《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Ten


Note: "lllllllllllll" - for oral conversation

'lllllllllllll' - for Indirect conversation.

lllllllllllll - for thoughts


Chapter Ten: First Lesson

The announcement of relocation of the academy made different impressions to the students. Some were curious and excited where the academy would relocate, as the students expecting an improved environment, while some criticized it, for it was so sudden which they were complaining about.

When they were informed that they would relocate to a different realm, they were all shocked and excited, as they felt lucky to be a student at Gaia's Heart Academy, to the point that no one else sleeps that night, it wasn't a problem for them anyway. Of course they would felt that way, for when they said different realm, means more denser spirit and magical energy in the realm, and more diversity and rich environment which could helped them formed an even better foundation.

The relocation of the academy, or could be called more so as migration, had attracted the whole Country of Hidden Paradise as many people came to the Gaia's City, formerly known as Gaia's Heart Academy that was literally like a city. Many citizens of other empires in the Country of Hidden Paradise migrated to the Gaia's City because of great opportunities and security the city had offered.

They could lived a happy life within the city because of the barrier protecting it. Who would not wanted to live in a city protected by a barrier that could easily kill a peak stage God rank? Any people would do anything just to legally live in an peaceful and safe environment. Not just security, the City also offered daily works which could helped them acquired incomes for their daily necessities.

The Captain guard of the academy, Loshkiad Hillaner was assigned by Blayne as the city mayor which he insisted but eventually accepted because of Blaine's persuasive approach. Now Loshkiad's family lived at the City Lord Mansion built for that purpose, located at the center of the city. Only a few blocks away from the Gaia's Tree, the Portal gate to the Gaia's Realm, as his son and daughter were attending school at the Gaia's Realm, which he immediately approved.

Who wouldn't wanted to attend at that reach energy environment? If they lived their for years they could breakthrough astonishingly faster than the others that they could be considered geniuses while keeping an strong and firm foundation. But unfortunately, Only the legal citizens of the Gaia's City, especially the students of the Gaia's Heart Academy were allowed to enter the Gaia's Realm, otherwise one would be in big trouble if caught not.

The different factions in Country of Hidden Paradise were all intrigued to have known the news of the Orbital Tower Sect, Gold Arcaide Academy and Orion sect failed attempt on forcefully taking the treasure the Gaia's Heart Academy had. Now, people know their shamelessness which degraded their reputation, as they revealed about the expert protecting the academy which why they were all failed which shocked them as well, as they all felt curious who the expert was except that he was monstrously strong that an unparalleled peak stage God rank was easily killed by his seemingly ordinary formation barrier.

When the news of migration of the academy to different realm reached their ears, it caused them to be restless. The royalties and geniuses and the norms all dreamed to attend the academy which caused the academy's name to be famous in all country at the Underground Haven.

A week after the relocation of the academy, everything became more stable and lively, as many youth had applied at the academy but would only be accepted after they passed a certain test which formulated by Seigehart which he knew that only those who had perseverance and great aptitude could passed.


Because of the danger of the Gaia's Realm had, students at the Grandmaster rank below were all forbidden to had an adventure through the realm, for they might likely die because of the formidable spirit beasts and magical beasts scattered at the realm. They could only be allowed if they reached Warlord rank.

As the first day of classes at the Gaia's Realm started, the students were all extremely excited, for they would be informed about the great and dangerous places the realm had which said have many hidden mysteriously formidable artifacts within.

At the hall way of Class Building Section, an enigmatic man had an nonchalant expression as he walked through the hallway. His destination was the room full of different faces and were all clothed in similar uniforms.

As they all busy, happily chatted to one another. Their enthusiasm and excitement couldn't be contained as their noise could be heard from even outside. The room became extremely silent when an enigmatic man entered the room.

They couldn't hide their curiosity which made the enigmatic man chuckled at them. When he reached the table in front facing the students, they all slowly closed their mouth as they were all brought back in reality by the voice of the enigmatic man.

