《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Nine


Note: "lllllllllllll" - for direct conversation

'lllllllllllll' - for Indirect conversation.

lllllllllllll - for thoughts


Chapter Nine: Fainted Old Mans.

"You know what, the academy had become lively lately...."

"....the rumors about the new teacher and the priceless treasure the academy possessed? Who doesn't know? Someone even made a song regarding it"

"I didn't even know that our low ranked academy possessed such treasure that even the number one sect in country of hidden paradise became envious with us!"

"the new teacher, some said he's stronger than the headmaster and Elders...."

"no you're wrong! he defeated the headmaster and elders all at once in an instant!"

"you're exaggerating it!"

"....it is normal. Rumors were always exaggerated that's why it's called rumors"

"they said he wore a white armor with golden linings, similar to White Knights of Aballon!"

"They said his look was unparalleled. Kyaa! I can't wait to see him!"

"However, nobody knows what the treasure is! I'm sure its absolutely priceless!"

"yeah I saw him with my own eyes! The new teacher sent prof. Argo with one punch! somebody also saw prof. Argo had been buried deep inside the great wall and couldn't even move!"

Rumors about Seigehart spreads like an infectious airborne virus around the academy. As it goes forth from person to another person, the truth became more and more exaggerated. As the rumor made the whole student body lively, while the academy staffs and personnel became quite restless, because of the problem that have had arrived on their door step.

At the outskirt of the academy, hundreds of people arrived with evident ill intention. As they all floated above, every one of them possessed an formidable aura that would made any ordinary person mircurated themselves and fainted in fear by the oppressive pressure they emitted.

They were the people of the Orion Sect, Gold Arcaide Academy and Orbital Tower Sect, the Top three famous powerhouses at the Country of Hidden Paradise. The Orion sect dispatched their 64 formidable core disciples at immortal rank, the same as the Orbital Tower sect which personally commanded by the HighGod Patriarch, while the Gold Arcaide Academy dispatched their three peak stage God rank Elders.

Though their group arrived simultaneously, their origin was far different from each other, while they grifted at the same rope, there was a thick wall between them, separates their will from one another. Once they achieved their same goal, they would definitely cut this rope, be not far from being similar to dogs fighting over one bone.

Whose idiot would wanted to share an unimaginably priceless treasure that could have an astronomical amount of helped to greatly enhanced someone's power at astonishing level?

If someone would do that. In a world where power decides who would live or die, he might be a character with indulgently insane benevolence, even an untainted saint would be put to shame!

Although, their institutions were ranked differently, their strength wasn't too far from one another. However, if they fought all out, the only one whose remained standing would be uncertain, they might even destroyed themselves in the process and no one would remain.

When the HighGod Patriarch arrived, his face changed greatly from smugly boastful to extremely serious expression. The Orbital Tower Sect's Patriarch eyes narrowed, staring dagger at the barrier protecting the academy, while he breathed in cold air. Before, when he saw the group of other faction, he was absolutely confident that he would be the one who would obtain the treasure which he couldn't helped buy smile smugly.


Though, he had just recently stepped on early stage HighGod rank, his strength was enough to deal with this other group of people. However, he just only took a glimpse on the Law he practiced which only slightly strengthened his body, mind and soul. Thus, this other group of people where fair enough to deal with him if they worked together.

Three peak stage God rank and 64 immortal rank that had strong foundation and possessed formidable weapons, even though they couldn't be able to kill him, much less injured him, they could suppress him and run away with the treasure.

However, the moment the Orbital Tower Sect Patriarch saw the barrier, his confidence was shattered to pieces. He sweated profusely as he felt his eyebrows twitched.

While he could felt the formidable barrier that above his rank; the hundred others, as well as the three peak stage God rank elders from Gold Arcaide Academy could only saw it, for it was visible to the naked eye, but was unabled to detect its profoundness.

This... This wasn't here before! When did the low rank academy like this obtained an formation barrier? this one even surpassed my sect's defensive barrier! Don't tell me they have someone surpasses the Highgod rank?... Looks like some formidable Formation array and defensive barrier expert supported the Gaia's Heart Academy on the shadow. Now, my plan on getting the Law Condensing Chamber would only be a dream. The Orbital Tower sect's Patriarch helplessly thought as he sighed in his heart.

