《Elemental World Chaos》Interlude: Vamon


Intelude: Vamon

Well that concludes my childhood. Nice childhood wasn’t it? I mean it had all the important parts! Torture, Combat, Near Death experience, poison. Oh yeah i received training in torture from my master as well. On my request. Lovely aren’t I? An adorable child! Not! Oh well can’t be helped. Anyway seeing that it is now time to make plans. Lets go ahead and look at then world of Vamon for a second.

Surprisingly the planet, the continent AND the human empire are all called Vamon. Crazy right? Well but there seems to be a reason for it so let me elaborate: The planet Vamon seems to be separated into half land and half ocean. Na you know what? How about we just start at the beginning! Well this i won’t find out until MUCH later therefore be grateful i am sharing already. Anyway you have heard of the big bang theory? Well apparently it is quiet close to the truth.

At the beginning there was nothing. But well nothing is boring right? No one knows the truth but from nothingness the great being formed. What is the great being? I have no freaking clue. God? Mister Almighty? Seriously no idea, all i know is that the great being was the beginning. Just an enormous dense and hot mass of energy. If you want a closer explanation to the big bang theory: wiki/Big_Bang

Anyway until now the story is familiar right? I mean of course except for the name but the “Starting point” of the big bang theory is the great being. Anyway for some reason, guys really I am no scientist i can’t explain this i can only tell you what happens after so PLEASE, don’t ask, i don’t know. Until now everything is fine right? All according to theory. Wrong! You might have guessed but there was more to it than we first thought. Because from the great being the spirits were born:

The first spirit: Time, he took the created universe for himself and settled on earth. Leaving only a trace of his power behind.

Next were the twins: light and darkness. They both took in the power left behind by time and then started to create their own world parallel to Time's earth. The first parallel world: Vamon was born.


So Vamon is basically a single planet, that’s in a different dimension parallel to earth. Confused? No wonder, i will try to explain.

We all agree that two things can’t exist at the same place right? Wrong. Why is that wrong? The answer is easy: Time! Two things can occupy the same place just not at the same time. So because Light and Darkness took in some of Time’s power. The planet they created existed on a different time stream than the rest of the universe. That is by the way the reason why time flows slower on Earth than on Vamon. Different time streams! Anyway after Light and Darkness left, the other spirits started to appear: Fire,Water,Earth,Lightning and wind. And they all left for Vamon.

Therefore the only force ruling earth is Time: Hence no magic, no nothing. Anyway but the most important spirit is yet to come: The spirit of chaos. Where there is light, there is darkness, where there is order there is chaos. Everything has its opposite that’s a universal law. So all those spirits that created worlds and life, they need to have a counterpart. And that is: The spirit of chaos. The spirit of chaos went neither to earth nor to Vamon, just light Light and Darkness he created his own world. Twisted and filled with energy that rips apart creation, it is a world filled with wicked shadows, formless but deadly. The Abyss.

The Abyss is a true spirit world, where you don’t have nor need a body. Only your soul or spirit could enter. Vamon on the other hand is like a mixture, half spiritual half physical. Hence magic can be used and beings derived from magic like beastkin and such developed. The problem was its relative close proximity to the abyss. The biggest threat for Vamon was always: the barriers between the worlds would crumble and the abyss would open into Vamon.

Well on the other hand Earth or the rest of the universe is a full material plain. No magic can be used but the abyss is as far away as can be. So now the worlds were made the great being enveloped everything with the remainder of his body hence creating the triple layer universe. That name comes from me neat right? No? Well then f*ck off and think of something better! (It is actually called multiverse, i still think my name is better!) So that was the creation of the universe.


The new planet Vamon was made but there was a problem. They made Vamon from scratch alone unlike the universe that was made by their father and hence had to use some kind of blueprint. Unfortunately they didn’t use earth they just used a rock where nothing can live on. Their brother time could have just sped up the time for the planet until there is a point where things can live on it (which time had already done for earth giving him a head start.) Not knowing what to do suddenly the other 5 spirits arrive. So they look at earth and copy!

Seems we need soil. Hence Earth prepared the ground. Next is an atmosphere. Hence Wind created it. Water is needed hence Water created an ocean. (well he clad half the planet in water but can you not excuse him? He is just copying after all). Heat and light were needed hence Fire and Light combined their efforts and created a sun. A core seems to be important as well hence lightning created a core of pure energy. And the planet was good.

They were very satisfied so now they started to create life! And again they started copying from earth. Darkness who had yet to do anything was first. At the moment we have the rule of the dinosaurs on earth so when darkness started to form his race, he took parts from everywhere and combined them with his own essence. Hence the demons were born.

Light was next. By now humans had already started to take over the earth and Light was enchanted by those creatures. I want them is what she thought. So she copied the humans one to one. And after her the other spirits combined to create the rest of the races. It is unknown which races were originally created except for humans and demons. As they were the only “pure” races. The other races were mixed children from all the other spirits. Over time the races would mix with each other giving birth to even more variety. The planet was only two thirds of the Earth’s size. So half the planet could now be colonized.

The demons took the mountain range in the north. The humans took the plains in the east and the rest of the intelligent creatures banded as the beastkin to take woods lands to the west. And all dangerous monsters and beasts that developed over time were driven into the dense forest in the center of the continent. When the spirit of Water wanted to create creatures of the sea though the spirit of chaos appeared. Chaos did not wish for harmony.

The opposite, Chaos wished for the end of all. For everything to return to one. Chaos wanted everything to end and for the great being to assemble once more. You can think of chaos as the embodiment of destruction. So Chaos linked the ocean to the abyss and the shadows started to invade the world. By coming into contact with the semi physical world of Vamon they developed bodies according to the creatures living in this world.

Though they were just a mass of chaospower that was given physical form. The other spirits were enraged and drove chaos back into the abyss. But they could not undo the connection of Vamon and the Abyss, hence in order to seal the abyss…

Sorry gotta stop here i can’t spoiler the fun :) Maybe some have worked it out maybe not but i really don’t want to spoil the OHA moments therefore i hope that's enough background information for now. I will write an interlude after every arc with additional information so when you don’t understand things or if there are things you want to know, let me know in the comments or something and i shall pick it up for the next interlude. Anyway enjoy the story guys i hope you love as much as i love writing it. That concludes the first arc.

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