"Lily, he looks familiar... Did we met him before?" Tania curiously asked, which answered by Lily with a shaking head as they remembered the person who saved them.

"Rick! That's him! The terrifying man!" Ignavus, the Highgod ghost expertlshivered with his ethereal body inside the sword on Rick's back.

"yeah, I remembered him. I'm already at the peak of Grandmaster rank and would breakthrough if I want to, but I refrained from doing so, because of what he said. I felt an overwhelming unknown power within me. It must be the Divine gift that he was talking about. I must talk to him after the class."

Ignavus heard it, only looked at him with serious expression as he sighed and said. "you're right, because we're connected through our soul. I too could sense something unknown in you, it was familiar with me but I don't know what it is."

"then, we could only relied on him." Rick said while Ignavus only nodded, as Seigehart started to speak.

"Oh~ we have a familiar faces here. What a coincidence. Well then, all of you still don't know who I am. well it's not surprising, after all I'm new here."

Seigehart said as he swiftly looked at them one by one, but that swift glanced was enough to scrutinized their aptitude. He found out that many of them could potentially achieved higher rank than he thought, specially the three students he encountered before.

"let me introduce myself. I am Seigehart Caduceus, from now on I'll be your teacher for one whole year, in all your subjects. We have 10 days per week and 72 hours per day. Every sunrise all of you should be here, if any of you ditch my class. That's the thing I don't like... I will drop you from my class and kick you out of this realm. Understand?" Seigehart said as he smiled which made the young girl's heart skip a bit. They couldn't speak thus they only nodded.

"well then, before we started I start teaching you. I want to know what you're all capable of."

with the snapped of his finger, all of them disappeared at the room. In an instant they were all at the coliseum. As sudden teleportation baffled them, Seigehart then again speak. " at the very young age of 15, you all breakthrough to Grandmaster rank. A very satisfying achievement. Group yourselves into 10 groups, each group must have only four person. After that step inside battle field."


They immediately move and grouped themselves with their friends. Then, Seigehart noticed that the eyes of the boys were all pointed to one person, one of the young girl he saved before, Tania Alellia, the 3rd princess of Flowing Wind Empire.

Seigehart couldn't blame them, for she was really a beauty that could rivalled an angel of heaven, for such a young age she already have an lustrous body, if he too was only 15 years old. He would go after her too. He also thought that some old geezers would go after her too, such things was an normal occurrence in a world where power rules everything.

Then, his eyes landed on Rick, the boy with a Highgod spirit companion. As he saw him, Seigehart smiled as he noticed that Rick was already at the peak of Grandmaster. The aura around him was dense and vigorous, one could see that he prioriticy his body and soul foundation but still a bit lacked in mind.

"Rick was a spirit energy user. It wasn't surprising that his mind was overraned by his body and soul. Is his Highgod companion doesn't had any meditation method? Looks like that's the case." Seigehart muttered as he observed them.

Mind was important just like the body and soul, for this three essence would determine what level could a person achieve once they became a God. if they would be a God for all eternity or breakthrough to more higher rank.

Then, Tania approached Rick which cause all the boys eyes flared in envy and disdain.

"Rick do you already have a group?"

This sudden question made Rick a bit nervous, as he stuttered when he speaks. "ah, h-huh? Ah ye-yeah, I don't have... "

"that's good, come join us!" Rick was surprised when Tania held his hand as she leaded him to her group. Rick could smell her sweet scent, as his face was a bit red while his heart was beating fast.

"Rick, this girl is my best friend, Lily while this guy is his lover, Ascathon."

"I am Rick Soulreaver, nice to meet you" Rick nervously introduces himself.

*chuckled* youths was really amusing to watch. Seigehart mused as he observed them.

"well then, those who wanted to participate first, go down."

All the group gone down at the battle arena as all was eager to participate. "looks like you all wanted to go first. Then, I will raise the difficulty. Defeat this 10 Warlord rank spirit beasts." with that, ten different spirit beasts stepped out of the shadow off the battle arena. All have an innate ability.