Hidden within his serious expression, he was already cursing his bad luck. If what he thought was true then, he would widraw immediately, for he valued more his life and his sect than a treasure that he knows would cause calamity to someone who has it.

However, for someone like the expert who laid the formation barrier it isn't worth thinking and that expert was someone the Orbital Tower Sect's Patriarch would not even dreamed of offending, for he knows it would only spelled his doom.

"Patriarch Golou, let's get this started. We three are itching to reached Highgod rank and comprehend the laws." the elder named Ollie said, as the two beside him nodded in agreement.

"Heh! You three need an external help to reach Highgod rank, how mediocre. I, Golou, on the other hand was already stepped on Highgod rank without it. So I don't need a treasure like that. I changed my mind, I won't help you in this. Orbital Tower sect disciples let's immediately return!"

He sneered, Patriarch Golou declared which made the three elders of Gold Arcaide Academy trembled in anger.

On the three elders mind, they were thinking why would the patriarch at Highgod rank would widraw. Does he perhaps knew of our plan?

They planned on poisoning the patriarch after they got hold of the treasure, that's why they all too suspiciously friendly.

No, that's not possible. The patriarch Golou wasn't an fortune teller or a rare mind reader. Maybe he found something worth retreating? Something that even he wasn't confident on defeating? perhaps?

This sudden move of patriarch Golou confused them and raised a lot of questions. They just don't know why.... Asking might have gave them the answer.

"Patriarch Golou, why are you suddenly backing out? Did you find something unusual for you to widraw and leave immediately? Or this is perhaps one of your tricks so you could solo the treasure? Heh, we're not idiots, we know the academy have barrier that could kill even an immortal at its highest but that's not something we or you even need to worry. So tell us what is it? What is it you're scared from?"


When the patriarch heard it, he bursted in laughter.

"hahaha! You weaklings doesn't even sensed how formidable the barrier is. On our way here, didn't you found it unusual that not even a single student of Gaia's Heart Academy was out on adventuring? They might have have forbids them from going out. Afraid that they might get killed by us. However, there's more deep meaning to it. A formidable formation barrier like this could only be laid by a person who trained in law of formation array and defensive barrier and he must have definitely on the peak or above. Now, tell me is that certain someone you wanted to offend? If you want the treasure so much that you wanted to die, then take it from them, but don't expect us, me from helping you. I valued more my life and sect than a treasure that could bring us calamity. We already had been here for a long time. We're leaving. Good luck on digging your own grave."

After Patriarch Golou said the latter, he immediately ordered his sect's disciples to return, then forget about what happened at the present time and don't indulge themselves into the matter any longer.

The three elders were dumbfounded, that they couldn't utter a word. They felt helpless, it might be the reason why the patriarch would retreat and abandon their plans. However, they told to themselves to not believe, for it might be only a method the patriarch came up with, but with his strength why would he resort to something like that?

Stubborn, desperate on stepping on Highgod rank, the elders didn't have planned to retreat. They were closer to their dream, one step closer but unable to move. They decided to continue what they were intended to do, what they planned.

As the elders looked at the 64 core disciples of Orion sect, their allied faction. All their faces were paled as extreme anxiety filled their minds. they know the patriarch of Orbital Tower sect was a Highgod that the elders dreamed, and them of achieving. However, he retreated and abandoned them just because of some formidable expert that laid an protective barrier around their target.

A God could trampled mountain and eradicate kingdoms alone, while Highgod with the power of powerful Laws of the universe could do it with a flip of their hands. A Highgod was already the pinnacle of power to all planets, and in front of them was one of that highly revered expert but he retreated, afraid of his life from certain someone that without a doubt more formidable.

In reality, Highgod rank was only the starting point, a tiny dot in the endless outer space and outer planes, an infant in front of powerful expert who already trained in more deeper secret of the universe. The Law, the true embodiment of the Universe.

Thus, Why would they not feel anxious?

Some of them even thought of retreating but only the three elders could decide about it, and looks like they don't have plans about it either. Their anxiety and fear grew slowly as one of the three elders spoke.

"listen! What that cowardly patriarch said were only to trick us. don't be afraid, the Gaia's Heart Academy, a low ranked institution isn't that formidable. Heh! All of you follow me and watch, as I destroy this fluke barrier!"

The elder's sentence slightly boosted their morale, slightly gained an unyielding immunity towards their anxiety, with firm and stern expression as they hardened their hearts and followed behind the elder which the strongest one of the three.

