《Emperor of 6 Nations》Coincidence?


"Captain!! Urgent news! The Wee Mar leader just died. He got succeeded by a Halfling named Adwarf Hynkel."

"WHAT? Wasn't that guy made into an Archlich? How could he just die?"

"Yes, sir. But his body was accidentally transformed with the spell Unstable Transformations in an experiment and during the time when his phylactery was mysteriously taken for maintenance too. Then who would've expected that the carriage his phylactery was on is passing right at the place where a military exercise between Bluecherry Vorwarfs and his protege Heiny Good Ryan is happening. Sadly, no phylactery was found after the ceasefire."

"Hmm, so liches aren't immortal after all. But this Adwarf Hynkel. What do we know of him?"

"Milord! This Adwarf Hynkel is the leader of the Halfling National Socialite Parties movement. They have total control of all the parties and social gatherings of all Halflings. They have a huge following and they have spread their influence among their dwarf allies. According to the report, they aim to spread Halfling happiness events to all races. Surely, this would be an impossibility. Everyone knows only halflings get bonuses from that."


While the two were conversing on the recent events, Sergei decided to butt in and intervene in the conversation.

"Did you just say Hindenburger? Wee Mar? Adwarf Hynkel? Heiny Good Ryan? National Socialite Party? Those names sound rather familiar."

"How so?"

"Let me first know everything you know about this Wee Mar Republic."

"Well, Wee Mar Republic is a recently united nation composed of two races. Their capital is called Beerlin, the old capital of the Halfling empire. The dwarves and halflings have common heritages, but due to the conflicts of interests between the different hodge podge of dwarven nobles and aristocratic families, unification was never achieved until the Halfling emperor Weelham the first and his Minister Auto bon Babysmarck used the influence and example of our human nation to resist the Keeper of the Light's influence on their people and finally pushed the unification with their dwarven brethren. They then called themselves the Second Reach, rumors has it that they were named that way for they must be compensating for their small stature, haha. Then, they showed their big ambitions as they plunge the world into great war by allying with the Draconians and Dragons. Most notable among the battles fought was in Beardune, when thousands of their Cannons bombed our positions, but Pettin Montblanc and my father Philippe Scrowe the elder held their ground and fought back, sadly my father sacrificed himself by overcharging the juggernaut he was on and it exploded taking him with it. That battle bought valuable time in order to cast the ultimate spell of necromancers that allowed our human armies to rise up once again and fight for Humanity, except my father for his corpse was not saved. We finally pushed back these Dwarves, Halflings, Draconians and dragons into asking for peace, first separating the Draconians from the yoke of their dragon overlords and making the Dwarven-Halfling monarch abdicate. They now call themselves Wee Mar Republic to humble themselves and to save enough money to pay their war reparations, they formed this National Socialite Parties movement themselves in order to limit their unnecessary spending during their characteristic merrymaking compulsions."


"That's weird you know. It seems that the place I'm from seem to have experienced the same happenings as this place, albeit ours happened a long time ago. Even the names are phonetically the same."

"WHAT? That's intriguing, tell me about Pendor and it's events."

"Well, first off, there was an empire like the Halfling empire in our world once. They united with their brethren, like the Dwarves in yours. Then next, they allied with some people, like the Draconian's and dragons to fight the other races. They lost the war, and their people have to pay lots of money, but instead of losing their will to fight, it instead made their conviction stronger, so an even greater war happened after that. And they were lead by a totalitarian regime, which also is not different sounding from National Socialite Party and they are lead by a cruel person, who's first name is not much different from Adwarf phonetically, but Hynkel, oh Hynkel, that's the name of the dictator in a comedic parody of his rise to power and autocratic rule. I'm afraid you guys will have to fight another war even greater than before."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. If it's only a few phonetically sounding names, then it's a coincidence, but this. What happened in our world is happening in yours. Philippe Petain held Verdun, Napoleon lost to Wellesley and Blucher in Waterloo, though you guys called them Lesley Wells and Bluecherry Vorwarfs, but what happened to our world is happening in yours."

"Mr. Leian, you sound like a lunatic. I think you need a rest."

"(Hmmm? Maybe this is the protection mechanism of destiny. I guess I'll have to keep my mouth shut and never say this kind of stuff again.)"

"Or maybe those are all just coincidence. I don't really remember much stuff about those times since all those happened during my great grandparents time."

"Hmm, but what you said is rather intriguing and can't be ignored. I can't just wait for them to surprise us, we need to be prepared in case what you said is true. So Mr. Leian, since you're a man of great ability, what say you in temporarily working for me as a trainer? I've seen what you did with those civic guards and I'm rather impressed with their quality and the speed at which you trained them. The salary is rather low, since I will be deducting some of it for the livelihood of these men you have ruined. What do you think of this deal? If you're not going to accept then we'll find other ways to smooth it out."


"Hmmm, first of all, these civic guards we're already on the threshold of being officers, they just need a slight push into being one, that's all, and that's particular the reason why I am confident in winning the fight 2 to 1 with the others."

"Second, I'm not a bad trainer but I'm still not exceptionally good at it yet, so if you would accept me, then I have no reason to refuse."

"Good, then we have a deal?"

"Not so fast, we still have to talk terms."

"Oh, is that the right way to talk to your boss and employer?"

"Future boss and employer, But I haven't accepted your offer just yet, you know. We still need to talk about conditions, just so we don't fall into a misunderstanding. First off, you've got a pretty good background, so I want at least a path to nobility. Not now off course, but I need your word that during times of conflict, give me an opportunity to prove myself, I have no qualms in you using me for profit, but at least give me a way to become a small noble, I'll be grateful to you for that and won't make you regret it. Second, I can only train 200 people for you at a time, I can't handle more people than that. Third, I need a place with a high concentration of magic power on land, I find this place to be not conducive to my currently weak condition, and me staying in this condition won't improve the training your soldiers. Fourth, I won't need you to pay me any salary, but I need to make my own money so I want to spend the rest of my time doing my own things, only returning to check on the overall development of their training. Fifth, I won't allow any interference on the way and methods of training these troops, neither from you, your officers or these men themselves, if any were to not follow, then this brings us to our last condition, one which states that I'm only responsible for giving your soldiers their personalized training plan, you can only rely on their character to complete the training and become the men you want them to be. If you still have any doubts on the quality of my rk, then I have nothing else to say. So, Do you still want to accept me?"

"Are you somebody looking for a job? Why am I the one who feels like it's the other way around? You're the one who's supposed to cater to my whims, you know?

"If you don't like, don't buy. You're not the only customer I have, there are lots of other fish in the sea."

After hearing Sergei say that, Philippe felt the urge of sending Sergei to the fishes.


Screamed the captain as he tried to catch the smug Sergei moving around the ship with his max level sense of balance.

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