《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Twelve


Chapter Twelve: Stirring Troubles

Inside the temporal dimension the passage of time was much faster than the [Gaia's realm], though one would feel that hundred years had passed inside. Once they come out, they would know that only 10 years had passed outside.

Seigehart created it for solely his students and he calculated that in one week at [Gaia's Realm], this bunch of students would reach Warlord rank. However, even though Seigehart pampered them with something like this, reaching Warlord rank still depends on their capabilities and aptitudes, that's the only thing Seigehart couldn't interfere with.

At the safe area, all the students started to form group as it undoubtedly could lessened their chance of survival. No one dared to stepped out of the safe area, as unknown was a terrifying opponent. Much more that the dimension was too eerie that one would sense that it was probably dangerous to venture.

"Lily, let's join a group. Our survival would be certain and fighting with group could make the fight end more faster. but of course it would be our victory. What do you think?"

"I agree, but let's join in trustworthy group which would held us, if we encountered any predicament." Ascathon replied as he also gave an suggestion. Tania and Ascathon started to talked on what group would they join that could be a comrade, that could watch their back as they do the same.

"Wait..." Lily mutterly interrupted as she seemingly in deep thought.

"Lily what is it? Do you have a suggestion?"

"Umm, teacher said we would only encounter Grandmaster rank opponent here, so I think we could take on either five or seven Grandmasters..."

"True... But still, we need to be cautious. We don't have any knowledge regarding this place and no one dared to scout outside the barrier to the point no one dared to even touch the barrier. We might get ambush outside or fall into a trap."

"What Ascathon said was indeed true, Lily... Rick already brokethrough to Warlord rank, thus we lost one strong fronter and he might be adventuring now. After all, that's the policy of the academy and we mustn't be accustomed to relied on others. This time we could only relied solely upon on ourselves."

Lily heard it stared at Ascathon, nodded and smile. "Enough of this let's find ourself a group to join."

"okay, let's go I already have a person in mind." Tania said and they proceeded to her friend which only waiting for Tania to approach her.

"Tania!..." the girl with rosy pink hair, cheeks and eyes called out as she giggled, which naturally attracted attention. Specially the boys. It even intensified as they noticed who the girl was calling to. It was Tania which on the top most beautiful girl on their list.

"Crisia, I hope me and my friends could join your group." Tania said as they do a girls bond, which made the boys in Crisia's group to be quite exuberant that they forgot their current situation.

"Of course, hehe. I'm just waiting for you to approach me." she replied, and they talked about their plans once they gone outside.

The area of the barrier was sufficiently large, 10km in diameter, and at the center was the only exit out of the temporal dimension, the huge golden door that was tightly closed. There wasn't anything, only boulders and small hill around, which used by the students. Some had brought out commodities among themselves in their [Spatial Storage Ring], which they used while as they devised their plans.


An hour lapse, and all the group leaders made an agreement to start what purpose they came in the temporal dimension in the first place. They didn't know the groupS and plans they established could not help them once they stepped outside.

"Is everybody ready!?" the leader of the largest group said, which answered by shouts and cheers. "Okay! Let's get this started!" They started walking through the barrier, though they're still inside the barrier, all began to be cautious.

The instant they made contact with the barrier, it suddenly crumbled and collapsed as it disappeared, which they never thought that after they gone out, the barrier would still remain, yet instead disappeared.

They were shocked as what had occured, some let out an panic voice, while some couldn't concealed their affright as one could see through their expressions. The surprises didn't end there, because what happen next terrified them more.

An earth shattering boom of thunder echoed angrily and blood color lightning which struck the ground, turning to ashes what ever it hits showered from the sky. Then, the land violently shook and the the forest around their surroundings sank like stone in an ocean.

"Wha-whats happening!?" someone whimpered as they began to frantically run in disarray, finding a place to hide with. Then, someone shouted. "Stop! Go to the huge golden door! quick!" they all complied, afraid that they might got caught in the sinking land and be buried alive.

As the lightning and thunder continues, the space distorted and when the cataclysm stopped the world they knew was now relatively different from what they saw before. The land were they are, was now one of the thousand small islands that randomly floating in the endless blood void.

"What the!! Where are we!?"

"Did the dimension collapsed and we were trapped in an unknown dimension?"

"Oh no! What we're gonna do!?"

"I want to go home! *sob*"

More and more despondent words could be heard as they all believed that they unfortunately plunged into different dimension, away from what they call home. Amidst the crowd, someone even in the presence of such situation still indifferent and composed.

"Don't falter! Are you all fall into idiocy because of the earthquake? Teacher led us here to train! You think he'll let us die here? No! Look over there, our only exit still remain standing which means we're still in the same dimension as before, this might be the true appearance of this place. A test, how we would fair in the moment of such dis-"

"What's that!!?" someone cried out.

The words of the leader of the largest group interrupted, because of the thing he saw, descending in the sky. A blood red slimy liquid, that the moment it touched the ground it swirled and dance as though it was alive, which truthfully correct. The leaders saw it knew their challenge had started.

