《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 24. The Healer, History.


I just lay on the bed for 6 hours until somebody decides to come check on me once again.

The maid from before enters the room and comes next to the cart that was left untouched.

"I'm sorry for running away before... I know I should have changed your bandages but the Empress told me to immediatly tell her when you wake up or even regain conciousness for a split second, is what she says." (Ion)

I just nod since there is no point in having Ion translate for me wasting both of our energy.

The maid starts replacing the bandages that are all around my body and cleans the wounds that aren't healing as fast as the others.

She changes all my bandages for two hours and leaves the room after bowing.

I just lay down silently waiting since it is all I can do.

An entire day passes until I hear footsteps coming again.

This time Emilia and an unfamiliar woman enters the room with four guards, two from Emilia's guards and two from somewhere unknown...

Ion's floating near the ceiling since he wanted more free room to float around in.

Emilia rushes next to me the moment she enters the room, leaving the woman dazed for a second.

She says something and Ion starts translating

"She got the pope to agree to send a healer. That woman over there has a special gift, extreme healing. Apparently it is going to be painful but it will heal you in a matter of minutes." (Ion)

Emilia looks at me worried but I just smile and she leaves my side and the woman comes next to me and says something.

Ion quickly translates it.

"She will help you this one time and not once again since she isn't allowed to help you again. Even this is a special occasion, a member of the Church healing a Human. Now... Ready yourself." (Ion)

She says something in an even weirder language and her hands illuminate green.

The moment she touches my hand I feel extreme pain through my entire body, especcially where the wounds are at.

I try to not scream but the pain is nearly unbearable so I let out a few sounds.

I turn my head slightly and look at my wounds healing at an unbelieavable rate, the smaller wounds nearly instantly.


The pain continues for five minutes until she gets to healing my stomach area.

The pain increases by about ten fold as I scream due to the sudden increase in pain.

I feel my cells regenerating and even my muscles putting themselves back together.

A minute passes and the healing ends.

No wounds exist on my body and not even a scar.

The healer moves away from me and Emilia comes next to me and looks at my body and says something.

"She said now we must get you into a bath and get you some proper clothing for the ball." (Ion)

Everybody leaves the room and two butlers bring in a huge wooden bucket in with hot water in it.

The butlers say something and leave.

"They said to get in and properly wash myself and that your suit is waiting for you outside the room and that the Ball begins in exactly twelve hours." (Ion)

"Put a timer Ion." (Hayden)

"Already done." (Ion)

I take off my clothes and enter the bath but the moment I do I feel like somebody is staring at me and I immediatly turn my head towards the windows just to see a shadow vanish.

"Ion, keep an eye on peekers... Who would even think of peeking at me though?" (Hayden)

--- Meanwhile outside Hayden's room, a Maid's POTV ---

"Empress, are you sure we should be doing this?" (Maid)

I look around myself to see about twelve other maids and the Empress looking through the window of the room the Human resides in, peeking at the Human.

"Sssh, he might hear us... Or Ion will hear us... Actually Ion has actually seen, heard and located us the moment we entered this area... But he assists us so just do it..." (Empress)

The empress has completely changed after that Human came... She used to think of peeking at somebody the most unholy of sins and now she's here doing it herself! And with 13 maids! Well... I can't say that I am not curious about this human...

I guess I'll take a look as well....

--- Back to Hayden ---

"What is with this! I keep feeling like there are people looking at me! Ion, tell me honestly. How many people are peeking at me?" (Hayden)

"None. Just a few cats." (Ion)


I quickly bathe myself and get out and put on my clothes once more after drying myself with a piece of cloth left here just for that.

I leave the room and see a whole suit on a stand infront of me.

No hat, a black shirt inside a black and slightly golden cape, black pants and long shoes half-way to my knees.

(Author's note: I really don't know how to describe clothing, do I? Just think of something like a medieval version of a business suit, maybe something like this: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.SUwCwmPXillxhoLUmgZJqADpEs&pid=15.1 [Not mine, found it on google.])

The worse thing is that this entire thing is also decorated to look like fancy armor, they put pieces of armor everywhere.

I pull the clothing into my room and quickly change, still feeling like people are staring at me through the window.

I finish putting on my clothes and leave the room and two butlers are already there.

"They are here to be our escorts." (Ion)

Ion quickly explains why they are here.

"Can you ask them to take me to the library first. I need to find out the relation between the Church and Humans." (Hayden)

Ion tells them something and they nod and start walking with me following them.

A few minutes later we reach a huge library.

I enter the library and in an instant a librarian with glasses comes infront of me.

"Ion, tell her why I am here." (Hayden)

Ion tells her and she immediatly runs off.

We wait for five minutes until she comes back with three books and hands them to me and shows me to the reading table.

"Ion, can you tell her that I appreciate it." (Hayden)

Ion does so and I sit down and start reading.

I read for nine hours, three hours for a single book since It was huge...

About 600 pages for a single book!

Well, I know a bit about how the conflict started...

To think it was for such a stupid reason...

A human who was fighting a dragon accidentaly missed a fireball and it hit a house where the church members resided.

That begun the conflict. It escalated when a human burnt down three churches since all three priests in them were abusing their power to steal women from the villages they were spreading the faith into.

The conflict reached it's tip when a prophet recieved a grand vision about the humans being evil but that was in-fact a lie fabricated by the church but nobody dares say it anymore.

The actual reason for the conflict reaching the tip was because the church had gotten ahold of a human princess and imprisoned her in the Cathedral of Hope, the Pope's home. The Pope of course didn't know of this so the moment humans crashed through the wall, gate and window destroying everything to find the princess, the Pope declared a Holy War against them.

And that's basically the simplified reason why this stupid conflict begun.

The conflict hasn't ended because the humans gave up trying to explain it and went into the mountain range to peacefully live but every now and then they come down, trying to see if the Church is still as stupid as it was and is.

The Holy War has been going on for about five centuries since no pope wants to end the First Pope's first and last command and the First Holy War.

Actually the Church is just a name given by the citizens of the land, the true name of the religion is Imonothep.

It is more like a cult instead of an actual chruch.

Their power grew drastically when the humans went into hiding since the people believed the humans escaped from the might of the Church.

How do I know all this? These are the three last books about the history of the Humans apparently. The church has burnt all others.

"Ask her why she immediatly gave me these books and didn't think I was part of the chruch." (Hayden)

Ion asks the librarian my question and she answers and Ion translates.

"Emilia came through here before and told her that if a human-like person with a metal ball is floating around, that they are trust-worthy and to show them whatever they ask for." (Ion)

I nod and leave the Library since I need to prepeare for the Ball.

The moment I leave Emilia is there waiting for me and says something to me.

"She said it's time to go, the Ball is starting soon and we must be there first." (Ion)

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