《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 1. The New World.


I keep walking through the Faster Than Light jump Cylinder for a while and I still see no end...

"How long must I walk for...?" (Hayden)

I keep walking until I notice a box fly past my ear almost touching it and then I am suddenly thrown forward as well by something...

"What the hell!" (Hayden)

As I get thrown forward I try to examine what is propelling me forward.

"Gravity? No... I would feel gravity pulling me. Wind...? Impossible... But what can it be?" (Hayden)

I keep wondering while I basically fly through the Cylinder.

After a while I suddenly see a flash of bright light that blinds me for a second and when I see again...

"This... Is... Where?" (Hayden)

I am on my back and feel soft soil and grass behind me and I see leaves and trees everywhere.

"A forest? Does that mean... I did it!?" (Hayden)

I jump up from excitement and raise my hands up in the air after shouting.

I then realize how stupid my action was as I literally don't have any idea where I am, who is my enemy or who is my ally.

I lower my hands and look around for the box... And it's up on a tree.

I go to the tree that is holding the box and kick it once and the box falls down.

"Good... It actually fell down with one hit." (Hayden)

I go to the box and open it up.

"Jesus... They really packed everything." (Hayden)

I rummage through the things I have and notice three big water bottles... An oxygen canister that they managed to put in somehow... Potato seed packets... A food box? I know who put that in there...

I take out the things I already mentioned and see there is even more in here! How did they fit these in here!

I see a Mechanical Drill... An axe and three small solar chargers and a flashlight... A backpack to put everything in... And inside the side-pocket of the backpack a scientists kit and inside a welder and grinder to build things with...


I won't even ask how they got everything in the box. They always do things I can't imagine.

After I seemingly take everything out I notice one thing on the bottom... An A.I drone.

I take it out of the box carefully and activate it.

"Activating systems... Activating propulsion boosters... Activating Hovering Boosters... Activating all Back-up Systems... Activation complete. Activating A.I Core. Activation complete." (Drone)

The A.I Drone launched up into the air and hovers back down to my head level.

"Hello. My name is Ion. My master is Alicia Igbahn but it seems she has set a new rule-set inside my A.I Core that makes you my master as well based on my face recognition system. So, Ion welcomes master." (Ion)

"Hello Ion. Just call me Hayden. So Alicia put you in the box... Figures... She cares for me too much... A tad too much for me to feel safe sleeping in the same room with her without her watching me sleep..." (Hayden.)

"Ion cannot laugh but Ion understands the joke. It is quite funny by my standards." (Ion)

"Ok, Ion... Shall we get scouting?" (Hayden)

I pack everything in the backpack that I have.

"As you wish, Hayden." (Ion)

Ion hovers closer to me as I plot a direction... East... East has always shown me good things.

I start walking east while Ion attaches himself onto my head with some robot legs? I can't really see but it didn't hurt me so I don't care.

"Hayden, Ion realizes that Ion has no way of charging himself. How will Hayden keep Ion alive?" (Ion)

I grab my backpack and open it up and hand one solar charger to Ion and then close it and put it on my back again.

"Thank you, Hayden. Ion can now charge to full whenever needed." (Ion)

We keep heading East until I get out of the forest...

"I think we should go back into the forest..." (Hayden)

"Ion agrees! Ion wants to go back into the forest now!" (Ion)

What we see infront of us is three dragons fighting a huge army of... Harpies?


I start walking backwards but some of the side-line harpies that aren't doing anything spot me.

"Hayden..." (Ion)

"Yup... RUN." (Hayden)

I start running back into the forest full speed but the Harpies catch up in no time.

I can hear one of them laughing from above...

"Ion, Can you open the backpack and hand me the drill inside?" (Hayden)

"Will do! Anything not to die yet!" (Ion)

Ion detaches himself and opens the backpack and flies infront of me with the drill. I grab it and Ion attaches himself to my head again after closing the backpack.

"Thanks..." (Hayden)

One of the harpies flies down probably to catch us because the talons are going straight for my back.

"Not... Today..." (Hayden)

I power up the drill and suddenly stop and point the drill upwards and it goes straight through the harpies skull, killing it by making a brain smoothy.

The other harpy stares at us, screeches and then flies away really quickly.

"Ion is pleased by harpies death." (Ion)

I sigh as I pull out the now bloody drill from the Harpies skull.

I decide to take a closer look at the harpy...

Wings, human face... Half-human half-bird chest, bird-like legs but human...

"Ok... These are harpies... Also... We should run. I am entirely sure that one will go and get some backup." (Hayden)

"Ion agrees." (Ion)

We run towards the West where we came from. The forest is better. Way better.

And it seems better to lay low for now... My first meeting with the world residents did not go well.

I run back to the spot where I first got to the world and decide to build a small camp here.

Nobody can see me from above due to the thick leaves covering the inside part of the forest...

And I won't take the big trees down that cover me. Only the smaller, not so needed ones to build things...

"Ion, can you project things?" (Hayden)

"I can. I have a projection program inside my core." (Ion)

"Good... We'll need some power to start ourselves up... Ion, how many things would we need for a reactor?" (Hayden)

"Well... Things we won't have without power.." (Ion)

"Thank you Ion... But could we build something solar?" (Hayden)

"Yes, we can. The holding structure would have to be built out of stone or wood but we could make something out of the glass... We'd just need some Iron and some other minerals... The only problem is... The photovoltaics. We don't have any and the materials to build it with are too deep for your drill to get." (Ion)

"Concentrated Sunlight? Glass in the trees but not big enough to be noticed and it concentrates on the solar engine?" (Hayden)

"Could work perfectly. One solar engine would be enough for a while to get our base up and running due to the efficiency of the solar engine." (Ion)

"Then that is our plan! Build a solar engine, somehow super-heat some sand into glass and power the solar engine!" (Hayden)

"Shall do. And the super-heating is easy. Your drill after working for a while is super-heated so after mining enough Iron quickly come up after gathering some sand and putting it on the ground and then just make the sand into glass. While you were running I spotted a lake with sand around it." (Ion)

"Ah... Good. We just need to start building then." (Hayden)

"Yes. Ion will stay here and guard the camp. I can kind of see the lake from here even so I can hear you if you scream for help." (Ion)

"Thanks for that Ion." (Hayden)

"Anything for my master." (Ion)

"Well... I'll get going." (Hayden)

I put down my backpack and only grab the bloody drill, some food and a bottle of water and leave towards the location Ion pointed.

This world is intriguing... Harpies? Dragons? Even some of the trees look weird because they have some kind of engraving on them...

Well... I'll see all of that once I've gotten my base up and running and I won't die to anything. I don't have near infinite bodies laying around like some of the clones we had back at the lab...

I keep walking towards the lake to gather up some sand.

"This world... It's going to be fun..." (Hayden)

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