《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 26. The Wish.


Nobody is dancing anymore and everybody is talking about many of the subjects, most of which are about me since I hear my name every three or so seconds.

I look around the ballroom once more and notice a balcony to my right.

"Ion, tell Emilia I'm going to go to the balcony, I need to get some fresh air." (Hayden)

I get up and almost all eyes focus on me as I leave the ballroom and go to the balcony.

I just can't stop thinking about Alicia now that I remembered her...

A few minutes pass and I look behind me just to see that there are two armored soldiers blocking the doorway from a mass of women.

One of the soldiers looks at me as I give him a thumbs up for the good job since I already know which most of these women want...

I look up to the stars once more as I wish to see to see Alicia once more.

I mean, who doesn't want to see their family member once again after going to another unknown place for a while?

Wait... How long have I been here again?

As I ask myself all these questions Emilia comes to the balcony with Ion floating around her like a planet orbiting a sun.

"Ion, project this empire's language infront of me. I need to get my mind off Alicia..." (Hayden)

Ion does so and I study the language of this Empire.

Emilia comes right next to me and leans on the balcony and looks straight at me but understands that I'm doing something important.

We stay like that for an entire hour, Emilia looking up at the stars as I study the language.

Luckily it is more or less like English so it isn't really hard to understand.


Suddenly I feel a chill along my back and I immediatly feel Emilia tug my clothing and point up to the sky.

I look at the sky and see... Two large eyes staring straight at me which dissapear in a few seconds.

The guards and everybody behind me stopped to stare at it as well.

Emilia says something to me and the most I can make out of it is that some kind of god has granted me my wish?

"She said that the Goddess of this world has decided to grant your wish." (Ion)

Wait what? My wish...? Alicia?

I see a bright light a long way away, almost out of my vision.

I immediatly turn around just to see Ion in my way.

"It's useless, you won't make it there on foot. Based on the maps of this planet, the bright light came from the Kingdom on the Island and that island is about 50 720 kilometers away. There is also one of the world's deepest ravine in your way." (Ion)

I turn back around and look at the place the light came from and punch the edge of the Balcony.

"Ion. I just need to speed up my research right? I just need to build a plane right?" (Hayden)

"Yes, Hayden. You just need a plane." (Ion)

Emilia asks something from me but since I haven't fully studied the language I couldn't understand any of it except something about a wish.

"She asked you what kind of wish you made." (Ion)

"Tell her I wished for something precious to me which I had forgotten..." (Hayden)

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