《Transmigrated Into a Blind Woman’s Body》Chapter 4


“Is that the viscount’s daughter?”

“I heard that she is crippled.”

“So unfortunate that she was born blind.”

“Too bad, she had such beautiful looks. She would make a fine wife to have.”

Hearing all of them talk behind her back, she couldn't care less about what they had to say about her. In her last life, it was no surprise that she would end up being the talk of the people again since she always attracted attention for no reason to begin with. She would do her own thing, and then be the talk for no real reason. Taken to her seat, she was set down with her maid there to assist her while her parents sat in between her on different tables. Everyone’s emotions were all over the place which Lin Ning found quite unbearable to keep sensing while she kept her eyes shut to avoid seeing their colors. ‘Ugh, if only there was an on and off button for this.’ Wishing that there was such a thing that existed then it would make it easier for her. Everyone spoke to one another, greeting and recalling some old memories with one another as they all stopped soon after. Lin Ning did not know what had happened, but it must have been someone who caught their attention. ‘I wonder who entered.’ She thought, hoping that it was at least a character that she knew.

“It’s Duke Cao’s second son.”

“It seems as though it is true that he has become a crippled man.”

“He was never going to succeed in taking over for his father anyway, so it does not matter.”

“Besides, who would care about a military strategist? He can be replaced any time.”

Lin Ning immediately knew who the man who entered into the room was, his name was Cao Peizhi who was the second son to Duke Cao. Not only that, but she was actually his biggest fan when she read the novel. Not many cared about him, nor did they really have much to comment about for him. The way that he was a military strategist, she knew that he had a big passion when it came to his duty. He had lost his arm due to protecting the crown prince who he followed under and helped rise to the throne. Knowing that he had lost all hope and motivation after he had lost his arm, she knew that he would be in deep depression at this moment. ‘Why is he here? He should not be here.’ She did not know that he would come to the Empress Dowager’s birthday. ‘Although, the novel did not really tell much about him and where he has gone and has not. Damn novel!’ Feeling upset that the novel only focused on the female lead and the men who fell for her. ‘Maybe…’ Thinking about it, she then turned her head to him and opened her eyes to see a flash of a white light which she did not know why as it stung her eyes, but it soon disappeared after with the color blue in view instead once she opened her eyes again. ‘He is sad.’ She felt sad with him, seeing how his life was going so well until it was all ruined by one attempt to save the crown prince.



Cao Peizhi entered into the palace, seeing how it had gone all quiet instantly once he had entered, which allowed everyone to see his left arm that had been cut off in an attempt to save the crown prince. Seeing how the entire place was filled, he paid no attention to all the talk as he entered inside to sit down where he was supposed to be seated. Everyone saw the cripple man enter the palace, seeing his long black hair and gold eyes that looked like it could kill any with a single glance. Women around did not want to marry a crippled man as the men around did not want to get involved with him either. His father sat beside him as well as his older brother. “I did not think that you would actually come.” Hearing his older brother say that, he knew that his older brother would say that to him. Ignoring his older brother, there was nothing for him to say.

“I thank you all for coming to Empress Dowager’s birthday.” The emperor had the gifts all presented which came from every family that appeared there. Cao Peizhi only looked at his cup of wine that he fiddled with without batting an eye to anyone in the palace.

“Viscount Lin, it seems as though you brought your daughter here today.” Hearing the emperor say, no one had ever seen Viscount Lin’s daughter who they all knew was nothing more than a blind child since birth.

“Your highness, forgive me for keeping my daughter away, but as you know this is her first time coming out today.” Viscount Lin hoped that the emperor did not mind that he brought his daughter along to this event.

“No need to feel like this is bad. Caring about your family is what matters. Please do not feel like this is with ill intentions, but I have heard that your daughter knows a bit how to play a zither.” The emperor said.


‘Did you just say ‘a bit’?!’ Lin Ning felt angry to see that there has been talk about her for a long time. 'I wonder who is spreading the rumors now.’ Still feeling angry that the emperor was basically looking down at her.

“Yes, my daughter has been learning it since young, and so she knows how to play.” Viscount Lin did not think that the emperor would know about such matters regarding his family.

“If your daughter would like, would she like to play a bit for us?” The emperor said, looking at Lin Ning to see that she was like one of the ladies in the palace right now that stood out.

“Your high-”

“I would like to play a song with my zither. If your highness does not mind, I would love to play it for Empress Dowager in hopes that she will enjoy it.” Lin Ning could see that the emperor chose her out of the rest of the ladies in the palace. “Lian, get my zither.” Getting up, her maid had gone to get her zither as her mother assisted her to the main spot for everyone to witness. Knowing how worried her mother could be, she was not going to step down from this challenge that she was given by the emperor. She knew that the women around were likely hoping that she failed in playing her zither. Sensing Lian place her zither in front of her, she placed her hands on the strings as she made sure that she had her hands in the right place.

Cao Peizhi had taken a glance at the woman who was at the center of the floor, wondering how this woman was going to play out if she did not do it correctly.

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