《Emperor of 6 Nations》24 days before destination


"These are the men and women you'd be training. I want to see what you can do to these people after a sign."

"What's a sign? If you don't mind me asking."

"I do mind your asking, but signs correspond to the 15 figure that can be seen on the night sky before each cataclysm. Each last for an average of 20 days or so. The constellation's appear in this order, first is the Draconian, followed by the Dwarf, Frosting, Goblin, Halfling, Elf, Human, Orc, Tiger, then the figure of the Arch Druid, Dreadnought, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer, Theocrat and Warlord. Then a cataclysm starts in the time period between the last point of the warlord until the first point of the Draconian."

"Thanks! So what do you want to happen for this group?"

"I want these people here to be able to part the heavens and split the earth after you're done with them."

"Impossible! That won't happen, no person will be able to do that no matter how much training you put them through."

"Then what can you do with them in 20 days?"

"I can give you few choices. Do you want officers, soldiers or specialized training?"

"What does each of those give me?"

"For officers, those would be able to take command and be able to manage their troop like a general manages an army of a king. For soldiers, you get men who would execute you're orders to the letter, be it reasonable or not. I recommend getting both, for lions being lead by a tiger is much better than an alpaca leading lions or a group of tigers leading a flock of sheep.Specialized training is more on how to make them better at what they are good at."

"Then train me a group of tigers first."

"I know what you're thinking, you want to spread this training out using this first batch of soldiers. That's not possible you know. Think of this thing as a type of magic unique to myself."


"What a waste! Then, can you make these men organize into a trump card army. Strong enough to determine the battle?"

"To reach that level is not yet possible for me I have no knowledge of your ways of war but I can use their different specialties to create a team of good soldiers centered around a select group of officers. That should be my plan for this time. How long till we reach our destination?"

"And many more!!! I want Louise to observe your methods at the very least. She needs something to entertain her for the rest of the trip. It would take us 24 more days to reach Monty Creasethon. Just a little more than a sign, I hope you can give me results. Then depending on your competency, If you managed to do well, I'll be bringing you with me to my territory, another two-sign trip."

"What is this Monty Creasethon exactly? Why are you guys going there?"

"Monthy Creasethon is the location where the Grand Academy is established. It was first used as the prison of Edmund of House Dantes during the time he was unjustly accused. He also was the Emperor's confidant in Ilba. When the emperor first died, he was the one who established Monty Creasethon Grand Academy and is one of the the contributors to the discovery of the first Necromancer magics. The emperor's eventual revival is connected to him too. He is a very powerful man, one that even Monarchs can't offend. Not even the Emperor himself can control such a person as passionate as the Count of Monty Creasethon. He opened Grand Academy to each person who has money and willingness to learn, not limited by race or religion. You can say that Monty Creasethon is the highest institution in this world, comparable to each nation's capital in terms of importance."

"(What? I'm a newbie who has just arrived here for a moment and now I'm being sent to a high level slaughterhouse immediately!! Ni-ma!! Anybody, help me! Please bring me back to a previous save!!!)"


"Is that so?"

Sergei said, losing all energy he has in him, upon knowing his imminent plight. Louise, noticing Sergei losing all his vibrant aura, decided to cheer him up.

"What's wrong Mr. Leian? Don't be sad. Louise here won't dissapoint, I'll have these people here do what you want them to do, be it crossing mountains of swords and oceans of blades."

"Nothing. Just thinking of grass mud horse. I don't suppose you guys have one here, don't you?"

"Oh, you mean the assistant cook. How did you even know his name?"

"WHAT!! Don't tell me you know somebody named River crab too?"

"Well, yes, to be exact, the shaman guarding the provision store calls himself river crab."

"(You can't even curse in this place anymore, oh, such life is not worth living anymore.)"

"Let's forget about those, Louise, what are your plans in this life?"

Sergei Leian pulled himself together and asked Louise.

"Well, I want to be the best druid, but before that, I want to be the tank for my brother's team."

"(Ni-ma! This girl wants to be a tank? Does she meant what I think she means? In terms of function, is it mainly holding liquid? Hehe. Is she a bro-con who wants to use her body and serve her brother's team? Mwahahaha, maybe I should find out who her brother is, I really want to be his friend too, maybe I can even join the team, oh, that would be a really good idea, I like that plan, let's call it operation Blitzkrieg. Goal? Daily maintenance of the team's panzer. Vision? Remove team panzer's camouflage and assess with care. Mission? Team panzer must not lack the necessary fluids so it is up to me to make sure the supply of fluids is in order.)"

As he was drooling while thinking of unpleasant things, the girl felt disgusted with him as he felt his eyes seemed to be undressing her clothes made of leaves. Unable to take that unpleasant feeling, she decided to excuse herself for a bit.

"I'm sorry, Mr Sergei Leian, I feel not so good right now, I should take my leave to refresh myself for a moment."

Finally woken from his stupor, Sergei nonchalantly wiped his drool and instantly regretted what he has done.

"(What am I doing? Master Wong said , see no bad thoughts, hear no bad thoughts, this drum play is to remind you of these things.)

As he tried to remember the drum play, he then remembered a very funny parody song after it, thus making him discard his newfound determination. When he saw the girl leave the room, he can't help but shout to her.

"I'd hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave."

"????" x200

"What? It's our Pendorian way to say goodbye to women, you know."

"What a weird way, but very fitting, I also seem to feel the same way too."

"Strange, my mind tells me that what he said is somewhat inappropriate, though I don't know how inappropriate is it exactly, but my instinct tells me he is right."

"True, true. Pendorian people have class, for only gentlemen with a rich culture would be able to say such words that cannot be understood but instead felt in the heart. I even want to be a Pendorian right now, just to be able to learn a few more words such as these."

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