《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Eight


Note: "lllllllllllll" - for oral conversation

'lllllllllllll' - for Indirect conversation.

lllllllllllll - for thoughts


Chapter Eight: Easily Fixed Predicament

Soaring at the horizon like a free dragon, the buildings of the Gaia's Heart Academy protected by impenetrable walls could be seen from the distance. As he drew closer at the academy, up into the sky a castle of clouds was blown by the gust of wind came from the shadow above him. At the second blow of the wind the clouds around the area was cleared, revealing the culprit of the violent gust.

It possessed two large sturdy legs and wings the could completely cover its whole gaint body, an noticeable three 70cm silver horns on its head, a ferocious eyes and complete set of sharp teeth that could grind steels effortlessly while its whole body, from head to tip of the tail was covered in silver pointy scales.

The magical beast was akin to a dragon. A variant Six-Winged Steel Wyvern that was big as two story building. The unstained silvery scales shone brightly when touched by the light as it intermittently flap its 3 pairs of wings unintentionally creating violent gust of wind.

Every air pressure from each flap was enough to uproot an Earth Gallant Tree that usually had embedded its roots 50ft beneath the ground. However, this measly amount of pressure wasn't enough to even messed up Seigehart's well groomed volumous long laid back black hair which elegantly fluttered as he move.

Coincidentally, it wasn't the only one that accompanied Seigehart as he soared. There was another dozens of magical and spirit beasts that flying to the direction towards the academy, and on the back of each beast was a group of adolescents with identical clothes that had a tree with 5 adjacent roots inside the circle which embroidered on the back of their clothes, and the only difference was the color of their badges that was designed according to the symbol on their backs.

All of them was an Master rank and only seven people were GrandMaster rank that saw Seigehart quietly flying below them.

"uhmm, guys there's someone flying below us." someone pointed as they followed with their gazes.

"an expert!" they all exclaimed as they squinted their eyes as they gazed at Seigehart. Their talk about Seigehart continued until they arrived at the academy.

At last, Seigehart arrived at the academy after a somewhat long leisurely carefree waltz. On his field of vision from above, he could see the entirety of the academy. However, because of the defensive barrier protecting the academy, it made flying through over the wall impossible for others.

If they tried to fly through it, their body would be disintegrated because of the effect the barrier had, but its impossible to injure even the strand of Seigehart's hair. Nevertheless, Seigehart don't want to caused trouble for them. Thus, he planned to enter through the proper preferred entrance.

As he entered through the arch entrance. He was obstructed by the guards. Seigehart could saw that they were being vigilant and intently examining any person who would passed through the arch. which he found unusual.

'it might be really a big problem that's why Blayne was hurriedly dragged by that beautiful lady' he thought as he remembered the lady.

"hmm, okay you may enter." the guard gestured him after one complete examination through questions and the used of energy fluctuation device.

Once a person lied from one of the questions. The device would emit red light indicates that the said person completely lied and would immediately apprehend by the guards for thorough interrogation.


After stepping out of the arch. The first thing he laid his eyes was the big building that shaped like a tree at the center of the academy. Then, he observed his surroundings. He only saw many houses and owner of the houses were the students of the academy.

Usually, the academy was divided into three districts. The Outer district where the residents of the students were located. The Middle district were where the Classrooms, training grounds and etc were located. Lastly was the Inner district where the Headmaster office, faculties and other special facilities the academy were all located.

Seigehart to be sure not to get lost used his divine sense to know the whole structure of the academy. He found many amusing things such as the residents were all protected by restriction spell and inscription array to prevent anyone from intruding in inappropriate times.

Seigehart also sensed the location of Blayne and he was at the inner district at the tree shaped building. As he didn't wanted to waste any time, he immediately soared through the sky and fly towards the inner district, because he knew that the academy was facing an difficult predicament. As he already treated Blayne as a friend, he somehow wanted to help even for a little bit.

On his way, many students saw him, some of them recognize him as they were the groups of student who saw him before. Amidst the crowd an overbearing teacher was looking up at Seigehart. His eyes were filled of disdained and extreme arrogance, as he heard the praises the students said towards Seigehart as he smiled wickedly.

Suddenly, the arrogant teacher released an strong pressure around him that pushed back all people around him as he flew to the sky and planned on derided Seigehart in front of the people just for his self-esteem.

