《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 0. The Start.


My name is Hayden Igbhan. A scientist dealing with many different studies... Quantum Mechanics, Mechatronics... Advanced Cloning and Artificial Intelligence.

The year is 3614... That means I've been alive for 50 years and I still have about 250 to go.

I have personally been involved with building a sort of teleportation device...

We will hijack this 'signal' that appears every time a human suddenly disappears into thin air.

This signal by rumors has existed for thousands of years taking people from Earth and now is taking people from other planets aswell.

I want to see why... And where it is taking them.

So me and a group of scientist and engineers built this with funding from the Goverment of Planet Cetreia.

If anybody finds this and a lot of dead bodies due to an explosion... That means it malfunctioned and we failed probably.

I am going to be inside the machine trying to make the signal teleport me to the other end of the signal.

The group of scientists and engineers I am working with will leave their own part of the story in this same datapad.


Lead Scientist,

Hayden Ighban.

--- End Transmission ---

"Are we ready Alicia?" (Hayden)

"Yeah. Only the signal needs to come." (Alicia)

"Good. Everybody completely ready? This might work perfectly or not at all." (Hayden)

"We wouldn't be doing this if we weren't ready for this important part of history. We just need to make sure where the hell you would be going... But leave that to us, Hayden." (Scientists)

"Hahahah! I sure will! Where are the engineers by the way? I haven't seen them around." (Hayden)

"They were called to help build the T.R.I.O.N." (Scientists)

"Oh... That thing..." (Hayden)

Suddenly all the sensors go off as the signal appears.


I run towards the machine and sit down on the chair and strap myself in.

The other scientists put all the necessary survival things on the box that will be teleported at the same time as me in a little bit smaller version and less complex one as the one I am in.

"The signal is basically right inside this room! The perfect chance! Start the process! Jayd!" (Alicia)

"Will do!" (Jayd)

Jayd the experienced scientist who is a tall skinny genius basically... My best friend. Alicia, my sister... She was voted the cutest scientist every year since she came here with me.

This might be the last time I see both of them and the last time I see this building...

"Hayden, you ready?" (Alicia)

"Yup. Press it." (Hayden)

"Bye..." (Alicia)

Alicia waves goodbye and I smile before I am teleported.

I only see a long cylinder tunnel with no seeming end... Just like a Faster Than Light jump...

Where will I end up at?

We shall see.

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