Rick's group was confronted by the Golden-Horned Serpentine Dragon, its several hundred meters body was covered by a thick dragon scales was hard to dealt with, accompanied by a sharp golden antler like horns that glimmers with every move.

The other spirit beasts were, Three-headed Shadow Hound, Frostfire Wyvern, Saber-Clawed Sloth, Dark Badger, Iron-Spiked Bull, Cerulean Tri-Horned Beetle, Death Monger Worm, Spiked-shelled Pangolin and White-Winged Swallow. A packed of formidable spirit beasts at Warlord rank, which every one of them could easily slaughter millions of soldiers and take down an empire, that were being faced with four Grandmaster rank students of Gaia's Heart Academy.

"Rick! Your group were fucked up! That serpentine dragon had primordial rank bloodline! Be careful with its innate ability. It would be an domain type ability. Use your strongest long ranged attack. Tell them what I said too, you couldn't take down this guy alone!" Ignavus forewarned, as Rick unsheathed the sword on his back. Its blade was black as night, as it vibrated resulted in ding ding sound.

"Guys, let's used first our long ranged attack!"

"Okay!" they replied.

The wide battle arena were divided into ten blocks by Seigehart as he raised an impenetrable wall between each of them. The others were already on clashed with the spirit beast, some struggled as they were blown away by the attacks of spirit beast. Some were on assault coordination as their attacks were in sync as they overpowered the beast.

Seigehart kept an critical observing eye over them, specially to Rick, where each and every moves were caught by his eyes. Their fight with the Golden-Horned Serpentine Dragon was already on an critical moment.

The body of the spirit beast were covered in shallow wounds as crimson blood oozed out from it. The eyes of the Golden-Horned Serpentine Dragon where bloodshot as it reached an boiling point of its patient, it was extremely irritated because of their long ranged attack that it couldn't even came close, while Rick and his group were nearly exshauted as they all gasped heavily.

Rick knew that his group couldn't keep up with the beast any longer or they would all die if it were to attacked with its deadly dragon breath that was similar to a laser beam. They couldn't had any more spare energy to evade it. He discarded it as he saw the beast was insanely overcame with rage.

Absorbed in wrath, the strength of the beast were doubled as it entered in berserk state, then charged straight at Tania as she was the one who dealt most of the damaged in the beast's body. Rick and the others saw it, had no other choice but attack it simultaneously to stopped it from charging, because of its hard and sharp antlers once it reaches Tania she would definitely die. However, it ignored all attacked it received from them as it continued to charged.

Tania used all her spirit energy with one final long ranged attack, "[Sky Piercer Heavenly Wrath - Lightning and Thunder Spear of Tribulation]" The air around her crackled with lightning sparks as it directly shrouded the spear on Tania's hand. As It reached the limit of condensed lightning, the spear suddenly vibrated as it gave an thundering sounds which resounded through their block.

While Lily and Ascathon, buffed her to regained a bit of her strength to handled the strong energy undulation of the spear. She almost fell from exhaustion if it weren't for Rick supporting her back.

As Rick nodded, Tania used all her final strength to throw the spear on the charging Golden flash. The spear leaved her hand as it transformed into a purple flash of lightning, thundering as it moved towards the several kilometers away Golden-Horned Serpentine Dragon.

In that split moment, the spear collided with the golden flash, concluded in small supernova. Rick's group even other in their own block were all pushed down by the force of the wave. However, it only slowed the Golden-Horned Serpentine Dragon, unable to stopped the charging death of golden flash!

The spear didn't lost any momentum and continued to advance yet was still dragged by the Golden-Horned Serpentine Dragon, stuck at the stalemate with each other. Tania, Lily and Ascathon saw it lost their determination and waited for the beast to arrived, as they awaited their death, forgotten that it was only a test.

Rick only had an miniscule amount of energy and strength to stand, suddenly gained an insight to his technique as it breakthrough to the final stage when he witnessed the small super nova. To be able used it he needed to breakthrough to Warlord rank or his body would not endure the recoil of the technique.