"stopped! Why are you flying? Don't you know its forbidden to fly inside the academy?" the arrogant teacher lied. At one glanced he knew that Seigehart was new to the academy and definitely haven't known the rules.

"is that so? Then you need to be punished too."

"why do I need to be punished? You're clearly the one who broke the academy's rules."

"aren't you flying too?" Seigehart sarcastically asked.

"I don't have time for your bullshits, so I'm going" Seigehart said as he fly passed at him which made the arrogant teacher angry.

"you! I need to teach you some lesson from disrespecting me!" he shouted as he wore a wicked smile and charge at Seigehart with his fist, but before he even landed a blow. He was blown away by Seigehart's fist and crashed to the walls covered the academy.

It all occurred in an instant. The arrogant teacher was at immortal rank, also only a spirit energy user which means he has a strong body and soul foundation, but he was blown by one attack by an seemingly emperor rank only.

His arrogant face was destroyed with that one punch, which shocked him to the core because when the fist touched his face, he sensed an unfathomable power from it, that he couldn't believe. By that single contact he understood that Seigehart was only concealing his true strength.

He was unworthy to even see his true strength. The force of that single punch was strong that his body was embedded into the wall that made him immovable, if Seigehart was a little bit lenient he was definitely dead by now.

When the crowd saw it, some of them cheered when they saw the arrogant teacher was blown away. Although, they didn't know how it happened, they knew that it was Seigehart who did it. As they saw Seigehart's silhouette became small from the distance, the crowd dispersed and returned to mind their own businesses.


"dealing with people's stupidity was really not my thing. It was tiresome." he muttered.

After that simple show of power, Seigehart arrived at the balcony of Blayne's office where currently calmly sipping his tea. He looked anxious as he awaited Seigehart. When he looked at the window. His face was delighted as he put down his cup of tea and walked towards the balcony and greeted Seigehart.

"took you long enough." Blayne greeted. Anxiety could be felt from his words.

"ah, yeah. I'm just enjoying my life." Seigehart smiled normally.

"Well then, come with me. I'll introduce you to the Elders." Blayne chuckled and gestured him to followed suit. Blayne's eyes had a lingering hint of curiosity about why he could sensed that Seigehart strength was reduced to emperor rank.

Many hypothesis appeared in Blayne's mind but only one thing holds validity. He just concealed his true strength, as to not caused intimidation or fear to others and could casually talked to them, as he is well experienced at it when he first met Seigehart in his territory.

Through what Blayne knew of about Seigehart's social characteristic, was like a lion that do what he wanted nonchalantly, neither caused trouble for others nor be troubled or they would incur the wrath of a being powerful than heaven.

As they walked, all the staff who saw Blayne greeted him, while their eyes until they left was glued to Seigehart as if he was a mystery. When they entered the meeting hall, the elders all frowned as they saw Seigehart.

They all looked at Seigehart with indifference as they sensed that his strength was only a peak stage emperor rank, while them was all Demigod rank and only Blayne was the God rank.

In that moment, a sense of incertitude grow inside their hearts that Seigehart would without a doubt would not be able to helped them with their predicament. How could a mere emperor rank could do it, if in their strength they're wasn't confident either? It would just be waste of time, definitely.

That's what they currently thought when Seigehart was now before them, but that wasn't what Blayne's face was saying...

"Now, let me introduce to you. This is Seigehart, a friend of mine. I'm sure he could help us from being annihilated"

"Headmaster, I'm sorry to say this but what helped could he give us if his only an emperor rank? Though he's a step closer to immortal rank but that's not enough! Our enemies are 3 God rank and hundreds of immortal rank!"

"We're doom now, we're definitely doomed. Let's just give them what they wanted instead. I think that's the only way" Elder Wise unwisely sighed as couldn't come up with most suitable and better idea.

"No! We couldn't do that. If we give it to them, how could we faced our ancestors that sacrificed their lives just to build this academy? And that treasure could help our students reached beyond the rank of HighGod!" Elder Croll still think about the future of the students, a true esteemed elder.

The elders again engaged in verbal dispute, scared of the enemies strength, while Seigehart and Blayne talked closely.

"Blayne, could you tell the specifics of your problem?"

