《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Eleven


Note: "lllllllllllll" - for oral conversation

'lllllllllllll' - for Indirect conversation.

lllllllllllll - for thoughts


Chapter Eleven: How to teach eagles how to fly

The white sun rises at the horizon, soon the huge and round silver moon descended on the other side, hidden from the sun's warm presence. If someone tried to absorb energy from from the sun, their wounds even if severe would heal in a matter of hours.

It comes from Seigehart's forethought, as he have had intentionally created the sun in three types of spirit and magical energies; Life, Light and Fire, for students to used as life saving in dire situations.

However, everything had both good and bad, as it accompanied by spirit beasts and magical beasts who were more affiliated to any of the energy from the sun, which would grew more formidable as they absorbed energy from the sun. A challenge added for the students to overcome and cope with the difficulty.

The time was relatively had gap from the outside world, composed of 1 day outside was 3 days inside the realm. The new day started as students came out of their residence and headed towards the Class Building Section and Practicing Field.

Some were in the Profound Tower honing their techniques, while others were in Serenity Garden meditating as they tried to gain enlightenment onto themselves, a mandatory requirement for breaking through Early stage Sage rank.

Seigehart entered the room where his precious students were all waiting, eager to learn and ask guidance from him. They all stand up and greeted him politely with enthusiastic tone.

"Good morning Teacher!"

"Good morning." Seigehart replied to their enthusiasm as he made his way towards his table.

'Rick, this man is truly incomprehensible in both knowledge and strength. In our initial encounter, he immediately knew you have divine gift, that even I was oblivious about. Furthermore, he even tought you the way of its cultivation and he even created a fucking sun just for you! I bet even this planar realm was created by him, because when I'm still alive I've traveled in every corner of Underground Haven and there wasn't even a sliver rumors about portal through another realm. Truly incomprehensible...' Ignavus sighed through their mind connection as he floated in the spatial dimension of the sword on Rick's back.

Ignavus was strongest person that Rick saw and knew in his life. However, Ignavus told him that he was only an ant compared to those high rank deities above him, but Rick wasn't expecting to see one of those exalted beings, and one even became his new teacher! Even though Rick don't know what rank Seigehart was. Rick knew that Seigehart would definitely above those person he saw in Ignavus's memories.

'Ignavus, do you think teacher is a Sovereign? I can't help but ask about it. In your memory, True Gods could destroy planets, Primordials could kill True Gods with only one swipe of their hands and Sovereigns could create planets and realms. There was even more powerful beings above those. Compared to teacher, he could create sun with a thought so he must be one.'

Ignavus heard it couldn't helped but agree in thought 'He must be one. He might even more of that.' Rick kept silent and only answered with a nod. Rick knew that the world where he is, was only one of the speck of sand in the vast desert. At that point, Rick decided to himself that he would be actively attentive in every lessons Seigehart would elaborate.


"Yesterday the fight became a stepping stone, that it made several of you to brokethrough. The path of being a true deity is perilous, one must need an extremely strong and firm foundation to reached higher rank. Thus, I'll guide to assure that any of you could reach higher rank." Seigehart paused as he glanced at his students.

"Those who had just recently brokethrough to Warlord rank. Go out first and completely stabilize your strength. Your energy still had an sliver of chaotic fluctuation from recent breakthrough, come when I told you so." Seven students came down and walked out of the room, headed to their residence to do what Seigehart inclined them to do. When they're gone Seigehart continued.

"Grandmaster rank is the state where a person had refined their energy into more purer one. If magical energy is blue while spirit energy is milky white from the start. The energy within you must be transparently blue and transparently white at the present time. To brokethrough to Warlord rank as the word implies, battle experience is mandatory as it was the most appropriate method to strengthened your mind."

"All of you already reached the peak stage of Grandmaster rank. What I would do is made you fight again, but its not a Warlord rank as you all expecting, instead only the same level as you, a peak stage Grandmaster. I will take you all to a temporal dimension and the only thing you need to do is to fight and kill whatever awaits your arrival." Seigehart said in a matter of seriousness.

He made a series of hand seals which summoned an ancient golden huge door, that made the students stared in awe.Seigehart walked on the side of the hide door and speak " I hope, once you came out, all of you were already a Warlord rank. Good luck."

Seigehart gestured his hand as the huge door opened revealing the prairie plain which bathed on blood red colored sky and land on the other side. All the students gulped down and breathe heavily as they all anxiously walked in the door. Once the last student entered the door automatically closed, blocking their route of escaped from the battle of inner self that they were about to face. The seven students came back at the moment when the door closed as they were already notified by Seigehart to come. He faced them when they entered and gestured them to sit.

"The way to breakthrough to Sage rank was completely different from Warlord rank. One needed to enter the deepest self contemplation in one's sea of consciousness while simultaneously integrating the memories of your life time battle Into your consciousness. However, you seven students, still haven't had accumulated enough battle experience to be called a firm foundation. Thus, you all need to seek battle, tempering one's self outside the academy. Now that you're Warlord rank, as the academy rule. All Warlord rank would be given permission to venture the Gaia's Realm, and gain treasures that hidden within the wilderness of the realm. First, register yourselves at the Adventurers Association at the Yellow Leaf City. Take missions their and gain more battle experience from the missions your about to do. Once you reached the peak of Warlord rank come back here using this."


