《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Seven


Note: "lllllllllllll " for oral conversation

'lllllllllllll ' for indirect conversation

lllllllllllll for thoughts


Chapter Seven: A New Teacher?

When they entered, a wide driveway made of chiseled robust gray and red stone, that was placed artistically in diamond shape formation greeted them, it stretched ten miles straight. At the end of the driveway was a one thousand square meter open shrine, at the center of it is an old large conspicuous tree which bore shiny golden fruits that still yet to ripe.

As they walked, passed the fine lawn with equally lineared trees and beautiful flower beds at both side as it swayed to the rhythm of the wind, behind the spiral designed fences, a perfect place for picnic, a sudden gust of wind could be felt. A flying spirit beasts landed on the ground and blocked their way. It was a Fireberg Griffon standing mightily before them intimidatingly. It's limbs was in blaze, as well as its eyes, as it peered down to them.

Then, a person jumped down from its back. It was a beautiful lady, dressed in casual simple clothes. A pair of pants and shirt which covered by jacket yet still emphasize her beauty.

The lady had an troubled look on her face as she approached Blayne. "Headmaster! You finally came back. WE are in big trouble! Quickly come with me!"

Blayne was baffled when the lady hurriedly dragged him on the back of her contracted beasts, then flew high and left as fast as she arrived.

On the air, the lady explained everything about their problem to the absentminded Blayne, as he pondered about something...

"what is it again?" he asked, unsure of what she was saying.

"argh! You're not listening at all" she exclaimed but explained again nonetheless.

Why I felt like I forgot something important? He contemplated, neglecting the words of the lady, while traversing into the sky towards the academy.

At the moment Blayne and the lady left. Seigehart couldn't do anything but blinked at their silhouette disappeared ino the horizon.

"that old man... They really leave me behind. His senility is appearing... Ah, right~, I forgot about it..." he paused, then looked at the wooden gate "The time I arrived at the Valleys of ruthless mountain. The first thing I did was to wander around, the same as the time when I'm at Blayne's cottage. Now, I'm gonna wander around again?... I swear excursion is now becoming my hobby... " he sighed and looked at the sky. "Nevermind, gramps would definitely remember it after he finished his business. Then, I'll wander around again."

After he settled his mind, Seigehart continue forward and walked along the road. There's nothing he could do to it. No, he's lazy to do anything so he decided to wait for Blayne to finished his business, because he knows that Blayne would looked for him afterwards.

Because of his strength, people at lower ranks wouldn't be able to sense him. If they closed their eyes, and if he tried to conceal his presence, even if they were already facing each other. They would be completely unable to detect him, much less saw him. He would be like physically and spiritually nonexistential.

Before on the meeting at the Thousands Sky Mist Island. They were just able to see him, because he allowed it. But when he go outside the stadium at that time, even if they used their divine sense they would be unable to detect him.

If God ranks like the Ten Rulers of Ancient continent and the Guardians of Labyrinth of Zor couldn't sense him, and their vision about him was blurred. How could students at Master ranks and GrandMaster ranks do the same?


Thus, he tried to lowered his strength and Demigod rank was already his limit. With this, those in lowest rank wouldn't have difficulty to saw him, so he would not be a ghost.

Seigehart arrived at the end of the road. He expected to see another gate or high walls but what greeted him was an 100 square meter shrine instead, and at the center was an 30 foot high and 10 ft large old looking Tree.

However, what the most conspicuous thing about the tree was the Golden round fruits it bore that still yet to ripe, but emanates an sweet aroma in the air that could bewitched anyone on picking it up. In addition of the large hole that could fit an small hut on its body that seemingly a tunnel through underground.

When he was about to come closer to the hole on the body of the tree. A large shadow slithered around the body of the tree and blocked the hole with its body, as it became vigilant to Its surrounding. It has a 100 foot long and 5 foot large body, a Gold Blooded Viper spirit beasts.

"so it was an entrance after all. Hmm... Let me examine it." Then, Seigehart used his divine sense to examine the whole body of the tree and the spirit beasts.

"as expected. It has restrictions placed on it, and the snake is the key. I just hoped it has already an awareness, so I don't need to use force." he said as he looked at the snake and speaks to it.

"hey! Mr. Guard!" he shouted

"whose there!? Show your self! *hiss*" the snake hissed intimidatingly.

"here! Look down!"

The Gold Blooded Viper complied and was greatly shocked when he saw Seigehart.

