《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 4. The series of problems start...


I wake up to see Ion floating around the base nervously.

"Ion?" (Hayden)

"Finally you woke up Hayden... Keep it down... The kid is here again with a surprise..." (Ion)

I silently get up and go to the gate and look through the peek hole...

"So Hayden...?" (Ion)

"A problem it is..." (Hayden)

I look at Ion and then at the child who is holding... Spears. Many spears.

She picks one up and throws it at the gate and then picks another one up and throws it at the gate again and starts bombarding the gate...

"Hayden..." (Ion)

"It is good we made this out of Iron and Stone right?" (Hayden)

"Very good..." (Ion)

I keep looking through the peek hole and she restlessly throws spears at the gate...

"Why is this child so persistent on revealing our existence?" (Hayden)

"Ion has no idea..." (Ion)

"What shall we do?" (Hayden)

Ion floats around slightly panicked until he stops.

"I have an idea, Hayden... It includes very high risk and the child knowing of us and nothing thinking this as her imagination." (Ion)

"So... We reveal ourselves?" (Hayden)

Ion stops for a second and shuts down because he has been operating for the entire night without anything charging him.

"Damn it Ion..." (Hayden)

I go back to my glass peek hole and stare at the kid until the loud roar is heard again and the child runs away leaving the spears behind...

I keep looking through the peek hole until I see the cause of the roar...

A massive lion... As big a house... It's teeth glow in the sunlight that barely comes through the leaves...

It's eyes meet mine and it walks towards the gate and sits down infront of it looking through the glass eye...


"Hello..." (Hayden)

The lion stares at me, gets up, turns around hitting the gate with it's tail making the gate shake a lot and almost open...

It looks to see if the gate is open or not and then leaves...

"Don't tell me... The lion is more intelligent than the fairy child and possibly even the fairy parents...? Oh come on this world! You have got to be kidding me..." (Hayden)

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to hijack that signal... Since this world is deadly... And I forgot to pack any weaponry... Why did I forget to pack any weaponry!?

I go to Ion while hitting my head for forgetting to pack weapons...

I take a look at the charge Ion has and it's almost thirty percent again...

I turn Ion back on and he floats up into the air.

"Did I shut down?" (Ion)

"Yes you did... The child left aswell... But we have a bigger problem than a fairy child now..." (Hayden)

"Bigger problem?" (Ion)

"It is more intelligent, stronger and bigger than a fairy... A lion. A house-sized lion with high intellect..." (Hayden)

"Can Ion shut down again?" (Ion)

"No!" (Hayden)

"Ok..." (Ion)

I go back to the glass peek hole and I see the child quickly gathering the spears while crying a little and I notice she is bleeding and has a red cheek...

"Ion... Look..." (Hayden)

Ion goes to the peek hole and stares through it...

"Crying? Bleeding... Red cheek? She got hit by her parents...?" (Ion)

"It seems so..." (Hayden)

The child finishes picking up the spears on the ground and comes to take the spears that were thrown at the gate...

She picks them up and notices the gate has moved slightly and gets frightened and runs...


"She got frightened because the gate was moved by the Lion a tad? Well... If they have to deal with those Lions daily... I'd be frightened aswell." (Hayden)

"Well Hayden... Our problems have just begun. We need a food and water source... That means you have to make a small river from the lake to here or find a water source underground since we don't have water generators..." (Ion)

A tear falls to the ground when I hear that... I have to go outside?

"Ion... Can you detect any water sources? Or can you even do that?" (Hayden)

"I have a thermal sensor... I could look for water spots underground since they are colder than the surrounding stones usually." (Ion)

"Please..." (Hayden)

Ion activates the thermal sensor and looks around and underground and goes into the mine a tad and then comes out.

"Nothing. The only water source nearby is the lake..." (Ion)

"Hahah..." (Hayden)

I sit down and think for a while... A safe way to make a small river from the lake to here without being noticed... Underground!

"Ion! I know a way! I'll dig underground and make supports so even if the lion decides to take a nap on the pathway it won't collapse and the water will come from the lake and nobody will know!" (Hayden)

"Brilliant!" (Ion)

I start my plan while Ion keeps a look-out for the Lion and the child...

Why do I have a feeling that at the end of this plan something is going to go very wrong...?

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