《New Game +》The Coming Grind (12)



Name- Andrew T. Silver.

Permanent Title - The Unyielding.

Currently Equipped Title- NutCracker

Life Points- 11/30

Stamina Points- 11/35

Energy Points- 20/40

Available Extra Lives 0

Corpus Eternum-(Passive/Active)(LVL/MAX)(A)- Perfection is Eternal. Regardless of the length of time required the users body will always return to its previous optimal state. Limbs and appendages will regenerate given enough time. Bones will realign on their own without mistakes. Harmful Substances will not linger and will be purged through any means available. Reattaching lost body parts will also greatly reduce the time required to regenerate. (Active)- Once a week the user can supercharge his regeneration (250+(BASEREGENx2)). This effect will last for 12 hours or until another Skill is Activated. This Skill will consume (20) Energy Points and (15) Stamina points upon activation. This Skill cannot be unequipped.

Drew wheezed, every intake of air a tortured speck of dust in the hourglass of time. The wiggling of his flesh was, to put it bluntly, the most unpleasant sensation he could ever recall, but due to his current circumstance of not having any identification, going to the hospital would be quite the idiotic thing to do. So instead there he laid, on the couch, he was gonna sleep, a bit more exhausted, and racked with pain than when he’d gotten up early to use the bathroom. His ribs arguing with him every time he so much as twitch while also resetting themselves like some slithering snake beneath his chest.

He would have preferred to test this ability in a more controlled environment where he didn't end up giving away that he was a meta, but as the world loved to put it, ‘fuck you I don’t give a shit what you want.’

Drew turned towards the source of the only noise in the house besides the pitter-patter of the late-night rain, the coolness bleeding into the home without being overwhelming thanks to the well-insulated walls and the fact that the couch was next to the large window.

From down the hall, June held what she might try to call a muffled argument with Septimus. The poor guy was likely unable to put up a good enough defense as to why she shouldn’t ground him till the following year.

Initially, she’d been worried about the neighbor from the fourth floor coming up to complain due to the noise but if she hadn't come after the fight earlier it was safe for the most part to assume that the woman simply wasn't home.


‘Better this way, they’d have to hide me to avoid the neighbor calling the cops and saying who knows what.’ Drew thought to himself as he prepared to review his ‘fight’.

With a bit of effort Drew managed to bring up the most recent menu window he’d ignored in favor of managing the pain.

“Menu.” The hushed murmur escaped his lips.

Toilet Break Beatdown.

Main Goal- Defeat the Assailant. (Failed.)

Secondary Main Goal- Have more than half of your LP total left after the encounter. (Failed.)

SubGoal- First Strike. Land the first hit in the encounter. Completed- (200p)

Hidden Goal- Avoid all conflict. Replaces Main Goal. (Failed.)

Total Score (250) Rating-Poor. Could have been executed better.

Drew grunted with annoyance as he read the encounter box. A testament to how little being a skilled fighter mattered in the face of a meta with decent combat capabilities. Even a gun would have been of little help seeing as he’d seen the guy turn himself into a wave of mist.

And guns were not exactly known for their ability to work on water vapor.

That hidden goal in the recap really struck him though. He could have avoided having his chest caved in and gotten a decent amount of points if he had been a bit less absent-minded.

He had been informed that June's older brother was going to be coming home late, so it was completely on him for not having been more careful when walking around in the middle of the night. Especially so in what could still be considered a stranger's home.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but be somewhat proud of his swift reaction. Septimus, like his sister, seemed to also take his training seriously, although not nearly to the grueling level that Drew had pushed himself these last few years. His blood, and sweat having actually painted the training grounds as he ran his feet and hands raw, his body ragged, and his mind to the grindstone.

‘Argg, at least I was good enough to force the guy to use his power.” Drew mumbled.

‘A loss isn’t something to get down on boy, it's just practice. It's only when you stop practicing that you’ll find your nose between the cheeks of true defeat.’ The musings of Atlas were often little more than the perverted thoughts of an old man but every once in a while he’d spit words of wisdom old men always seemed to carry with them.


They were words that Drew took to heart.

Even if they were a bit strange.

No longer in the mood to continue pondering over how he could have avoided the issue Drew chose to move to a more interesting subject. Specifically speaking his abilities.


Brawn- 23(F-)

Brain- 30(F-)

Tank- 30(F-)

Speed- 26(F-)

Will- 101(E-)/(???(SSS+)Locked)

Regen- 128(E-)-Down from 260(E+)

Fortune- 79(F+)

His current Regen had risen to around the (E-) range due to his skills activation, and if everything went well the ‘small’ injury should be mostly gone by the following afternoon with most of his LP gained back.

It would have been faster but his Genetic Anomaly debuff was really kicking his ass, as it was reducing Corpus Eternum’s activation’s effectiveness by a whopping 50% keeping the skill from capping his Regen at the (E+)-Tier.

Which in itself was an interesting thing as 260 was still within (E)-Tier? Unlike (F)- Tier which separated the (-),(=), and (+) by 33, 66, and 99. (E)- Tier just kept going past the 200 mark. While Drew didn’t want to make assumptions about it, the information before him appeared to make out that (E)-Tier takes twice as many points to upgrade into (D)-Tier.

Still, there was the case that it was linear growth instead.

While it would have been incredibly cheaper for Drew if it went F(1-99), E(101-299), D(301-599), C(601-999), and so on, adding a hundred each time, Drew was well informed that after the (C) Tier things became much more ridiculous. The difference between a (D) and (C) Tier is noticeable but not insurmountable as there is less variance in power, but the moment you hit (B) Tier things change. A (B-) Tier compared to a (B+) Tier is like comparing an (E) and (C) tier. So vast is the difference that it's why (B) Tier is considered the first major hurdle to all metas who seek power.

Things are also not made any easier due to the fact that not all powers are created equal as some are just inherently stronger, requiring fewer mutations to rise up the tiers. This is where estimating Potential comes in. For example, June was rated at (S) Tier, even though she hasn't manifested. With that, it's easy to estimate that whatever power she got it wouldn't be too far off to expect her to start around the (E) to (D-) tier for most of her classifications. Of course, all powers had the potential to reach the top but gaining mutations was no easy feat as they only came to meta’s during special moments, whether that be in battle, an epiphany, or sometimes unfortunately a tragedy.

The more he thought it over, the more he realized just how many points he would have to earn to get anywhere. Remembering something and needing to confirm it Drew brought up the store menu, specifically the status store.

Status Upgrades-

1 Stat Point of your choosing in (F) Tier. 250 Points.

1 Stat Point of your choosing in (E) Tier. 500 Points.

Upgrade A Stat from (F) Tier to (E) Tier. 10k Points (Until this is done Earned Stat points will be withheld until the user makes this purchase.

Extra Lives- 3/3 100,000 Points. (Each consecutive purchase will multiple the value by 100.)

“This… is unreal.” His mind surged as it hit him full-on like a truck. So not only would the amount of stats needed double each tier, Drew was expected to do the same for the price!

Of course, once again, it could be going up by 250 each time but something deep within him just would not believe it would be that easy.

Power at the cost of an ungodly amount of grinding.

“So this is the price that must be paid for not having to depend on random mutations apparently.” His words barely left his lips as he heard the sibling pair end their argument.

With a painful twist rose up to sit properly on the couch.

"Welp, guess it's showtime.” Now he just had to give June an explanation as to why some random kid she picked off the street was a highly skilled combatant and a meta to boot.

Oh, joy.

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