A human? This human is not simple, but I don't sense any ill intent from him. Ahh, he must be the person the headmaster was talking about, an mysterious person. Indeed, he's unfathomable. It thought.

Then, the Gold Blooded Viper shrinks its massive body and slithered towards Seigehart.

"human, *hiss* are you young man the headmaster was talking about? *hiss*" it asked with no intent on its voice.

"Ahh, yes. That old man leaved me behind. When the beautiful lady came and forcefully dragged him. Are you the guardian of this entrance?"

"apparently, yes. *hiss* now that I confirmed it. You could enter now. We would meet each other from now on, now that you're going to be an instructor here. *hiss* I'm Sevile by the way" Sevile said as he lead Seigehart to the entrance and removed the restriction placed on the tunnel by the single drop of his golden blood.

"ah thanks Sevile, please take care of me." Seigehart said and bowed, which made Sevile laughed.

"shahaha, I must be the one saying it. *hiss* anyway, see you" Sevile said and slithered away up the tree, while Seigehart proceeded, as the tunnel eat his whole being and disappear inside, which lead to the heart of the forest.

On the other hand, inside the academy. Blayne with the lady on her Griffin finally arrived at the Headmaster's Office and straight ahead towards the meeting hall.

As they entered, all the Elders of the academy stand up and politely greeted him as he walked and seated on his designated chair while he wore an lofty attitude.

Then, the conference started.

"at last you're here headmaster. We have had appointed a conference today to discuss how to deal with our current predicament." the blue robed elder on his side started, which perplexed Blayne.


"what predicament? Elder Croll, could you elaborate it more?" Blayne asked.

"then, let me do it." said the elder with white robe.

"then, Elder Wise, please enlighten me" Blayne said while Elder Wise and the others nodded in agreement.

Elder Wise was about to open his mouth but, stopped when Blayne speaks again.

"ah, right. elders before that. I just want to say that I recruited a new teacher on my way here. He was an extraordinary young man thus, I offered him the position, which he eagerly accepted. What do you think?"

"is that more important than this conference's agenda? Headmaster?" the green robed elder asked.

"yes, of course it is. it is because he might be the answer on the academy's current problems that you spoke about, so what do you say? Are you going to accept him or not?"

The headmaster, Blayne haughtily asked, as he chortle, which caused the elders and the teachers behind them gained great expectations towards the said person.

If the headmaster were completely confident that that person could be a great help then, why would they antagonize it? They would accept it without complains and with their arms wide open.

"if he could be greatly help us, overcome this predicament. Then there's no reason to oppose it. We will accept him, but we need to test him first." suggested the Elder in Red robe.

"Elder Hivou is right. So headmaster, is this young man with you when you arrived" the black robe Elder asked.

Blayne could felt his eyelids twitch when he heard it, and immediately remembered that this young man he was talking about was with him but... He foolishly forgot about him.

Instead of answering with words, Blayne answered with his heartily laugh, which echoed through the whole room, but got interrupted by the elders and suggested to continued their discussions.

Meanwhile, on Seigehart's side, he finally reached the exit of the endless dark tunnel.

This time he was still surprised from what he saw. Although, he already knew all kinds of things through the help the book of Universe gave him, but upon seeing it in reality personally was still more greater than an flashing images in his mind. Instead, he felt his personal perspective towards the universe grew stronger that he wanted to travel through across the universe to see things for him self. He felt encouraged.

Seigehart finally saw the light and he couldn't stepped further from what he saw. He was astounded as he admired the incredible sight in front of him, and couldn't restrained himself but praised it.

Its like he was transported to another world again. It was wide as far as the eyes could see, an large plateau that surrounds the greenly prairie where herbivore hordes of spirit beasts resides, also the place where the academy stands, as all of it was surrounded as well by different kinds of mountain, forest and river that habituated formidable spirit beasts, an absolutely breathe taking scenery.

As he dived into the air, and head to the academy. He could see some teenagers at the age of 15 - 18 years old in groups, as they hunted some magical beast and spirit beasts for their core which could greatly helped them at the path of power.

The structures of the academy became larger and visible as Seigehart drew closer to it. When he was about 1km away, he decided to slow down his speed and closely observed the some students when he that some of them were hunting beasts alone.

He landed on the ground and continue his pace as he walked.

I'm the distance, sounds of metallic collision and angry roars resounded. Seigehart saw two young girls at the age of 15 and 17 as they hunted some beasts, while one fought head on as she perfectly executed her profound spear arts while the other was only watching, and kept an vigilant air around her from the side, ready to help if the girl that was fighting were in dire danger.