The moment the elder who lead them entered the barrier, their boosted morale, had stumbled and fell in the abyss, for the elder who entered first started to howled in agony of pain as his body slowly disintegrated.

*Arrgghhh! ! !*

The elder's skin decayed, corroded, blood erodes slowly as his body imploded and left nothing but bloody parts that also dissipated into thin air. Though he had an high regenerative ability as a God rank, but it was still in vain, for it only prolonged his suffering that his regeneration couldn't keep up with the disintegration. It all happened in only 10 seconds.

For the others it was quite a short time, but for the elder it was a long time that he felt the time stopped as he struggled, on his life while using all his energy to counter the effects but it was futile.

The gore scene caused horror as it unfolded from beginning to end, bits by bits until one of them could not take it and shrieked terribly as surging wave of fear overcome them.

Leaded by the two fortunate elders they all retreated, while some widrawed immediately, afraid that if they approach more closely at the barrier, they would end up like the unfortunate elder.

Like that, the hundreds of people all disappeared and would never come back.

At the academy, inside the headmaster's office. Blayne was seated on his chair as he peacefully sipped at his tea that had an sweet and nice blended aroma. His face was in peace like he haven't had problems at all.

While on the other hand, the five elder after the betrayal became four were all seated before him like obedient lambs as their face couldn't concealed their anxiety.

"uh,.. Uhm.. Headmaster..."

"now, Now... Calm down why you four always nervous? We don't need to be afraid because of the barrier Seigehart erected, thanks to him we survived this tribulation. You need to thank him too. We owe him too much debt."

"ah, ye-yeah... That's why we're here to asked where Lord Seigehart is... No Lord is an understatement... Maybe he wanted to be called Milord? AI... It's was all the same. He he..."

Elder Hivou stuttered as sweat trickled down his forehead that he immediately wiped, followed by his awkwardly nervous laugh as he thought of what he had said to Seigehart before.

"that's right headmaster, where does Seigehart go? We did absolutely need to thank him... I never would have thought that Seigehart was this... formidable. It was quite shocking"

"Indeed, it is unbelievable. In my hundred years of life, this is the first time I witnessed something like this. He might be ranked higher than Highgod. Now, my impression of him revolved completely. He might be even a Primordial, but he seems above that unattainable rank... That ranked could only be attained by most geniuses, and by Seigehart's look he might have indeed one or higher."

Elder Wise and Elder Kuro said respectively.

"you four know that once a person became a God, they would stop aging, but they would retained their looks and don't have the ability to change their appearance. It could only be done if one became a True God rank, that too difficult to achieve, but the appearance would not be permanent and they need to used their divine energy to sustain it. However, once they breakthrough to Primordial rank that limit would ceased and they could change their appearance with only a thought without using divine energy. Seigehart on the other hand was definitely beyond those rank, for I felt like he have not altered his appearance."

Blayne's words gave an overwhelming silence, as they all thought what Seigehart's true strength that they couldn't imagine achieving, they would be fortunate if they breakthrough to True God rank.

Essentially... Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Warlord, Sage, Emperor, Immortal, Demigod, and God was the ranks to established an firm and deep foundation of Body, Mind and Soul. In reality, a person was stuck to being only a God for eternity if he had an foundation full of holes, he never would advance. If a foundation was still a bit shallow, a person could only breakthrough to Highgod, the highest they could achieve. The more steeled one's foundation the more unfathomable one's future potential.

All of this could be affected by the person's will and comprehension, which is the manifestation of the body, mind and soul.

"Currently, Seigehart's at the Gaia's Tree."

"what!? That's the place where the Law Condensing Chamber is! Did the headmaster permit him from going there?"

Blayne sipped at his tea before answering. "eya~... There's no need to shout. Is Elder Croll perhaps opposes what I've decided? Or are you worried that Seigehart would take the Law Condensing Chamber with him? Hehehe, Seigehart doesn't need that chamber, but you four and I needed it. Seigehart said that the chamber had restriction placed on it when it was created by the nature's abnormalities, and because of that, a person only has one entry inside the chamber. If they tried to enter on the second time, the energy inside the chamber would became chaotic until it created a spatial tears through the space to the chaotic space and instantly devour all things inside before it repaired the tears."

