《Elemental World Chaos》Chapter 12


Chapter 12: A new companion

How annoying. I was just about to crush it when i suddenly heard a voice. “Please don’t kill me.” Huh? Voice? But there was no voice and there is no presence anywhere around. That’s slightly alarming. Again i hear that voice but now i realize: It’s in my head! “In your hand… can’t… breathe…” I look into my hand and see: i almost crushed the Shadowspider. Surprised i ease up on the pressure.

“Thank you.” Well let’s first find out what the actual heck is happening here. “Who or what are you?” i ask. I have a way with words right? And i definitely don’t have a stupid look on my face right now! “My name is Caro and obviously i am a shadow spider.” No way. Well let’s first find out more: “Something is not right here Caro or whoever. Shadowbeasts are energy given form by this world at least in the furthest sense. So there is actually no way for them to be self aware. Especially since they physique doesn’t even have a brain as far as i know.” After a short while: “I don’t know if you will believe me but…”

And so the shadow spider Caro told me her story. She was the same as me! I could hardly believe it. She was from Earth! When i heard that i almost cried. I was not crazy. It was all real. There was once before a boy with my name on the planet Earth. He existed! I really had wondered sometimes. Was it all a bad dream? Did my father do something with my head or the magic? But this here was proof! Sorry i got carried away.

Caro’s story. There was actually not much to it: She was shopping with friends, came home and got sleepy. Next thing she knew, she can’t move her body the way she is used to, it’s dark and a scary scenery, she somehow could see, surrounded her. The scenery obviously was the dungeon below the castle. Well that confirms a suspicion i had: The veil between the worlds was unnatural thin around Dragonking castle. The high amount of shadow beasts confirmed that.


After Caro told me her story i was lost in thought and didn’t even pay attention to the kind of annoying voice within my head. “Hello? So what are you gonna do with me?” She asks kind of scared. It seems she used her small size so sneak out of the maze when the king and some of his men went hunting within the dungeon. After that she hid within the castle and started to learn this worlds language.

It even seems that she is not as weak as she seems: She went all around the castle listening in on the lessons the different children of the king received. Seems she was quiet good at magic. Well the more firepower the better. So i decided: “Fine, come with us, but don’t cause any trouble.” I didn’t tell her who i am. Do you think i am stupid? I won’t tell a random stranger who i am. I got way to careful for that the last couple of years. Anyway now the a little smaller than my hand big shadow spider Caro now joined our little group. So finally we can get going. So we start our journey towards the Dryad village.

Mia was confused at first. Why was her bother talking to that spider? Not until after they started to set of on the small road within the woods that she found out. On both sides of the road were a lot of trees and a lot of under wood but all in all it was a quiet and scenic road. While she was admiring the scenery because she never came out of the castle before, she suddenly heard a quiet pleasant voice in her head. It reminded her of her mother even though she had never heard her mothers voice. “Hello i am Caro.”

Mia came to a sudden stop. As if he had eyes on the back of his head, Asura immediately turned around and asked: “Everything okay Mia?” Mia was scared, as she didn’t know if she imagined the voice or not just as she wanted to tell her brother she heard it again: “Sorry that was my fault. I just wanted to greet her.” Asura gave a sigh and said to Mia: “Mia, that’s Caro, she is going to travel with us for a while. Be nice.” As he said that he pointed at the spider that was sitting on his right shoulder. “Hello!” as she heard that in her head the spider raised on of her legs.


Mia stared at her confused at first. But after a short while she answered: “Hello Caro, i am Mia. Please take care of me.” She recovered quiet quickly, seeing that she lives in a world where nothing was impossible. From that day onward Mia and Caro became inseparable. Caro would always ride somewhere on Mia talking to her. Asura was more the quiet type, he hardly ever talked so the two girls were very happy about the company of the other.

Caro told Mia her story and all that happened since she was born. When her spider friend first woke up in this dangerous and confusing world, she ran away from all the other scary dark figures that emerged from a dark spot. She than walked through that dungeon forever until she stumbled upon the king and his men. As they seemed better than all those scary creatures around her, she snuck in one of the pockets and hence, escaped from that dungeon. After she would hide within the castle picking up the language and some magic here and there. Mia was surprised to hear that Caro actually settled under her bed! She just met her unknown flatmate!

From there Caro would delegantly cultivate her magic because her dream was to change her form back to human. She learned more and more until she was strong enough to move a book using magic. From there on she learned various types of magic by sneaking into the castle library by night. That’s how she got to learn telepathy. Care seemed to be the carefree type. Considering everything that happened she would regularly tell Mia jokes about spiders and she would make fun of her own situation. Mia was really thankful for her presence as it made things a lot easier.

With that the days went by quietly. They would walk most of the day and towards the evening Asura would look for a place where they could sleep. If there was no water nearby, Mia could conjure it so there was really no need to absolutely make sure they had a water source nearby. And after a bit less than two weeks, they finally arrived at dryad village.

Yes i know that i have another chapter to go before arc2 is finished but i can't write 24/7 so i decided before shopping i might just as well quickly edit another chapter. Anyway enjoy chapter12 PS: Arc1 and arc2 i will most likely revise and rewrite after i am done. But first get started, get experience, then write what you love about your story (arcs3-5 are gonna be awesome!!) and then ill go back to arc1+2 to bring it up to speed. After that look forward to the second book. Yep a second book is already done at least concerning story! Anyway enough of me talking enjoy the read.

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