《Emperor of 6 Nations》Training


"Training is best done with music, for twice the results with half the effort. You should give me some musicians first."

"What? I've never heard of this before, but let's see how you do it. Give him a unit of bards."

"Yes, captain."

After waiting for some time, Sergei finally got his musicians. After some arguing, he found out that musical notes has different symbols and terms here. He excused himself for a bit and learned what he could from the bards.

"So, this goes here. Then maybe this one should be here. Oh, that doesn't sound right. It must have a more stronger rhythm here. Scratch this, this one needs to be very powerful..."

About 1 hour later, he finally composed the first version of his Training music. Man of determination with Cantonese lyrics. He wrote a phonetic script for the singers, forcing them to sang the tune and making them rehearse for another hour, while he composes another version of the song. With the experience, he composed a faster version more effective with Mandarin lyrics. After making the script, he went again to the exhausted bards, making them rehearse the other version. He then proceeded to compose another version, this time with no lyrics but slower and deeper than the other two, using more traditional sounding notes to suit his needs. When he went to the bards this time, he finally got what he asked for and was chased by them after he threw them another song to practice.

While waiting for the Bard's heads to cool down, he decided to separate his training plan into three parts. First is the cardio and strength training with the powerful Cantonese version. Next is the martial arts form training with the faster Mandarin version. Finally, he wanted the last training to be a more natural movements type training using the traditional sounding music closer to the original General's mandate.

So, after some pleading and consulting with the bards, he decided to finally start.

He first made the soldiers exert themselves by making them run across the ship, jumping across the crates he asked the Captain to put in the way. He made them climb the juggernaut hull by spreading a net on it and securing it to the top of the the juggernaut.


He made them repeat that action continuously for 5 hours. After seeing the troops exhausted. He made them relax for 30 minutes, then after which he then again taught them some martial arts movements he saw in the films. After teaching them, he made them repeat those moves continuously as he left them to do another thing.

He left them so he can prepare the next part of training. He first went to the captain.

"I'm gonna need nuts, lots and lots of nuts. Coconuts and walnuts to be exact."

"How many?"

"Let's go with 1000 coconuts and 2000 walnuts first."

"Have the shamans give what he wants. What else do you want?"

"I'm gonna need a gym for the troops. With 200 pillars welded with 2 bars they can put their feet in between, 400 big vats on the sides , 200 little vats on the opposite side of the bars, 400 medium sized glasses and 400 tiny glasses. Plus 200 sticks."

"What you gonna need them for?

"I'm gonna make them do special training."

"That's what you are here for, so approved. When do you need them?"

"In about 4-6 hours."

"Have them rush all the orders, everything must be done in 4 hours, I want no more delays in the training of these soldiers."

Sergei then went back to the soldiers doing martial arts training. For another three hours or so, you can hear his shouting along with the somewhat Mandarin sounding song being repeatedly continuously.

"Are you a pig? Even pigs can fly, but you can't even leave the ground when you jump."

"You hit like a little girl, even my grandma can hit better than you."

"Are you a worm? What are you staying in the ground for more than a second, huh? Stand up already."

"Hahaha! What type of person falls with his own kick, do you masturbate before you eat? Cause it looks like you need to swallow it back again, sissy!"


Meanwhile, an assistant comes in to inform the captain doing his job in the ship's bridge.

"Milord, we have prepared the materials needed for the training."

"Well, tell that to him, I'm busy right now. Don't disturb me, when Sergei asks for anything, just give it to him first, his orders are my orders for the time being."

"Noted, sir."

Said the assistant before leaving to find Sergei.

"Mr Leian, the things you asked for have been prepared."


They went to the gym where the things have been prepared. Sergei ignored the nuts but looked at the other stuff. After finding them acceptable, he made them set those up.

He first looked at the smaller vats at the side of the pillar opposite the bar and he made adjustments to the bigger vats beside the pillar. He looked at them again and found them acceptable. He asked the assistant to call the men.

When the 200 people arrived he made them take the nuts. He then separated the nuts into 200 parts, 5 coconut and 10 walnuts for each person. He then taught the soldiers to pinch and crush the walnuts using their index fingers and thumbs. After seeing them try, he also demonstrated a grabbing movement on the coconut to remove its husks and made them do that. He first broke the best performing athlete-trainee's walnuts and the best performing martial artist's coconuts during the demonstration, making the trainees believe that by only performing as the best can they get some respite. He then told the bards to play the traditional sounding song without any vocals, making the bards somewhat happier after their mouths have become sore after more than 10 hours of singing the same song over and over.

While the soldiers are busy crushing their nuts, he made the assistant fill all the big vats with water. After taking him do that, he proceeded to the training soldiers and shouted to them.


Hearing the command, they almost mutinied but seeing that it's only the first day of training, they stopped themselves and proceeded to put more of their energy in breaking the nuts.

After 4 hours, he stopped all their nut breaking and took a list of the person's who didn't complete their tasks.

He then made each person pull their bodies up and put their feet in between the bars. Gave each soldier a medium sized cup and made them draw water from the big vats beside the pillar, in order to transfer it to the small vats at the other side of the pillar, opposite the place where they put their feet on.

After seeing that 174 people didn't get to complete the task, he proceeded to effortlessly break the remaining nuts in the sight of the the people in particular, who are currently transfering water into the small vats.

After collecting every husks, walnut and unhusked coconut shells, he made the assistant bring those to the cook.

He then proceeded to looked at their training.

After 5 hours of grueling training, he saw that everyone is almost finished. After making everyone finish, he made the slowest trainee do the opposite again, transferring from the small vat to the bigger vats and made everyone else watch the process.

Seeing such a display, everyone vowed not to be the last person ever. Sergei looked around and was satisfied with their selfish ways. He would soon see better results in the next day's training.

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