《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 2. Basic Construction


I walk towards the lake and drink an entire bottle of water before I get there so I have something to carry the sand with.

When I reach the lake I take a quick look around to make sure no creature sneaks up on me and attacks me...

"Nothing... Just the way I like it right now." (Hayden)

I start gathering the sand in the bottle while looking in the lake to see if there are any fish in it.

There are fish... Fish with huge spikes on them but fish... They remind me of the ancient fish... Blowfish.

One of the fish jumps up into the air but I notice something... This one doesn't have spikes... Since it shot them at me!

I dodge the spikes just in time and quickly gather the sand and run.

I am NOT going back there without a shield of some kind...

On the way back to base I wonder how they could shoot their spikes... Something inside of them? Pressurized air glands? It's possible...

I'll need to study that fish... Extensively...

I reach the base and quickly tell Ion what happened at the Lake after pouring the sand on the ground.

"Hmm... A fish like a blowfish... Except it shot the spikes at you from mid air? There are two things wrong there. The fact that it was in the air that long and the fact that it shot spikes which is virtually impossible for normal lifeforms." (Ion)

"We do not know anything about this world Ion. The only thing we do know is Harpies exist and so do Dragons. Things we have tried to replicate in our world for... A thousand years? Ever since cloning became a viable thing..." (Hayden)

"That is correct. Also... I look over the sand and I think we will need a tad more." (Ion)


"How much more?" (Hayden)

"A backpack full." (Ion)

Ion looks at the backpack as I sigh and grab it.

"Fine... I'll go and get some more and I will try NOT to get stabbed or shot or whichever it is." (Hayden)

"Ion will stay here and think about what we will do after the solar engine!" (Ion)

"Yes yes Ion..." (Hayden)

I sigh and go back to the lake after picking up a stick that seems sharp enough to protect me from the fish...

I arrive at the lake and start shoving the sand in the backpack as fast as I can... Which is pretty fast.

I look in the lake every once in a while to make sure none of them are swimming up to jump up to throw spikes at me.

After I finish gathering all the sand I hear something in the bushes.

"Noo... Stay in the bushes and don't come out..." (Hayden)

I close the backpack and run towards the base at top speed. When I look back I see a rabbit chasing me...

"Not nice rabbit! Rabbit with sharp sharp knives on it's body stay back! Ion!!!" (Hayden)

I run and run and I see Ion looking at me and seemingly laughing until he notices the knives.

"Knives?! Knives?! I'm on it!" (Ion)

He projects a wall infront of the Rabbit which confuses it and it leaves us alone...

"Why didn't you use this on the harpies...?" (Hayden)

"Harpy was intelligent. Rabbit... Not so much." (Ion)

"Ah... Ok." (Hayden)

I put all the sand on the ground and Ion takes a look at it.

"Yup. This is enough. Now... Just to got the other materials." (Ion)

"Diggy diggy hole?" (Hayden)

"Yes Hayden... Diggy diggy hole." (Ion)


I grab the drill and start digging in a tilted way so I can get back up aswell.

After a while I reach the stone and start digging it and rolling it out and after a while I find some Iron... Which is luck. I need Iron. Lots of it.

I drill all the iron out and bring it up while drilling the side to keep the drill super-heated.

After a while I get all the Iron and stone out and I have put my drill on the sand to make glass.

"Now... Ion... How do we get the Iron to melt." (Hayden)

"Fire below, your drill mixing it up inside of the iron ore. We'll need to make a stone crucible though." (Ion)

"Sounds... Normal?" (Hayden)

"It is Hayden. It is. I've already projected a few things around the base. You just need to make them." (Ion)

"Thank you Ion. You really are a help..." (Hayden)

I grab the welder and the grinder and start making the basic shape of the crucible and after a while I finish making the crucible.

I put all the Iron in it and with my axe I take down three small trees that didn't affect the wildlife at all and our cover at all either.

I put them on fire with the heated drill and then start mixing the iron to make ingots. After a while the Iron Ore turns into melted iron and after a long time of waiting it turns into the Iron I need.

I tilt the crucible so the Iron falls to the ground and then I grind it into the shape of the Solar Engine parts we need.

I sometimes thin some of the iron out to make some wiring.

After four days of building and sleeping and sometimes eating I finish the solar engine.

Ion placed the glass in the trees after I made a support with stone that we had left over so our base now has some kind of power because the solar engine works!

And it doesn't make much sound which is good...

"We finished, Hayden." (Ion)

"Indeed we did... What next?" (Hayden)

"Some basic things... Assembler, walls for protection, a storage locker... You know... The needed things." (Ion)

"Hmm... Storage locker first then walls then Assembler... Easier that way." (Hayden)

"Alright. For the storage locker we will need more Iron and some stone. Time for you to mine." (Ion)

"Yaay... Mining..." (Hayden)

I grab the drill and head back into the mineshaft which I have reinforced with supports...

Time... To mine...

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