《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 25. The Ball.


I walk side by side with Emilia, who is wearing a red dress which reaches to the ground and her crown.

We walk for a while until we reach two doors which are about five times the size of me!

Emilia quickly says something to me and to Ion as well.

"She says that when we enter, don't say anything and just walk by her side, even if some people shout at you. They don't know how important you actually are yet. Also don't take notice of the guards, they are just a failsafe." (Ion)

She nods to the two guards near the door and they open it to reveal a massive ballroom.

I stand amazed before Emilia grabs my hand and pulls me forward, I haven't seen anything this big...

Mostly since I was in small science stations since my research was not... Safe.

The moment we enter four guards with tower shields come to our sides as we walk on a red carpet towards a throne and a chair next to it.

Near the carpet are wooden fences not properly secured to the ground, probably just to mark how close they can come.

Emilia whispers something into my ear and Ion catches it.

"She said to sit on the chair and wait until she says for you to get up." (Ion)

I just nod as we walk forward and I hear shouting.

I even see a few... Tomatoes? They are throwing tomatoes? Is this how old-classed they are in showing disrespect?

The guards with their tower shields of course block them and guards from the sides of the ball room immediatly head in to do something to them...

Hell I know, I didn't major in ballroom history.

When we reach the throne and chair I sit down on the chair and the tower shield holding guards go to the sides.


Emilia sits down as well and some servants quickly come from the side rooms and start removing the fences to allow for some more movement.

The ballroom easily has about two hundred people in it and could probably fit another five hundred if needed.

It's basically the size of a mediocre space craft!

The entire ball room is riddled with tables and chairs and there is a huge dancing area right infront of me and Emilia.

Emilia looks over everybody in the ball room and then stands up.

"I'll translate everything she says in real-time for now, prepare for mistakes." (Ion)

Emilia clears her throat and then starts talking.

"She says that welcome to the ball everyone. She wishes to tell them all the reason this ball is even being held. The reason is you, Hayden. Now she's talking about all your deeds like killing the King's Faction's leader and then helping in defeating the Elite army. Now she's talking about what race you are aka human... And she immediatly follows up with the decision to make you a Hero of the Empire, a title not used for a century." (Ion)

Emilia sits down and I look at all the people in the ballroom.

The amount of noise they are creating is amazing...

I never went to any social events so this is my first time...

Suddenly a lot of people shout at me and Emilia.

"They are disagreeing with Emilia's decision and they are saying that your deeds are just fake and you lied since there is no way a scrawny person like you could wield a sword or pull the string on a bow enough to kill men." (Ion)

I look towards Emilia while pantomiming the action of taking out a gun.

She looks towards me, understands what I want to do and nods.


I pull out my gun and fire at the pillar next to the people disagreeing with me and then put the gun back in it's holster underneath my shirt.

Ah how I love inner-shirt pockets...

They make taking out guns look a lot more cooler, even in movies.

Everybody immediatly shuts up, looks at me and then the hole in the pillar.

Emilia gets up once more.

"She said that this is your power, the power to pierce even the armor of Elite's and kill them in almost an instant." (Ion)

She sits back down once more.

Five minutes pass, nobody dares to even move a finger in the ballroom except the guards, me and Emilia. Ion doesn't count since he doesn't have a finger.

Actually where the hell is Ion, ever since we entered he just dissapeared though I keep hearing him.

Emilia turns her head towards the door and a messenger type person comes forward.

He coughs and starts announcing names.

Every time he stops talking a man and a woman come forward, bow toward Emilia and then go to the sides once again.

This breaks the silent and afraid mood and restores the... Ballroom mood.

Ion floats next to me from behind me.

So he was behind the chair all this time.

"It seems it's dancing time." (Ion)

"How do you know?" (Hayden)

"I've been listening in on every conversation. Everybody has brought their daughter or son or both here. They are all telling the daughters to go after you and the sons after Emilia since they are already married." (Ion)

I sigh and look at the ballroom, about fifteen people are looking at me with some kind of intent.

Emilia whispers something into my ear.

"She said that you and Emilia are going to dance." (Ion)

"Wait, what?" (Hayden)

Emilia suddenly gets up, grabs my hand and heads to the middle of the dancing area.

Oh god no...

I don't like dancing...

A few minutes later a lot of people were dancing but most eyes were focused on me and Emilia searching for any mistakes probably.

Luckily this dancing style very closely resembles the ballroom dances back on Earth and the other planets...

Alicia always danced with me at home, helping me practice dancing, in the hopes of me going into social events. Which I never showed up to.

Now I must thank Alicia for this.

And so the ball begun, me and Emilia dancing in the middle, about ten other pairs dancing around us, everybody else looking at us or forming groups and talking.

A lot of servants are walking around serving food and drinks.

We stop dancing after a while and head back to our seats overlooking everybody.

Emilia nods at me with a face that seemingly shows no emotion but every time I look her in the eye I see... Pure happiness.

Thanks to all those corporate as- no wait, I mean corporate CEO's wanting me to become their worker, I kind of got used to reading what the other people were feeling or thinking through their faces.

A butler comes up, next to us.

"He is asking if we want anything." (Ion)

I just politely shake my head.

I want to get back to my lab though... I don't like all these eyes focusing on me, I think some people are even talking only about me...

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