"It was because of Law Condensing Chamber, that was the academy's secre and only the elders had knowledge about it. It luckily discovered underneath the academy. It could only room 5 people, and once a perso-"

"I know what a Law Condensing Chamber is. I want to know why your elders are like scared rats." Seigehart interrupted. He had began to felt irritated because of the elders that the only thing could do was argue with each other.

Law Condensing Chamber is truly an amazing treasure made by natural abnormalities, it is formed from the laws of elements itself, it is still a mystery that nobody even knows how it was made, but Seigehart does, because of the book of Universe he has.

The Law Condensing Chamber could be used to obtain insights to the Law of the Elements, such thing could greatly helped an God rank expert breakthrough if they reached a bottleneck and because of the dense energy it releases, denser than Elemental Towers that every sects have. It is without a doubt the best cultivation and meditation place for ranks below God rank.

Blayne sighed before speaking. "It is because the Top Three power house in this country, had unexpectedly caught wind of information regarding the Law Condensing Chamber, and because of this Universal treasure, which was suspicious enough because nobody knows about it, except for us that currently seating here in this hall. I don't want to admit it, but one of my elders is a snake grown up my sleeves. That three are the Orion Sect, Gold Arcaide Academy and Orbital Tower Sect. For passed times without my presence, they had been tried to infiltrate the academy. The Law Condensing Chamber is the type of treasure that bewitched even the most lowest being. Even the world had been civilized, the atrocities between people with power couldn't be touched by the civil law of any governments. I also estimated that tomorrow would be they're arrival and it would be a bloodbath. I can't asked helped from the other Ten Rulers of Ancient continent, because my identity as the Ancient Continent Ruler is a secret and they would without a doubt would not help." Blayne paused as he pondered deeply. "They will not stopped until they got what they wanted. Even now that the Patriarch of the Orbital Tower Sect had just recently breakthrough to HighGod. They would make this place them, if we didn't do anything about it. Can you help us Seigehart?"

"then, what you want me to do? Eradicate them?" Seigehart asked as he looked at the old man. He could see within Blayne's eyes that he doesn't want bloodshed, because of his past experiences but there's nothing he could do, for they're in the world where power is everything and it is the rule.

"No... Though I want that but it would only make them more aggressive, it would definitely be the start of great enmity between us, and the fight would not be for the treasure but instead for vengeance."

"They will come again and again until they get their hands on that treasure and you will fend and fend them off. An endless cycle. There's only one thing I could do for you... Eliminate them"

Blayne sighed when he heard the latter as he decided. "Help me a bit Seigehart, destroy the treasure... If the treasure was destroyed there's nothing they could do and will stop." Blayne's words stopped the elders as looked at him with astonishment, while Seigehart was amused by his unexpected answer.

"what!? Head master reconsider it. If we made an arrangement with them that they would let us use it, then..." Elder Leron the green robed elder suggested but interrupted by Seigehart.

"hahaha!" Seigehart laughed heartily. "very well. Then, I'll destroy it."

"No! You can't and you don't have the strength to destroy such treasure! Let's just offer it to them." elder Leron defended which caught suspicion from Seigehart.

"oh~ looks like your true color had resurfaced, Elder. Looks like this incident really have foul play. The snake had fully grown." Seigehart said as his eyes glinted.

"are you accusing me? An Elder of the academy? You're only an emperor rank but your tongue was already venomous. It would be an insult to myself if I don't teach you some manners!" Elder Leron threatened.

"is that so? Why don't you try." Seigehart smugly taunted as Elder Leron suddenly appeared at his side with his fist already on strike. Blayne didn't interfere because he knew Seigehart could perfectly intercept it with ease.

The elders saw it released an strong pressure around Elder Leron, which was taken aback and retreated. In his mind he was already cursing that he loss his cool and was became aggressive when he heard that the treasure he had his eyes on is about to be destroyed. Elder Leron had just realized that it was a bait for the traitor to reveal himself.

"Leron, are you not ashamed? You even called your self an esteemed elder of the academy that cared for you up until now. If the Great Ancestor was here, he would kill you on the spot." Elder Kuro the black robed elder said with a dark tone.

The air at the meeting hall intensified. If stares could kill, Elder Leron probably dead by now because of the elders daggering gazed.

"You have the face to call yourself an Elder. It is an insult, outrageous! Headmaster, if I don't destroy this rats face. I would die from anger!" Elder Hivou shouted In anger.

