potion (F) Tier- 2000 Points.
Random Weapon (F-E) Tier- 25000 Points.
Newbie SALE!!! Choose one of the following three at a reduced price of 90%.
The World Is Your Oyster-(Passive)(Lvl1)(F Tier) F-tier Power-Ups will spawn randomly within a 10-mile radius of the user’s location once a week. This number will range from 5 to 25 with lower numbers being a result of more powerful power-ups. Power-Ups will be kept in the user’s inventory. If all powerups are found the user will receive a Power-Up from D tier. The general Location of Powerups may be looked up using The Universal Atlas. 25,000 Points----> 2,500 Points after sale. Further Upgrades may be purchased upon reaching this Skills Max Lvl.
Worldly Traversal-(Active)(Lvl1)(F Tier) Unlock Fast travel. Setting up waypoints in locations considered safe will allow for instant Teleportation. Max Locations 3. Limit of entities that may be Teleported with the user 1. The user is unable to use this Skill in the middle of combat. Range 25 miles from the waypoint. Active(1) Waypoints will consume 10 Energy to set up. Active (2) Fast Travel will consume 40 Energy. 27,000 Points----> 2,700 Points after sale. Further Upgrades may be purchased upon reaching this Skills Max Lvl.
Eyes of Knowledge-(Active)(Passive)(Lvl1)(F-Tier) Unlock the ability to Inspect items and entities. Revealed knowledge is determined by this Skills Teir. F tier will reveal names, Titles and the Potential entities might have. Consumes 1 Energy for Items and 3 Energy for entities. (Passive)- Will improve the user’s vision threefold including but not limited to Dynamic vision. 20,000 Points----> 2,000 Points Further Upgrades may be purchased upon reaching this Skills Max Lvl.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Power-Ups! Teleportation! Analyzation! If anyone took a gander in his direction, he was sure they’d be freaked out as his signature grin had been plastered to his face. At this point, Drew finally understood how his growth worked. He literally had control over his mutations!
“Oh, someone’s happy, Dreaming about the meal? Well, wait no longer.” June had caught Drew off guard as a massive plate of food was placed before him.
“Wow. All this for 15 bucks?” Drew wasn’t even sure if he could finish everything, even with how hungry he was.
“I might have put in a good word for you.” A small chuckle left June’s mouth, to which a few men in the surrounding booths found themselves becoming entranced.
Drew smiled what his uncle likes to call the trademark Silver casanova special.
“Here, I’d give you more, but I a bit strapped for cash.” Drew pulled out a twenty and handed it to June, who looked ready to refuse.
“Oh, I don’t need the tip. I only work here on weekends to help Susan. Your better off keeping it.” She pushed down on Drews’s hand, but he was adamant and tossed it into the little pouch June had on her apron.
“Not taking it back. And here’s the pay for the meal just in case you try to use that as payment.”
“Really stubborn, aren’t you?” June seeing that he wouldn't take the money back, just shook her head and returned to her duties.
“BUT WE SHOULD BE PART OF THE GROUP LOOKING EUSTICE!” The sound of a fist cracking wood echoed out through the diner bringing everyone’s attention to the source.
The large man from Drews’s earlier scan was the culprit. His face gained a slight tint of pink to show his embarrassment when he realized his blunder.
June, who had been nearby, also gave him a searing glare. Drew, even without being able to see the table, could tell that it had been damaged.
“We’ll pay for the table. Sorry about my partner’s outburst.” The man called Eustice apologized, which was soon followed by the large man apparently named Johnny doing the same.
June nodded but kept her scowl visible to the pair.
The diner slowly returned to normal, while Drew found himself lost in the flavors of his meal. He’d eaten at expensive restaurants before with world-renowned chiefs, but he felt as though he’d be hard press to say their food was better than what he was currently eating.
“Why is this so GOOD!” While not loud, persay he did catch June's attention, who smirked at him from the pastry counter as though telling him this was the only outcome for those eating Susan’s food.