Full of determination and strong will. He shattered the barrier in his soul as he brokethrough to Warlord rank. Suddenly, an unknown mysterious energy exploded in his soul as it gave him strength surpassing the warlord rank. He noticed his body shined like the sun, it was an overwhelmingly warm feeling.

Rick stepped up, as he resolutely faced the incoming death brilliance. He closed his eyes, senses spread as he firmly held his sword. Without hesitation Rick charged at the beast. Seigehart saw it smiled wryly as he disappeared into thin air.

With the final moment, Rick executed his strongest final attack with all his might and energy, as he strucked his sword towards the end of the spear. "[Sword of the East - Sword of the Raising Sun!] Haa!!! "

The radiance of his body intensified as the temperature around him risen exponentially. His blood boiled, skin burned. The blazing sword touched the end of the purple flash. Then, an even more powerful explosion erupted, as smoke and dust cloud shrouded the whole block.

The horn of the Golden-Horned Serpentine Dragon were pulverized by the spear, as it melted by the extremely hot flame from the sword. Half of the beast body from head was fully incinerated leaving the lifeless long tail of the beast that was sliced by the spear, which still on strike until it reached the wall and embedded into it. Unable to ascertain the result, Tania, Lily and Ascathon only prayed that Rick would survive.

Inside the smoke and dust cloud, Rick groaned in pain as his body was on fire. The rock beneath him melted and became magma as his body thrashed because of the excruciating pain of his burning body. Ignavus only watched at the side unable to do anything. Then, Seigehart appeared before him, raised his hand above the burning body of Rick as the temperature around had dropped extremely fast, freezing the whole body of Rick.

"Rick don't fight the unknown energy let it flow in your veins, guide it through the center of your chest, condense it their and leave the rest to me."

Despite the excruciating pain, Rick was still surprisingly conscious about his surroundings. His will power was extremely unparalleled, if it was other person they would immediately die from the pain. When he felt the cold felling enveloped his body. He felt relieved but it only intensified the burning sensation.

Rick heard the voice, he knew it was Seigehart. He immediately did what Seigehart had said to him. He guided the extremely hot energy throughout his veins and condensed it at the center of his chest, as some of it was was absorbed by his body strenghtning it in unbelievable speed, transforming his body to be more suitable to handled the unknown energy.

As it condensed at the center of Rick's chest, Seigehart covered it in freezing energy as it became stable, and formed into a tiny orange sun, giving off an warm sensation.

The process continued. After an hour, outside the dust cloud. Tania, Lily and Ascathon rested as they were extremely exhausted. While Rick at end of transformation passed out from exhaustion. His whole body was covered in crystal clear ice that was extremely cold, while the sun at the center of his chest grew into fist size.

Tania and others could felt the cold sensation at the smoke and dust cloud, they were certain that Rick was still alive and well. They all laughed weakly when they remembered that it was only a test of strength, as they all heaved in relief.

How could Seigehart let his precious students die? If he did let it happened, how could he still called himself a teacher? He would surely suicide on the spot! again and again until he had assured that he had already atoned from his grave sin!

The clashes of beast and students ended. As all of them were extremely exshauted that they couldn't even lift finger, while some were injured but nothing as life threatening. Seigehart saw it, feel them as he conjured an healing magic. Magic circle appeared above them, as rays of warm light rained down, healing their injuries, restoring their strength and energy like they didn't fought to death before.

After an, hour Seigehart assembled them as he marked the end of their first class, planned to leave a remainder for them to worked with.

"all of you were good, some knows and already the reached perfect state of their techniques and spells. You killed a Warlord rank beasts and it was no small feat, for the boundary between each other was vast as ocean, but you weren't alone. This proved that there are some things which couldn't be done alone. You were all exhausted in mind and soul the spell I used could only heal you physical injuries, thus you all need to rest. Next meeting we'll start you learning. Class dismissed."