Seigehart opened his palm and a black ring with silver intricacies full of mysteriousness appeared. The students couldn't helped but asked. "Teacher, what sort of ring is this. It's the first time I saw this." Kilan said, the boy with hazel nut hair and eyes, same age as Rick and the other seven who just recently brokethrough. His faced showed seriousness as his eyes contained curiosity.

"Yeah, I only knew Spatial Storage Ring which is kinda already rare for normal people to possessed except for blue blooded borne one's." Flian commented, the boy with black hair and eyes like Rick.

"it's natural that none know what is this, because this thing was just recently invented by the Academy's Artifacts Research Hall. Only students from the academy owned rings like this, it also a sign that your a student from Gaia's Heart Academy. This ring was given to all Warlord rank students that was about to go outside and accumulate battle experience, as it permanently imprinted into itself the person's energy signature while at the same time released distress energy signal to the energy channel connected to the High Willow Summit as they were the one who monitored every single students at the Gaia's Realm. Here look at the designs."

They all looked at the mysterious silver design, as Seigehart noticed, he immediately explained it. "It has an intricate inscription pattern, that holds the magic circle formation in place, as it stored energy that could be used only once. The magic circle formation is a form of instantaneous great teleportation which was set in one place, here in the academy. All students who received this were all advised to only used it if deemed extremely necessary, or was about to go back at the academy after reaching the peak stage of Warlord rank. In addition, if some people you know were nearby and you're in trouble, all you need to do was to pour a sliver of spirit energy or magical energy to the ring and the person nearby would immediately know you're in trouble. However, it is up to them if they're willing to help. If not use the Great teleportation of the ring to escape. Remember, life is important than treasure."

"We'll always remember your words teacher." they answered, moved by their teacher's solicitude words. "hm... It's good that you understand. Because the others would only come out of the door after 1 week, you seven would leave more early than them. But before you leave, give me your Spatial Storage Ring."

Confused from what Seigehart had asked, they still took off their rings and handed it down to Seigehart. As hand gripped the seven rings, light rays escaped from the apertures of his closed fist that died down immediately. Curious of what Seigehart did, they didn't asked and waited for Seigehart to speak.

Seigehart returned the rings to them and immediately scanned their own rings. Shocked permeated from their faces as they all gaped. The ring's space had changed exponentially, from 150x150 cubic km to 10x10 cubic miles, a shocking change indeed.

Not just it, there was also things that naturally not in the ring when they handed it to Seigehart, that's what shocked them the most. "The things inside was a gift from me while most were from the academy to ease your adventures. You can head out, but Rick remain here. We have things to talk."

As they said their goodbyes, they left immediately and headed outside towards the Yellow Leaf City. Seigehart and Rick was the only person left in the room. He looked at the huge door with a nostalgic smile on his face, and glanced at Rick before started speaking.

"Now that your divine gift had awoken, your path became less difficult than others. With your gift, the certainties of you reaching higher rank were more reputedly possible and also more easily than the others, whether without following the regular path of cultivation. Since the Initial stage of Nine Heaven Scorching Sun was equivalent to Sage rank, the next stages was equivalent to the following ranks. However, that divine gift was also a herald of death to its owner."

Perplexed from the last sentence, Rick couldn't helped but it asked. "Why would it bring death to me? With my strength would it be more easily for me to escape death?"

Eyes narrowed, indicates the Seigehart was serious on the matter. "It is because of the existence of those so called Divine Heistist, a dark organization who hunts people like you, people with divine gift. They found a way how to extract the divine gifts to those people they captured and placed it to their suitable members. As long as you don't excessively use you're divine gift and cultivate diligently, once your reach God rank on your own and cultivated the Nine Heaven Scorching Sun into fifth stage there's no need for you to be afraid of them."

"yes teacher! I'll work hard!" Rick replied with resoluteness in his eyes. Seigehart could see that this have a good future ahead of him.

Seigehart misses the way of how he teaches before, but unfortunately the world where he is wasn't even closely similar to his previous world. Yes, the buildings and other things was similar but the way the world revolves was completely different. In Morvious power is everything.

There's no law that could bind those people if they do any vile deeds, most were even revered for their strength. Hence, he didn't used pens and papers to teach them, instead he teaches them practically, acquaint them how fair the world is, while at the same time teaching them the responsibility to control the power they possessed not to be controlled by it.


Sorry, the chapter was short, because I'm really busy with real life matters while at the same time School had became more vexatious. *sighed*

Really, ideas were popping in and out of my head lately and I can't seem to concentrate. I need a rest for stressful school.

Anyway, though it was short please bear with it. I'll make the next one larger than this. I won't asked if you saw any errors because I know there are some. I'll deal with them after some time. Thanks for wasting your time. Enjoy!

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