And indeed was amazing. He’d been doubtful about finishing the entire plate, but he soon found himself said he’d run out. Of course, he was full but sometimes food this good was worth the stomach ache of eating too much.
Still, he held himself back and sat down to relax, going over the store once more.
He, for the moment, ignored everything he couldn’t afford and pushed the stat point options to the side.
He was fully focused on the three abilities he would be able to choose from.
In his current condition, despite all these cool new things he could do he was barely more impressive than before.
What he needed was something to help him an edge against others.
The World Is your Oyster sounds amazing, and Drew could already picture some of the amazing power-ups he could find, maybe even allowing him to be like a certain Italian plumber but it would require a lot of exploring in potentially dangerous areas for him.
While World Traversal was another thing that could save him if he was in deep shit, and yeah, while it was limited to just 25 miles, he doubted he would be leaving the city anytime soon since if there was any way to find a way back home it would be found here. It also cost exactly all his energy to use at the moment, so it wasn’t efficient to grab yet as he would be using Universal Atlas Mini-map option.
That left him with Eyes of Knowledge, which, while not as impressive-sounding, definitely had everything he needed to get the ball rolling, and he would have some points left. There was also a rare classification for a similar thing under the Brain-Perceptionist branch called Analyzer, so he could claim that to be his power when he returned if he chooses to keep his other abilities under wrap.
So without any more hesitation, he clicked on the Skill and accepted the prompt.
Would you like to Purchase Eyes of Knowledge for the Sale price of 2,000 Points? YES/NO.
Drew felt a slight itch to his eyes, forcing him to rub them.
When he pulled his hands away, he found himself in a new world of detail.
The smallest cracks on the old walls looked like canyons. The seems of his clothes countable. The writing on Junes notepad legible despite the distance and the world was awash with more colors than he could ever remember.
“Cool.” He whispered to himself. “Now, let’s try using the active portion.”
Drew picked up his fork and gave it a hard look, willing the ability to work. It soon responded, and a new prompt appeared in front of him.
Reinhold Stainless Steel Fork. As part of the 2030 summer batch, this fork has been in use for a while. Once even a famous A tier hero used it. (F-) Tier. Condition 79%.
Drew felt his stomach almost flip. That was not what he was expecting, and he greatly regretted his choice of making this the first thing he inspected.
Putting the fork down, he found June had returned with a concerned look in her eyes.
“Are you feeling alright? You’re looking a little green? As unlikely as it might be, did the food not settle well with you?”
Drew was reminded of his mother when he saw June fuss over him.
“No, I just remembering I forgot to bring a textbook home with me.”
“Oh, that's unfortunate. My brothers around your age, do you happen to go to Sichuan High? Maybe I could have him bring it over so you can take some pictures. We live nearby, so it won’t be at all a hassle.”
Drew shook his head firmly. “It’s quite alright. I have a friend who I can ask to send me some pictures.”
June seemed to accept his excuse after some more pushing.
Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. Ah, sorry, I don’t think you ever told me your name?
“Drew. Thanks for the recommendation. You can expect to see me here and there.”
June beamed brightly at him, like a true professional even if this gig of hers was only part-time.
“As long as it’s the weekends, you’ll see me around.” She turned around at the sound of a ring for the counter.
“Next time, I’ll see if I can have my brother join you. He could use some friends with your work ethic.”
Drew laughed but didn’t say anymore. Instead, he decided he might as well make June the first person he’d inspect.
He felt a little guilty because he’d be invading her privacy, but she had caught his attention and he was curious.
Doing the same thing as with the fork, Drew watched as another prompt popped up.
June Marigold. Title-Host of the Slumbering Pheonix. Time till awakening 43 days. Best be careful. She’s a ticking time bomb. Literally. (S)-Tier Potential.
Drew just sat there open-mouthed.
Knowledge was quite the gift, but sometimes it was true that ignorance was easier to swallow.
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