《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 3. Much Needed Constructions, The First Squadron.


I mine and mine for the entire day until I finally gather enough materials!

I come out of the mine with my head red due to me hitting it against every rock possible... And I mean that...

"Perfect" (Ion)

"Sooo... Shall we begin?" (Hayden)

"Placing the projection for the blueprint now." (Ion)

"Thank you Ion." (Hayden)

Ion projects the storage container and I start building it...

It takes a while due to the fact that I had to build the hinges so the door opens so I can get things...

"What is next?" (Hayden)

"Walls." (Ion)

"Projection please." (Hayden)

"Shall do." (Ion)

Ion projects the walls around the base just where I wanted them and I start constructing them while looking out for the rabbit...

I finish about one fourth of the walls until a herd of those rabbits appear and jump around but dissapear in the next moment and I hear shouting...

"Ion! Camo projections for walls? Anything!?" (Hayden)

"Taking samples from surrounding, analyzing, projecting camouflage!" (Ion)

I jump down from the wall I had just finished and stay behind a corner, peeking.

I see a ton of... Fairies? Fairies...

"Ion, we have fairies. Put that into the database of this world." (Hayden)

"Immediatly..." (Ion)

I keep looking and I see a little girl flying behind grown men and women who are hunting the rabbits and the little girl stops and looks at the base for a second and then a fairy comes back and grabs the girl.

"Sir, with kind words... I think we were spotted just now!" (Ion)

"I saw that. We better finish these walls... And... FAST." (Hayden)

I climb back ontop the walls and start welding and grinding them into place as fast as I can while keeping an eye out for anything living.


After an hour I finish the walls and begin construction on the gate that leads in and out of the base.

I finish that in half an hour and Ion takes a look at it.

"Solid... I don't think they will come through this without a rocket launcher... Which I hope they do not have." (Ion)

"We both hope that Ion. We both hope that. Now... The assembler..." (Hayden)

I look over to the cauldron to make sure my last batch of materials is melted and it is... Now to solidify them...

I take the proper procedures not to burn myself or kill myself and make them into Iron after waiting for a tad of time.

Ion projects the assembler and I make the frame for it and climb inside it and slowly start putting the necessary things into place...

After eight hours I finish the assembler...

"Finally done..." (Hayden)

"Sir... We have a problem. The child is back." (Ion)

"..." (Hayden)

I make my way to the gate and peek out through a glass hole I made just for this reason.. And she is there. With her parents...

"Ithrakil Sapientru Kerilla!" (Fairy Child)

"Hayden... They are speaking languages we don't understand." (Ion)

"Thank you captain obvious..." (Hayden)

I listen more closely.

"Nontherus! Sapientru Kerilla nen existeriana fortorjey Yggdrassil!" (Fairy)

"Sapientru Kerilla! Ithrakil! Ithrakil!" (Fairy Child)

She points at the base directly.

"Nen existeriana! Kalthril homaya." (Fairy)

"Sir. They are still there." (Ion)

"I can see that Ion." (Hayden)

I keep looking and the child runs forward towards the base.

"Sir..." (Ion)

"No no no no no no..." (Hayden)

"Kayo! Kalthril homaya nuo!" (Fairy)

One of the parents grabs the child just before she reveals our existense to every being in our known world. Which includes an army of Harpies, two dragons and now those Fairies.


"Ithrakil! Ithrakil!" (Fairy Child)

She starts crying and the other parent sighs and walks forward towards the base.

"Sir. We are royally screwed now." (Ion)

I hear a loud scream and the Fairies immediatly react and run away but the child looks at the glass hole once and I locked eyes with her...

"Something tells me this won't be the last time we see them." (Hayden)

"Ion hopes it is!" (Ion)

"Well... Time to rest... Ion, what shall you do?" (Hayden)

"I shall watch over the base so we don't die." (Ion)

"Thank you Ion." (Hayden)

I fall asleep...

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