《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 5. Water.


I dig and dig and dig towards the lake and after hours of digging I reach the lake and water starts pouring into the path I made...

"Finally..." (Hayden)

I look at the small fountain of water and decide to make it bigger so more water comes through. After I made it bigger and it filled the pathway to my knees I ran back to the base.

I climb out of the hole to the Pathway to the lake.

"Done, Ion... Done." (Hayden)

"That is good... The people outside the gate are not so good." (Ion)

"People outside the gate?" (Hayden)

I walk to the peek hole and look through it...

"These people... They aren't fairies... Harpies..." (Hayden)

"The people who followed us into the forest before?" (Ion)

"Yes... Them..." (Hayden)

A band of fairies comes out of the bushes and starts talking to them...

"This could end really badly..." (Ion)

"Do we have any weapons? Guns?" (Hayden)

"No... We don't..." (Ion)

Next thing to do if we survive this... Build guns and tons of ammo...

The people outside the gate leave towards the direction that the lion always leaves...

Are they going to hunt the lion?

Well... Atleast they don't know we are here so we are safe...

"They left..." (Ion)

"We need guns. And Ammo..." (Hayden)

"We don't have any gunpowder nor can we make any..." (Ion)

"Any other ways? Do we really have no way of creating guns?" (Hayden)

Ion starts looking at blueprints while I go and check on the water that has completely filled up the pathway and turned it into a river... Just as needed. I look deeper into the water and small fish are swimming in the water...

All according to plan...


"Sir.. There is no way for us to make guns. We'll need to begin with the swords and such first..." (Ion)

"Alright. Atleast we'll have something to defend ourselves with..." (Hayden)

Ion projects a Longsword, a sword and a dagger onto the workplace and I start crafting them one by one...

The handle, the hilt, the blade and the scabbard...

After two hours or so I finish the swords and dagger and start engraving some symbols into them as tradition in our world...

"Hayden, is this the tradition that everybody talks about?" (Ion)

"The blessing? Yes... It is. Might sound weird that a scientist believes in gods but that is common nowadays... The public thinks it's weird though." (Hayden)

After I finish engraving the symbols the gate starts to slowly open though none of us are near it...

"Ion!" (Hayden)

"Got it!" (Ion)

Ion charges the gate to see what is opening it and I run near the gate with my swords in their scabbards.

What I saw was unexpected... The lion was dead before the gate... It tried to open the gate with it's last strength but couldn't...

"Wait... If the lion is here... Where are the hunters..." (Hayden)

I hear happy shouting in the distance coming closer...

"Sir... We need to close the gate... Now." (Ion)

"We can't close it with the body in the way..." (Hayden)

I start pushing the lion's body but I can't even move it a millimeter...

"It's too heavy for me... This is really bad..." (Hayden)

The hunters are right next to the lion and are start to drag it away... All but one...

The last one comes towards the gate to look what the Lion was trying to do as it's last action...


"I'll need to kill him..." (Hayden)

I take my dagger out of it's scabbard.

"There is no other choice if he enters..." (Ion)

The hunter comes closer and closer until the others call for him and he leaves while looking at the blood stains.

We look as they all leave and then close the gate...

I put the dagger back in it's scabbard.

"That was bad... Real bad... We were on the edge of being discovered." (Hayden)

"Not on the edge of being discovered... On the edge of dying." (Ion)

I nod as I put the swords near the gate and keep the dagger.

"We have water... I saw some fish in the water that can keep me living for a long while... I guess it's time to explore? Since we don't have enough resources to do much.. And digging won't help us much... Might collapse the land below us right now if I dig wrong..." (Hayden)

"Indeed... It is time to explore if you say so." (Ion)

"I'm heading to sleep... Ion you should recharge. I doubt anybody will bother us for a bit of time." (Hayden)

Ion shuts down and starts recharging and I fall asleep near the swords looking at the dark night sky...

Tomorrow is the time of exploration... We explored for a bit of time... Saw two dragons... I wonder what we will see now?

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