"Prepare to fight! The numbers of the puppets and ours were even, and their were Grandmaster like us, so fight and defeat each one of them!" they alerted.

The slimy red liquid started to take form. It swirled forming a humanoid shape body and once it settled, their external features started to appear. The first monster appeared to be a beautiful girl similar to the beautiful girl in their group! it was Tania! It completely copied her appearance! Not just her, but all of them had a clone of their own in each one another!

The scene caused an uproar amongst them. With it was the sudden appearance of magic circles on the ground, it was large that it encompasses the whole land. Then, a person appeared. It was Seigehart with his white robe, embroidered with gold patterns. The students saw it started calling him, they only stopped when Seigehart spoke.


"Now, your second challenge had started. The first was the cataclysm, unfortunately only few of you had passed. As a practitioner, death is always on chased of your life, to avert it you need to be instinctively strong willed. Prepare yourself, because the exit was only available to those who brokethrough to Warlord rank. This is the battle between you and yourself. I'll be waiting outside, good luck."

As Seigehart ended his somewhat encouraging words and disappeared, the magic circle started to shone and teleported each and every one of them into different island floating in the blood colored void, separating them from one another, while accompanied by their own clone to fight with.

The clones was made the moment they entered the huge golden door, whereas it scanned their bodies, mind and soul. Thus it possessed everything they own, excluding only the ability to think because Seigehart created them with only the instinct to kill their opponents so there's no room for them to hesitate on taking the lives of his students.

They would know and experience the dreadful feeling of fear and death many times until they cognitively integrated it deep onto themselves, as resulted on valuing more their lives, as well as erasing their fear of death, because once they died, they would immediately respawn.

The sudden event frustrates some of them, because they took their time making a group that was entirely irrelevant in the first place. However, now that they knew it was a challenge to them, that the Seigehart was watching over them, it somewhat slightly eased their hearts.

Their only thought now was how would they beat a person who knew everything about them. This challenge could helped them improve more on their techniques and also find their own weaknesses which also possessed by their opponents.

Everyone were tense, as though the clones were waiting for signals, the moment the blood colored lightning and thunder resounded, without any warning, the clones tooked the initiative to attack and the fight started.

Meanwhile, at the [Orbital Tower Sect] Meeting hall. The Patriarch Golou, the betrayer Elder Leron, the [Orion Sect] Patriarch Hannibal, [Gold Arcaide Academy] Headmaster Cleroin, [Violet Water Sect] Matriarch Cindi, [Divine Lightning Sect] Patriarch Voltiro and [Hidden Paradise Emperial Alliance Representative] Rep. Abbadon had gathered to form a temporary alliance against the [Gaia's Heart Academy].

Their goal was the [Gaia's realm], the great benefit it would gave them if they were also living in the realm. They assumed that the [Gaia's Heart Academy] had an enormous luck to discover a portal through another realm, and because of their greed they didn't wanted to share its benefit to anyone.

Afraid of the expert behind the Gaia's Heart Academy, and that the entrance to the realm was inside the [Gaia's City] which protected by a formidable barrier they didn't took any rash actions, instead wanted to use the Law of the [Underground Haven] which; Everything discovered in the [Underground Haven] is owned by [Underground Haven] and the uses is free to anyone. Violation of the Law would results in eradication of the law breakers itself!

However, they did a mistake, the realm was created by Seigehart thus, he owned it. That's the thing they didn't know about.

"Seeing you all here means, we held the same desire. Before we start, let me introduce to you, Leron Gallavan, One of the Grand Elder of Gaia's Heart Academy, but not anymore." Golou looked at his side, which caused the others to let out an amused sounds.

They were all knowledgeable of what had transpired between the Grand Elder Leron and the his former academy, that includes the treasure the [Gaia's Heart Academy] possessed, which they tried to obtain, but utterly failed.

"Wait... Gallavan? So he's your blood relative then? Ho~ that was unexpected. I never thought there was another member of Gallavan Clan who luckily survived after their annihilation." Cindi mused with a hint of ruthlessness in her eyes as she looked at Patriarch Golou, which also intrigued the others.

"Isn't Gallavan clan was annihilated by only a single person? That person would be definitely stronger now. After all, a millennia had already passed." Voltiro stirred, as he successfully ablaze the intense atmosphere, that made Patriarch Golou and Elder Leron frowned.

"Quit your hostility with each other. We're here to discuss what was the best course of action about this matter regarding the [Gaia's realm]." Rep. Abbadon said to pacify their worthless bickering, which turned out effective.

"It is good that you understand. Actually, The [Hidden Paradise Emperial Alliance] was against about this matter, because most of the Imperial royalty were attending at the [Gaia's Heart Academy]. However, as a Law Keeper of the [Hidden Paradise], the executives dispatched a representative to hear what you wanted to say, thus I am here. Now let's start this matter and begone with it."

