《Emperor of 6 Nations》Profits after the battle


System log:

Received 19 damage overall. You have 4 health remaining. You are hurt. Find a place to recuperate urgently.

Gained experience, you are now lvl 3. (The higher the level, the more attribute points will be received when compared to the last. Reaching lvl 2 gives 2 skill points and lvl 3 gives 3, so on and so forth...)

Gained 40 renown.

Lose 2 integrity.

Gain 290 gold and loot worth 2140 gold in materials.

Looking at the post battle summary, Sergei Leian was dead tired but very satisfied with the results. 40 renown is worth another 4 troops in his max party size though the lost of integrity was rather wasteful. If only he was more familiar with his strength and skill, he might be able control it thus earning more integrity, rather than losing it by injuring others in the mock battle. In terms of gold, he earned 290 gold flat, plus another 2140 gold worth of loot, with his maximum trade acumen skill of 20, he might even be able to earn 100% more gold once he sold it to his system warehouse. A big profit for his investment of 900 gold into upgrading the civic guards.

But why does his trade skill show only 15 in the character sheet? And what's up with this warehouse?

First, everybody must know the different types of character skills. The skills are separated into personal, leader and party.

Personal type of skills are associated with skills giving bonuses to the singular level. This includes all the strength associated skills, almost all the agility associated skills except dexterity and finally drill and silver tongue from intelligence and charisma respectively. They give effects that determines the competence of a singular unit by itself, mostly in feats of strength, agility, and eloquence. Except for drill, drill is the personal ability of the master to teach the disciple. Drill was the reason why most of Sergei Leian's soldiers were able to gain comprehension of the champion threshold and that 10 gold investment of Sergei was the last straw which allowed those men to cross the threshold with an ephipany. In this narrator's honest opinion, losing 2 or 3 men (remember the guy hit by the arrow on the head?) and gaining 90 civic guard officers who can be turned into 90 new units of civic guards is really a very, very sweet and deliciously awesome deal of ultimately epic proportions. If this narrator was the captain, this narrator might even kowtow to Sergei himself, but Philippe is, so that's that... but maybe he might once he discovers the changes in his civic guards.


Second are the leader skills, there are only 3 of these. Holding space, Warden and Inspire only. These skills do show the ability of the leader to manage his team. With holding space corresponding to logistics, Warden corresponding to the leader's power to restrain prisoners and inspire corresponding to his ability to control his own troops.

Last are the party skills, these skills include all the other remaining skills not mentioned above. These skills have the so-called party bonus, this is the bonus given to the leader by his party member(including himself) with the highest stat on the particular skill. The bonus goes like this, for example take trade acumen, 1 bonus for 1 points in it, +2 bonus for 3 points, +3 bonus for 6, +4 bonus for 10 and +5 for 15. All in all 20 points can be reached. Why does this type of skills have bonus points? Well, the explanation for these skills is that these skills are learnt through study and experience, and can delegated to the other party members, with the leader only observing their particular job and making corrections to make their duties more efficient. That's why to get maximum efficiency, party leader's should just specialized in these so-called party skills and leave the fighting to the real soldiers.

Next is the warehouse, this place is a magical space buying any thing the host can find and gather plus also selling to the host whatever that can be found in the world of Pendor. Sergei came with it, and it includes the best items in Pendor, albeit they could only be purchased with Qualis gems. Which leads us to Sergei complaining like a mad man.

"(DAM IT YOU FRIGGING FRICKER NUTJOB OF A GODDESS! You could at least let me bring all those qualis gems from the Noldor and allowed me to put those inside my inventory before sending me to this place. BUT NOO, YOU BARBARIC STINGY GODDESS.... HOPE THAT NEXT HERO WHO SHOWS UP USES THAT STUPID BOW OF YOURS TO MAKE YOU A PINCUSHION OF STUCKED-UP NOLDOR ARROWS, CRAZY DAUGHTER OF A BANDIT!!"

System log: The goddess has heard your plea and decided to reward you with -1 year of lifespan. You now have 101 years left to live. Enjoy your remaining life, YOLO!

Seeing the new information that appeared, he stopped his cursing and examined the new stat that belongs to him.


"(What? Lifespan? Hmm, intriguing... Damn! I need to stop this unhealthy habit of cursing, or this will soon be the death of me.)"

After calming down his mind and swearing not to curse anymore, Sergei planned his new itinerary.

"(Okay, first off, I must get enough gold to buy a 'Chest in Rane' and a deed to a 'Red Brotherhood Hideout'. By combining both, I can gather the magic energy in this world and create a qualis gem production factory. Next, once I can get the production of qualis gems started, I can replace the qualis gems with practical benefits like ingesting lots of Elixirs of Arkon, Potions of Janus and Dusts of Twilight. Then create my knighthood orders then, straight ahead to World Domination! WAHAHAHAHA!!)

"(But first, I have to deal with this captain first. Now, where was the sick bay again?)"

After walking for a bit and cross-referencing the pathways according to his memory, he finally reached the sick bay area filled with many patients, courtesy of his actions.

Looking inside, he saw the captain talking to a robed person. There are at least multiple robed people here treating the injured persons, others use magic, while others use technology and others use their own practical knowledge of the human body.

As he went forward, he caught sight of the 2 blind people, their remaining eyes looking unhappy while talking to the ship's quartermaster wearing the musketeer's garb. While he was moving, he caught the sight of the man talking to the captain who then motioned the captain to his presence. The captain, seeing Sergei sighed then commanded another man beside him call Sergei to their place.

After approaching the captain, as Sergei was about to talk, the captain first signalled him to stop, then he proceeded to say his own thoughts first.

"I have to say Mr. Sergei Leian, you're a really really good fighter. Fearsome as a monstrous warbreed. Even more I'd say, for you don't have a warbreed's size, I'm really curious how can a thin person like you have that combat power without magic. But enough of that.It's a pity that of the more than 20 people injured by you here today, only 18 would still be fit for the navy while at least 6 would be unemployed once this trip ends. What have you to say for yourself?"

Sergei took a look at the injured men glaring at him, he has felt that their faces look rather familiar, but he took more notice to the 6 men who were seriously injured. 1 martyr, 1 monster hunter, 1 rogue, 1 scout, 1 scoundrel plus even a civic guard, forming a complete set of the Navy's reconnaissance units.

The monster hunter had an arrow stuck on his left eye. It was already removed though, including the eyeball itself and the guy is currently wearing a bandage on his eye.

The martyr has a mentally blind but fully functional left eye, a sad fate, but one that these martyrs are familiar with.

The rogue who was shot by the arrow sadly broke his spine near the neck, turning a very healthy and jolly rogue (he was the one who said the statement Nothing is true, everything is permitted a few chapters ago) into a pitiful quadriplegic.

The scout that can be seen crying was the guy who was powerbombed by Sergei, his waist got done in, thus losing the feeling of his legs, making a very proud runner unable to run anymore.

The unconscious guy in a coma is a scoundrel. This guy got his internal organs displaced and crushed by Sergei Leian's kick, his non-functional spleen and kidney removed through surgery.

The last guy is the poor civic guard. He got hit by one of Sergei Leian's throwing daggers in the head which rattled his brains and left him not knowing who he is and how he got there, or even what's he was supposed to do or be doing.

Sergei Leian took a look at them and he felt guilty for what he has done. He took a deep breath and said.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused. I hope I can take these people with me once I leave. I'm going to right the grievances I have made by trying to find a way for them to continue their lives, and maybe support their dependents in the process."

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