《Emperor of 6 Nations》Training Finished


"Mr. Sergei, I'm very impressed with these soldiers."

"Well, you should be, they are very expensive you know. I want compensation for all the work I've done."

"Work? But I've heard you haven't done much for this time, only repeating the training day after day after day."

"There is no shortcut to success except me. Without me, these men would take years before reaching this level."

Sergei gestured with pride to the 200 soldiers who has reached champion, the highest even reached level 5. It costs him 2280 gold to upgrade them all.

"How did you do it exactly? How can these men learnt all the officer's knowledge even if they were only repeating the same training over and over, not to mention the training they are doing isnt even officer training. Your methods intrigue me."

"Be intrigued forever, WAHAHAHA. Seriously, you won't be able to replicate this, only I can do it."

"So, Mr. Leian, I'm a little afraid of hoarding your skills for myself. What do you think of working as a trainer in the military academy?"

Sergei Leian thought for a moment, then asked.

"Is being a trainer in the military academy a full time job?"

"Yes, of course.

"Then, no, I don't want it. This training requires something called chakra. It is a type of energy I have, and sadly, I haven't found a way to replenish it and finally used it all on training your soldiers. So you better give me some compensation."

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well, you never asked. Besides, I thought about it, and it's better for fewer people to know about this, since this thing won't be usable anymore."

"A pity, so what do you want?"

"Fighting, combat, and killing, through war, I might be able to receive chakra again and use it but sadly, it would be very wasteful to use it on training."

"This chakra, can I learn it?"

"I don't think so, it is unique to me."

"I'm a bit curious about this chakra, what else can you use it for?"


"Well, I can use it to create weapons, and food."

"Wow, so magical, if you can somehow managed to accumulate it through war, then won't you be an unstoppable force?"

"Not really, there are weaknesses you know, the food will expire faster and the weapons will degrade faster once these are transported away from me. It's very troublesome."

"But if you have an army, won't they be a perpetual motion machine. Almost like the undead."

"It's very troublesome to deal with, yes, but there are even more downsides, I can't easily replenish my soldiers, you know. Weapons are only useful if the soldiers are able to use them. Besides, loyalty won't be guaranteed, no man would be willing to fight and die for an otherworlder like me. I still have to test its other functions, can you give me all the guys I injured? I'm gonna try all my remaining chakra into helping them recover. It's also one of it's uses you know."

"Wow! You should've told me sooner. Troops can be trained but disability is forever."

"Don't be such a sourpussy, injury is part of experience, experience is part of learning and learning is the best way to succeed in life. I especially reserved this chakra for these guys to recover."

"Then, I'm thankful. Though you may look like an opportunist, but you have a good heart."

"Speaking of compensation, won't you consider giving me a village? War may be just around the corner you know, those shorties won't be afraid of you. I've pored over the maps and it may look like your defenses in Mage Knotts is impregnable, but there is no impregnable defense to a well planned attack on a static fortification."

"I have a feeling that what you said is true. What about this, someone as talented as you won't be needing just a village. Personally, I think we should tell the emperor of what you can do so he will give you a title and land. If what you said about war is true, then maybe you should do your part, especially an otherworlder like you whose world coincidentally has the same events that happened."


"Truly a wise decision. You know, in our world, the country you represent was really unlucky during the war you know. Especially this one that hasn't happened yet, it will be much worser than the other wars so you guys should prepare for it and not be caught unawares like the people from my world."

"Such a thing happened? Anything else you might add, this needs to be investigated."

"Well, for starters, the country you represent has a very rich history, full of victories and perhaps the most victorious country in our history , but their reputation got dirtied in this war, finally culminating with the country always being ridiculed and made fun of in our time, their people being called surrenderers and other jokes about surrendering. Can you stomach such disgrace befalling on your descendants?"


"Relax. It still hasn't happened yet, if you really don't want the human race to be insulted like that, then you still have lots of work to do, you know. You must convince the other nobles to prepare for war and not lose as quickly as the country in my world did."

"Very well, war and death is nothing but being disgraced is insufferable. We humans shall make those shorties suffer for daring to have designs on our motherland."

"Very good, personally, I think attack is the best defense. Only by attacking will you take the initiative and quickly put an end to this war."

"Yes, by attac- wait a minute! Won't we be the aggressors that way? Then we will be the ones being dealt with by the other races. Manipulating my mind with such thoughts? DON'T YOU WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE?"

"No, no, you misunderstand me. I was merely implying that you guys should do what they did when they defeated your Emperor on Water Rules. Stop their first attack with a thunderous blow and head straight for their capital. They would awaken from their delusions and remember why they lost in the first place. That way, fewer people would die."

"You have a point. This must be discussed thoroughly, plans can be made, but plans will rarely be followed in battle. War is not a game that can only be solved by a few plans, for no plan will be able to survive first contact with the enemy."

"True, war won't be solved by a few plans, only by knowing whose army remains alive will we differentiate the victor's from the losers. History and truth belongs to the victor's while shame and debt belongs to the villified."

"I like that one, your words resonate with deep wisdom, Sergei, my friend and soon to be, colleague."

"You jest, Philippe, I may be able to see far or speak wonderfully , for I am merely am standing on the shoulders of giants, or rather, speak with their words on my lips."

"You are a spy of the Giants? Is that why you want to enter our noble lineage?"

"No, no, you misunderstood me, I merely use the giants as a metaphor to speak of the great people from the past history of the world where I'm from, for I am using their knowledge as the reason for why I can be a better man than I could ever be (through plagiarism, of course!)."

"Oh, is that so? Then we salute thee, oh Great Giants! May their legacy be unbroken!"

Meanwhile, the muskeeter outside.

"(The captain is at it again, not contented with his octopus, is he? Now he wants to copulate with Giants. What's next, Dragons and undead Archons? Or maybe, the cook? Yes, cookster, maybe he is even doing it with the cookster. He is the shame of the mechanics, he should be trialed as soon as possible. But I don't have any evidence anymore, he has fooled the mind of my witness already. Oh poor witness, forgive me for not being able to help you anymore.)"

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