Blayne's eyes became solemn as he continued.

"It is the reason why we were not allowed to enter the chamber by the Great Ancestor because we have had already entered through it a long time ago."

"I remember now... The chamber with dense magical and spirit energy was exactly the Law Condensing Chamber... So that's why we were forbided by that old man to enter again... but why do we still need it if we couldn't enter?" Elder Hivou replied curiously.

"ahh, Seigehart said he needed it as a reference."

"reference?" the elders simultaneously asled

"yes, he wanted to create something similar to the Law Condensing Chamber... That's what he said..."

"what!? Is that even possible!?" Elder Wise exclaimed from his shock. His mind was in turmoil. Not just him, the other elders as well. Their brains was aching as they massage their temples.

Blayne couldn't blame them, he too was shocked when Seigehart said it so casually like he did it before, because of that he wasn't certain what really was Seigehart's strength.

"Let's just be thankful that Seigehart have time for this. If it some lofty being higher as him, they would not even batted an eye if we were to die."

That concludes It, as the elders all nodded in unison and not to pry on the matter more deeper or their brains would explode from Seigehart's ability on destroying their common sense.

Three weeks had passed since after the incident. The academy was peaceful and lively. They all gone back to what they were all doing before the incident. The name of the academy became popular as many youths wanted to enroll in the academy.

As the academy became busy lately. Seigehart finished what's he had been busy with. He created a planar dimension that had an ability similar to the Law Condensing Chamber at some of its places, as he named the planar dimension after the academy, Gaia's Realm.

Gaia's Realm was vast, encompassing one of the territory at the Ancient continent. Seigehart created prairies, canyons, mountain valleys, wide vegetation of forest and volcanic and glacier islands scattered on the sea. He created it like he was creating his own planet, very similar to earth's geographic terrain.

The terrain and solar system creation was simple for him, the place of the sun and the moon, how many it is, what color it would be, and how much time needed for their exchanged to distinguish day and night. It was all quite easy because of the knowledge he had with the book of universe.

What was made him spent most of the three weeks was the formation arrays and magic circles he placed at some special places, which had special characteristics and benefits to anyone who ventured and could entered it. Seigehart even created some artifacts ranking from immortal to Highgod rank, that he left in some special places as a reward to anyone who passed the trials.

Specially, the teleportation arrays which connected to some places, as well as the stable entrance to the Gaia's Realm, the Portal gate. Contented on what he did, Seigehart currently gazing upon his creation up above the planar dimension. The only thing left was the spirit beasts and magical beasts.

To be called a realm, beasts are needed to continue the cycle he created. However, upon creating complex life is not simple matter. Beasts are beings who needed souls to live, if not they were just like an empty vessels of liquor, lifeless. Though, he was almost omniscient, he still lacked knowledge regarding the soul, and the knowledge regarding the soul written in the book was still scarce and shallow for him to create a soul.

All the knowledge on the book came from all the beings in the universe, and soul aspect practitioner were still too few. In reality, soul was not part of the universe it was in different realm, the Soul Realm, where souls travel to passed through the reincarnation cycle, and the book don't have access to it.

For creating a soul one needed to know the full law of the soul, which was almost impossible, for it was the most mysterious law in the whole multi-dimension and no one has the ability to create soul even a small soul of an insect, except for the True Creator himself.

Hence, Seigehart couldn't do anything but sighed for his lack of knowledge. He relied on the book of universe to all knowledge he had but even the book doesn't have any deep understanding regarding the soul. Thus, he decided if he had free time he would update his book little by little until it was completed and study the souls in the Soul Realm that passed through the reincarnation cycle to the next life to gain more deep insights to the soul.

Having sliver insights to the soul could make a person's attack more deadly, some could also directly attack someone's soul, thus fearing them from being a Law of Soul practitioner.

Seigehart, needed to find another way of acquiring souls even souls of insects or small animals as long as it was a soul. Even with Seigehart's scarce understanding about the soul he could separate someone's soul to their body for a small period of time. As to collect it, he needed to cut the soul thread connecting it to their original body before the soul forcefully came back to the body.

However, doing it could put strained to his soul thus, that method was out of the choices. Until one of his obedient and extremely silent soul spirits spoke and conveyed her idea.

"Master..." a soft voice resounded to his mind.

"oh~ it's been a while since I speak with one of you. You've been quiet since I left the ancient continent. What happened?" Seigehart nonchalantly asked.