Seigehart waved his hand as he teleported them to their residence, at the Residential Section, except for Rick's group. As they left Seigehart cleaned the remains of spirit beast as he incinerated them or they would became an ugly fleshed undead monster if they were left alone.

"Teacher... "

"Rick, you've had awakened at the right moment. Tania, Lily and Ascathon had already left. You remained, for I have an assignment for you. You've brokethrough to Warlord rank, and because of the [Nine Heaven Scorching Sun], you've obtained a body formidable body, enough that even Sage rank would be like an insect in front of you."

"Nine Heaven Scorching Sun?"

Brat! You're fucking lucky! I've never been lucky like this in my entire life! That divine gift of your was very formidable and profound! I witnessed it used by some Primordial to slaughter a hundred Primordial, it was too tyrannical! Ignavus sent through their connection.

This... I'm really lucky... How long would it takes, for me to also do the same? Rick thought as he imagined how powerful his divine gift was.

"that's right, that's your divine gift. An Divine innate Ability. It has nine stages, and the ranged between each were vast, achieving it all depends on your aptitude. The stages are; the [Orange Origin Sun] that currently the stage where you're at. Second is [Yellow Nascent Sun] then, [Blue Transcendent Sun], [Monochrome Heavenly Sun], [Crimson Blood Sun], [Golden Nirvana Sun], [Rainbow Universal Sun], [Silver Soul Sun] and lastly, the [Black and White Infernal Sun]. Each stages had its own unique skill and empowerment. This divine innate ability of yours was unique and only two to three person could have this kind of innate ability divine gift. You're on first stage and from it, you now had an immunity towards high temperatures, no flames could burned you even if you swammed on the sun for thousands of years or lived there your whole life. To train it you need to cultivate the sun in your soul with spirit energy, and fire energy from the sun or any other sources, eating flames or lava could also helped a lot too."

Seigehart stopped when he saw an skeptical look at Rick and Ignavus. "You don't believe me?" he said but there wasn't still any reaction. Seigehart didn't know they were just extremely astounded that they couldn't move.

"You don't believe me then, I'll make a sun and let you swim in it" Seigehart raised his hand before his closed eyes. Then, a small orange sun as big as an basketball ball appeared on his palm. It rapidly heighten the temperature around them, but that didn't stopped there. Seigehart wielded it and it suddenly grew three times it size, and gradually grew more as it became 300ft in diameter as it floated above them, but surprisingly the ground wasn't melting as it was protected by Seigehart.

Rick! This teacher is too fucking strong! Only those who completely comprehended hundreds of Law could do this! fuck this teacher of yours! Ignavus exclaimed but Rick was too dazed to hear him.

Casually creating a Sun... Is this even real? That's what Rick only thought about.

The whole academy could felt that the temperature suddenly risen as many people sweated profusely without even moving. They only suspected that it was because of the huge blazing hot sphere at the Coliseum. Intrigued what it was, some approached it curiously, but they were unable to even get 3 km near it

Rick and Ignavus was even more shocked as they were about to faint but brought back from their dazed state when Seigehart pulled up Rick by his collar and smile mischievously that despite the scorching hot atmosphere they felt an extreme cold shiver down their spine.

Rick saw that he was being lifted, struggled to break free from Seigehart's grasp. "Teacher, what are you going to do?" Rick asked in nervously stuttering voice.

"you don't believe me eh..."

"nononono!!! I believe you! I believe you! teacher please put me down!"

"Don't doubt my words..." then Seigehart lowered him down as Rick felt relieved, but the next word made him deathly pale. "that's your first lesson!" and with that Seigehart threw him into the blazing ball of hot gas.

"Aaahhhh!!!!'@$#?!&%√" Rick cursed loudly as he entered the hot sphere of gas with a plop.


If you see any errors as you read this, please inform me gently. I wrote this as my mind was filled of mathematical formula and numbers... phew... I'm tired at school.

'm not good at romance so I think I might erase the romance tag and change it into mature tag. Hehehe...

Anyway, enjoy your fill. *snore*

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