The meeting proceeded by the end of Rep. Abbadon lecture and they continue to discuss about the [Gaia's realm]. Of course, they all enticed the Representative of all the great benefits the [Hidden Paradise Emperial Alliance] would earn. Only if they succeeded.

At the various places, billions and billions of light years away from planet Morvious. Many beings of unparalleled power were heading towards the direction of planet Morvious because of the phenomenon that happened hundred million years ago. Though the event only occured within a matter of seconds. The pillar of light was clearly visible to them regardless of distances.

The phenomenon was then called by the many, Descend of Dimension Ruler.

"Universe Overlord, I am honored to stand before your great power. You've called this servant of yours and I obeyed." the black armored man showed his fidelity, as he kneeled before someone with unequaled power, which even he was powerless before him.

"Are you aware why I've called you here?"

"Yes, Overlord. It is about the Descend of Dimension Ruler."

"Very well. I'm fortunate this happened exactly within my universe. If I possessed that Dimension Artifact. I could breakthrough the astronomical boundary between Universe Overlord and became Dimension Ruler. If that happens, all Universe in this dimension would be under my absolute control. I could stand in the pinnacle." He said in wicked voice. Although, the darkness hides his complexion, one could feel the cold killing intent and within him, that could kill mortals with only a glance.

"Overlord becoming an entity beyond comprehension would definitely be feared and revered by other Universe Overlord."

"Precisely. However it would all depends on your work. So investigate carefully even if you flipped upside down the whole [Blue Mist Galaxy] just to find the whereabouts of the pillar of light that appeared on my Universe. Of course, if you're successful, the reward would be not something you would imagine."

The black armored man eyes glinted behind his bowed head. "Universe Overlord, I would definitely accomplished this matter before the others came to our universe."

"Very well. If your got hint of its whereabouts. inform me immediately. I have my full expectation to you. Don't disappoint me." He said in voice full of anticipation.

Back in the temporal dimension. A long week had already passed outside, the students struggled to won over their clones. Some were able to kill their clones more quickly than others, but unexpected things happened. The clones that died, were either reborn more skillful or when decapitated were divided itself into two which raised the difficulty much higher. Several students already died and were relieved and felt fear in their hearts at the same time, when they discovered that when they die, they would respawn immediately.

As Seigehart anticipated, everything occured according to his calculations when he noticed that they died more infrequent. After all, the feeling of dying was completely quite despairing, while at the same time several of them, after a long period of time reached the threshold of Grandmaster rank and brokethrough to Warlord rank, which then a huge golden door would appear on their island leading back to the [Gaia's realm]. Also congratulated by Seigehart for enduring his intense training that they would rather called torture instead, while Seigehart sees them off to their residence after he reminded them to stabilize their energy after the breakthrough.

"I did it... at last... I breakthrough, and I reached the perfect state of [Phantom Lightning Flash]. If I ever encounter any Sage rank above while on adventure, at least with my technique I could still preserved my precious life." Tania muttered while she heavily panted and disheveled figure. "I hope the others also breakthrough and died less than me."

She looked at the other distant floating island. The others were already means made a breakthrough earlier, while some still struggling. "That clone of mine was rather odd, she got all my techniques, as well as my habit when I fought. Thanks to that, I won and died only two times. Teacher is really unfathomable, how did he made this clones? Specially this whole temporal dimension. My Great Grandpa said, only true deity could create things out of nowhere. Does this mean teacher was a true deity?"

She shook her head and replenished her strength to stand, she strolled out while eyeing the disappearing clones that tortured her, as she wished for her friends to be somewhat in good condition than her. "Thinking over it would be pointless, maybe when I have enough power, the answer would reveal itself." she muttered as she gone out of the temporal dimension through the huge golden door. She then, saw Seigehart which wore a proud look on his face and greeted her. "I'm glad you made it, as expected of my students. I know you're extremely exhausted and wanted to sleep, so I'll teleport you to your residence directly."

"uhmm... Teacher does my friend, Lily and Ascathon had gone out early than me?" she asked before he teleported her.

"well yes, they're magical energy user after all, thus they brokethrough more quickly than you, and before you sleep stabilize your energy first. It would be chaotic if you sleep first."

Her face revealed an relieved expression when she heard it. "I'm glad..." what was all she said.

"Well then, come back tomorrow morning and I'll send all off, outside the academy. After all, it would be long before I see you all again." Seigehart then, gestured his hand and Tania's silhouette disappeared without a trace, leaving a lingering energy fluctuation.

I think... My training was really quite harsh than I thought... Anyway, they were able to breakthrough so its fine. Seigehart pondered when he saw the haggard look of his students.

After a somewhat long hours of waiting, he finally send off the last remaining battered students of his to their residence. He then, eradicated the huge golden door.


I'm an amature in writing fictions, and my grammar is mediocre. So expect errors, if you found any holes please, inform me.

The E - WEEK is about to end, and Exam is approaching I need to review my notes before it comes, because of that, release would be more infrequent. I don't have enough time and I'm in hurry. Hope you like it.

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