《Elemental World Chaos》Chapter 11


Chapter 11: New goals and a spider?

After i left the throne room, i felt more alive than ever since being born into this world. And as soon as i closed the doors behind me, for the first time i laughed. I laughed from the bottom of my heart. It was like eleven years of pressure and fear were released in a single moment. I don’t think there are a lot of people that can understand just what kind of weight has been lifted off of me. With my hate and my determination i fell more and more into the cycle that my father had created.

No not my father the dragonking. I have nothing more to do with that bastard. No not even bastard he is a nothing. And just like that i lost every interest in dragonking Bar’arth Shadowwing. Unconsciously i might have released some killing intent while i was laughing cause all the guards within 100 meters backed off sweating. Which made me laugh even more! Suddenly i felt a slight pull on my clothes from behind. As i turned around, Mia was looking at me with slightly teary eyes.

Oh damn, ahhh I am really really bad with people. No wait that’s actually not true. I used to be really good with people even though i didn’t like crowds. But when it was just one or two people i used to be quiet good with people. But that’s an entire world away. Ah i don’t care anymore. I will just do exactly what i want to do from now on. And just now i have decided that Mia had enough grief. I carefully embrace her fragile upper body and while i can feel the trembling on my chest i silently whisper: “I am sorry Mia. Brother will protect you from now on, you don’t have to be scared anymore. We will leave this hellhole and never come back. How about it, do you want to see the world?” i ask her gently.


While sobbing she can only answer: “yes” sob sob “yes” sob “yes”. I give her another firm hug then i gently remove her from my chest. I look into her teary eyes and give her a small smile. Come on I am really not used to smile, it is my first time in this world! But somehow Mia seems shocked. “Something wrong?” I ask her concerned. The next words i really did not expect. I mean seriously that was like the last thing i expected to ever hear from ANYONE. “Brother you… you are beautiful when you smile.” Ugh. Beautiful? waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit a minute. I am male so… i really don’t want to be “beautiful”, good looking? yes. But beautiful is reserved for women!

Oh well, she is my sister she can say what she wants. I slightly shake my head and say: “Well that was unexpected. Thanks… i guess? Anyway lets go.” I hold my hand towards her and she grabs it without hesitation. With that we finally leave dragonking castle.

Ka’ahn was very satisfied. He was happy that his pupil succeeded and the way he succeeded.. it was marvelous. He couldn’t keep a grin off of his face when thinking about the look on the dragonking when Asura called for the empress. The empress… Never would he have believed that it was his generation, much less himself, that would see the spirits reappear. The only problem is that the seals will weaken, well the barriers will brake eventually due to the rift within the ocean and in order to stop total annihilation, they will need the spirits and all of them.

And the one who seems to be destined to unite them? It seems it would be his little Asura. Words could not describe the pride Ka’ahn held. Asura was like a son to him and it would pain him greatly to leave him behind. But he had no choice. The rules were clear, when the spirits gather, the order needs to be reestablished to help the holder. Hence, because it was him who witnessed the awakening of a spirit, it would be his job to find all the scattered elders and find out about the locations of the other spirits.


When he was done with that he would return to his pupil to guide him once more. All of that and more went through Ka’ahns head while he was waiting for Asura to come out of the castle. He himself left the second he heard Asuras proclamation that he would leave. He had expected as much. While thinking and waiting under a tree next to the road that would lead through the woods towards the human kingdom Vamon. Ka’ahn figured that because of his appearance Asura would choose to go towards Vamon. Well seeing that they will be passing the dryad village, it makes a lot of sense to go this direction.

Especially with Mia. That moment a black hole with a diameter of about two meters formed in the gate of the castle. Through it came Asura and Mia. Asura of course noticed him and came over followed closely by Mia. Not dense but most of Shura was wood. Not like the dense forest where the beasts live, no an open and friendly wood land that gave ideal living conditions to all those different beastkin alive. Only the roads were clear otherwise there were trees, bushes and so on. Many roads lead through the wood lands and many villages exist within. The two main roads though lead directly towards Vamon and Diakon the demon country.

When Asura and Mia arrived by Ka’ahn’s side, the boy made a slight bow and said: “Sensei, thank you for your teachings. I shall leave now and look at the world for myself. I don’t want to be told what to do anymore and i wan’t to see this world with my own two eyes.” Ka’ahn looked warmly at his only student: “Asura there is hardly anymore that i can teach you. Take good care of Mia and steer away from trouble.” Asura though wasn’t finished: “Sensei… Who… or what is Kam’ya?” Ka’ahn sighed and answered: “Asura that is a question i cannot answer you at the present time. I promise you that when i found the answers i am looking for, i will come and find you. Then i will tell you everything i know. Oh and one more thing: an old friend of mine lives near the border to the human kingdom. Visit him i am pretty sure you could learn one or two things from him.”

Asura looked at his teacher suspiciously but then shrugged his shoulders. “Okay.” If his teacher thought it is not time yet, then it is not time yet and he would be the last to pressure his teacher. After all he was the only person close to him, well Mia was there as well and his nanny but he didn’t need a nanny since he was self conscious so he never really got close. But his teacher was more like a father to him then the dragonking ever was. Hence he would trust his teacher. “Then Sensei, i am off, take good care of yourself and thank you for everything.” He extended his right arm and Ka’ahn grabbed it the way warriors do. Asura absolutely had earned that right. A last look and Ka’ahn vanished into the shadows.

Asura looked a moment and then started to leave with Mia towards the Dryad village. Suddenly: “Outsch. What the…?” Asura put his hands to his neck and into his cloak… and pulled a Shadowspider out.

Yeah i know i wanted to finish arc 2 before posting again but i found some time to edit while eating ^^


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