They were all peak stage Demigod rank. If they were to attack or apprehend Elder Leron, he hadn't stand a chance even if he escaped. Unfortunately, he has method to escape that already planned if he were discovered.

"I'm doing this for the academy! If we are allowed to use the Law Condensing Chamber, we could have prevent this outcome! Once I became the Headmaster I would allow you to use it so if you were all smart you would go to my side!" He bribed.

"So, your goal was really the Law Condensing Chamber from the start. We're not allowed to used it. That's the rule the Great Ancestor even followed by himself before he disappeared. Elder Leron, from now on you're not one of the Elders of the Gaia's Heart Academy! Elders apprehend him before he escaped!" Blayne made up his mind. He doesn't had a choice. That's the only thing he could do.

They didn't know that the Law Condensing Chamber only allow one time entry pass each person and if entered the second time the restriction that was created with it would active and expelled them outside.

The Great Ancestor knew that the Law Condensing Chamber have restriction like that to prevent others from abusing its empowerment. but he didn't had conveyed it to them before he suddenly disappeared to nowhere knows.

However, Seigehart was knowledgeable about it and planned to inform Blayne about it.

But before they even made a move. Elder Leron was already enveloped in white light particles and disappeared. As they saw it the Elders all cursed in anger.

"Blayne, I'm really amused by your choice. I didn't expected it, thus, I will fixed your predicament. Well then, I'm going now." he was about to leave when he saw Blayne's expression. "Don't worry, I would not caused bloodshed. I know you had enough." then the headmaster replied.

"What will you do?" Blayne couldn't hide his curiosity and asked.

"Simple. I would erect an formation array and defensive barrier around the academy that would prevent any person from entering without consent from you. That's the only thing I could do about this matter." Seigehart said which stunned the elders.

"Formation array around the whole academy? Presumptuous! An array that large and formidable could only be laid by HighGod rank expert that trained in law of formation and defensive barrier and you're only a mere emperor!" Elder Hivou angrily shouted which was acceptable enough. He felt irritated that a mere emperor rank could speak like that when they couldn't say anything.

"There's no need to doubt Seigehart. He have the the ability. Let's just be thankful that I encountered him from my journey. Sorry about that Seigehart. Elder Hivou was just upset on what happened." Blayne said and faced Seigehart. "Seigehart, we'll relay on you" he said and sighed.

"I understand. Don't worry, if they did come tomorrow. They would not be able to enter the academy, but if you were to go outside the academy. They might definitely attack you. Just hope that they will give up, when they couldn't even get passed the barrier. As for the students, don't let them go outside for now. And when I'm back, I want to be officially be a teacher. " Seigehart said which made Blayne smile. He didn't let the elders speak and already flew up the horizon towards the wall of the academy and arrived instantly.

As he looked down the wall, he browsed through his memories about a formidable and complex formation array and defensive barrier, which he easily found.

The Pentagon Circle formation array and Placid Mirror Magic Barrier was his choice. Though, there's still more powerful formation array and defensive barrier in his mind. He only picked the most suitable and could easily be laid down formation array and defensive barrier.

With this two which only True God above could use, an formation array and defensive barrier that have the Aspect of Defense and Enhancement. He was confident that even a True God would not be able to destroy it, let alone a HighGod who only knows Elemental Laws which actually inferior to the Aspects.

The Pentagon circle Is only an ordinary defensive formation array to True Gods similar to defensive barriers. Once laid, it would create an Pentagon formation circle that could cover entirely the whole academy, while the Placid mirror magic barrier would be mixed into it.

The Placid mirror magic barrier could convert the force and energy it received from attacks on the inside and outside. Because the Placid mirror magic barrier was mixed with the Pentagon circle formation barrier which literally connected to each other. It could also strengthen it and become almost indestructible, and the original defensive barrier of the academy would be the second layer of the barrier which would also be enhanced from the process.

With the formation array laid and magic barrier casted, Seigehart's work is now done, and could now return to the Headmaster office and inform Blayne to just wait and stay still.

However, because the Law Condensing Chamber was too enticing, he doubt that the plunderers would not stopped and just to get their hands on the treasure, they might asked help from someone stronger.

But for Seigehart, that predicament could be easily fixed if happened.


If you read this and found any errors.

Please let me know.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Enjoy~


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