《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 27. Planning.


Emilia stares at me with a weird look but I don't really put any attention to it.

How do I build a plane again...

I forgot, I completely forgot how to build a plane... Even though I designed one of the most efficient aircraft to use...

"Ion, how many different plane blueprints do you have?" (Hayden)

"Every plane blueprint starting from the year 2000, the earlier builds were discarded as non-efficient and not worth keeping in my data banks. Hence I have about 791500 plane blueprints in my data banks but we can only create about 52047 of them if we don't have petroleum." (Ion)

Petroleum huh...

Whilst I am lost in my thoughts Emilia keeps staring at me like I just murdered a cat or a dog.

"Ion, find every blueprint you can for anything related to creating planes, every airframe, every wing structure blueprint, everything. I'm going to go and finish this ball real quick and then we'll start creating the blueprint for the actual plane itself near the lab. Also, find every blueprint related to helicopters as well." (Hayden)

"Roger. I also want to see her soon..." (Ion)

I leave the balcony with Ion floating around me and take a seat overlooking the whole ball room

The earliest planes can't fly that big of a distance with no risks...

Modern planes require us to go to space and harvest the solar winds and energy...

(Author: Modern as in his future time, not ours.)

Emilia comes next to me and sits down as well, still staring at me.

The ball progresses slowly since nobody is on the dance floor and nobody really wants to talk anymore, everybody is just doing something alone.

The women who were trying to enter the balcony also gave up trying to approach me and left the ball entirely.


During this time I was also studying the language of the Empire whilst listening to Ion's ideas on the planes and helicopters.

The ball ended shortly after and everybody started leaving.

Ion and I also leave after saying our goodbyes to Emilia for today.

"Ion, a helicopter is way safer than a plane right? But it will take longer." (Hayden)

"Indeed... If you use the Mil Mi-17 for example it would take about eight days but if you use for example the Cirrus VK-30 it would take about five days. This is excluding all the breaks for the re-fueling and such but that means the Cirrus would have much more trouble finding a location to land whilst the Mi-17 would not. I would suggest the Mi-17 since if we crash and burn with the Cirrus we would never see Alicia again." (Ion)

We keep talking whether to use a plane or a helicopter to reach Alicia whilst moving towards the lab.

The production itself might take an entire month at best without help... But if I get all the resources nearly immediatly and use all of the maids and butlers not needed right now I could shorten it down to possibly 14 days of production...

The flight tests and other tests to make sure it can fly without crashing would take about 3-4 days if we rush it.

Stocking up on food,fuel and other supplies would take a day maybe two.

The flight itself would take about ten days with the Mi-17...

"Wait Ion... We actually have to make a helicopter, we can't put any fuel or any supplies in the plane without wasting too much room right? But helicopters are literally made for such things. It'll also require less time to produce if my calculations are right." (Hayden)


"Indeed. Sadly we cannot create any of our modern helicopters otherwise we wouldn't need any fuel, only a whole bunch of sunlight." (Ion)

We reach the lab and enter it and notice everybody is back.

"Ion, what about creating a few solar panels and when we land we use them to charge batteries and such. We could also use it to power for example an electric fence whilst we are on the land to protect ourselves and we only fly through the night... Though that would require us to use more fuel to light the way." (Hayden)

"It could work. The more fuel part won't matter much if we find a good spot where a lot of it is..." (Ion)

I sit down and Ion lands on the desk infront of me.

"The Mi-17 is our most likely helicopter to use since most of the resources should've appeared in this world by now." (Hayden)

"Shall we send people out to scout for fuel and other materials? Since the turboshaft engine used in the Mi-17 runs on any fuel we know of." (Ion)

"Yes, we should do that. I'll make a list of all the materials and their descriptions and the same for the fuels, you take it to Emilia and ask her for a favor aka finding all of these." (Hayden)

I start writing all the materials down needed for a Mi-17 and the Klimov engine for it.

In the school I was taught there was an ancient Mi-17 sitting right outside it as a decoration with all of its parts scattered around it for show. That much I remember.

After a while I sent Ion off whilst I created the basic plan for the helicopter on some paper.

Height is about 4.76 meters and it's rotors diameter is about 21.25 meters if I remember correctly...

Spots for 27 people including the crew, length of 18.465 meters...

Yeah this should do for now.

Now I just have to wait for Ion to come back so we can start searching for fuel, aluminium and other metals and materials.

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