"uhmm... About that master, it is because of the Lazy author..."


"....Nevermind that master. About your problem, why don't you just take some spirit and magical beasts from the outside world and take them here? It is the most suitable choice for now..."

"You're right... I think too deeply that I didn't thought of the simples answer. Thanks, by the way, If Vlor was a type of dragon soul spirit then, what are you?"

"about that, Vlor is an Universe Dragon and was once the planet devourer while I'm the same, but I'm more destructive than him, for planets and stars were my only diet at that time because of my size that 10 times more bigger than this 1st rated planet and changing my size was not possible. That's why I am once called the universe devourer, the Great Dragon Hound Nidhogg. You will know what kind of creature I am once you summoned me, but beware master for size matters or I might bring destruction upon my apparition. Until then, master..."

*chuckled* that soul spirit was rather talkative. I'll summon them once I'm at outer space or chaotic space, but first I must find some hordes of spirit and magical beasts then bring them here.

With that, Seigehart again go on a fast journey to search some spirit and magical beasts for his planar dimension before he could sentenced it finish.

He teleported and search at the ancient continent because of the abundance of spirit and magical beasts there. As Seigehart captured spirit and magical beasts, some of them pounced at him, some was grabbed at the neck while struggled to break free, but most hordes was suck by the vacuum of the spatial dimension he created, like an space storage ring but a little different.

The space was like an cyrogenic hibernation capsule that put all living creatures to deep sleep as they all froze in the dimension. Most of the beast he captured was Grandmaster rank to Emperor rank but while being captured they couldn't do anything but run for their lives.

While he captured some spirit and magical beasts, the Ten Rulers of ancient continent heard complains about a human capturing spirit and magical beasts, even Blayne was informed.

However, while Seigehart happily captured some spirit and magical beasts, they couldn't do anything but watched, while all captive was either thrown or pulled in a spatial dimension. Blayne saw it only sighed and shook his head.

What was on Seigehart's mind? He exactly didn't know, but he knows he would not killed them for he knew what kind of person he is.

After a day of capturing beasts, Seigehart finally satisfied to his harvest as he immediately returned to the Gaia's Realm. Because of his frenzy capturing, the numbers of spirit and magical beasts at the ancient continent was cut by a quarter.

He then, assigned and placed all spirit beasts and magical beasts to their most suitable places that complements their elemental affiliates for them to grew more formidable as they absorbed energy at the air.

After situating the last spirit beast and magical beast, Seigehart turned to the portal gate he created as he goes through it. Upon appearing at the Gaia's Tree, Blayne and the elders were startled when someone came out of the body of Gaia's Tree. Upon seeing Seigehart, they then calmed down.

"Aye, Seigehart we've been looking for you. We didn't thought that you would go out of the tree's body. At least it is not shocking this time... "

Seigehart heard it chuckled, as he heard the latter that spoken with almost unheard low tone.

"great! You five are here. Now I don't need to trouble myself on finding you. I have a great news." Seigehart gleefully said as he walked toward them.

"oh what is it? Did you perhaps completed the creation of the thing you said that similar to the Law Condensing Chamber?"

Seigehart nodded as he leaded them, "come with me." he said as he waved his hand and a portal gate appeared at the body of Gaia's Tree. This scene made them gawked for a moment as they dumbly looked Seigehart, which only shrugged as he saw it and entered the portal.

After they passed through the portal gate they immediately felt the dense energy at the air, as the beautiful scenery revealed before them. It was more beautiful than the Country of Hidden Paradise, with more denser energy at the air, the life at the Gaia's realm were without a doubt vigorous.

The elders were petrified at their ground as they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Is this what Seigehart doing in the past weeks and his frenzy at at the ancient continent? Blayne was the first one to regain his old self.

"Seigehart, was this the reason why you've been busy lately? Did you perhaps..."

"yes, I created this place. I also wanted to tell you to relocate the academy into this place. I called this planar dimension, the Gaia's Realm. quite wonderful right?"

Seigehart upon looking at Blayne and the elders only sighed as he chuckled, for the five old mans were all fainted from shock.


Aye~ I have been busy lately and E week is approaching, thus I would be more busy, but I will do my best to write a chapter for you all to read. Sorry for my mediocre English.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, thanks for reading! *snore*

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