"hiya!" the girl thrust her spear which leave an hollow hold on the beast shoulder, which replied by an more angry roar.

"Tania! You could do it!" cheered by the girl watching on the side.

"don't worry Lily, I got this! Hiya!"

As Seigehart approached them intrigued that the girl that was fighting was only a middle stage Master rank but could execute an exquisite and formidable spear attacks while her opponent was not an ordinary spirit beast, but a middle stage GrandMaster rank Bladetailed Dancer Ursa.

An bear-armored spirit beasts from Titan Ursa bloodline, with extremely sharped blade like claws and tail that could extend and slice steel like butter. It was an formidable spirit beasts, where it's 8 ft tall size and its bulky appearance was not a fluke,

in addition of its armor which concealed the vital points, every single muscles, skin and black furs of this beast was hard and strong as steel with its bones 2 times more harder. Accompanied by an formidable hereditary memories for blade techniques from its God rank bloodline but corroded from generation to generation into lowest immortal rank bloodline, that's why it didn't inherited any innate ability.

If the beast had an innate ability then, the two girls were not its match.

However, the girl was not simple either, with her petite physique as she held the sharp and long spear with her gentle, soft hands. She was on advantage over the beast. Her every pierced and swings could left an hollow wounds and destroyed the beast's armour, while she deviated the attacks with the spear on her hands, as she danced with the Bladetailed Dancer Ursa as her partner.

But every subtle beginning sometimes have an harsh ending.

The Bladetailed Dancer Ursa was enraged beyond belief that its black fur and eyes became bloodshot, as it howled that stunned the young girl and the girl on the side for a couple of minutes, which disabled them from moving. The Bladetailed Dancer Ursa then, angrily vaulted with its tail and legs toward its enemy, abandoning any defense and focused all its energy in its one attack, ready to incapacitated the girls.

However, when Seigehart saw it. He couldn't helped but gasped of cold air, as he remembered the time he died when he saved one if his student from an over speeding car.

His pupil shrunk and couldn't kept up his carefree attitude, suddenly the aura of an absolute entity exploded and the gravity around the whole planet multiplied a hundred folds!

Every single beings on the planet felt it, their body couldn't take the pressure and banged on the ground miserably! They couldn't even open their eyes because of the pressure!

However, there was an exception! Surprisingly all the children and teenagers around new born to 21 years old was not affected by the pressure by a single bit amount at all!

When the otherworldly pressure descended, all deity ranks wasn't an exception all their faces banged on the ground! but this terrifying pressure gave an miraculous effect it helped them rise their level to another level! Thus, instead of an calamity, all people treat it as an heavenly present!

Unfortunately for the Bladetailed Dancer Ursa its whole body imploded from the scene, that it couldn't even made a singe whimpered! At that instant, when the Bladetailed dancer Ursa died the pressure disappeared as if it wasn't never came in the first place.

The girls had an terrified and grim expression, they gritted their teeth and bitted their pink rosy lips as they waited for their deaths, hopelessness was clearly evident in their eyes, but when they saw the Bladetailed dancer Ursa died, bewilderment, fear and an overwhelming sense of gratitude replaced it.

Their deaths was clearly grasping their lives but because of Seigehart they were freed from it and could live to see another day and given a chance to become more stronger.

Seigehart felt that he lost his composure and immediately resemble himself, going back to his carefree attitude. Then, he speaks to the girls with the tone of an stern teacher suited to him.

"are you two okay?" he asked with an strict voice. The girls saw him heaved in relief. They planned to replied but when they're about to open their mouth Seigehart interrupted them. "there's no need for you two to reply, because I know you two were exhausted..." he said with a dark tone.

"do you know why you lose? Because you're only an Master rank but you fought with an GrandMaster spirit beast. Its was god damm one rank higher! The worst it had an hereditary memories! If you two fought with it along side you could had won with your coordination! But instead you two brats got cocky! because you have some method to deal with it you underestimated your enemy and overestimated yourselves! before when your were stunned could you used your method? It's was a god damn big NO!" Seigehart scolded. His teacher side had emerges!

The latter word terrified all spirit beasts around them that planned to sneak attack, and ran with their tail between their legs while letting out an pitiful whimpered.

The two girls face sank on their knees as they sniffles.

"*sob* w-we-were *sob* s-s-so-sorry teacher!" the girls helplessly whimpered, which followed with cries which echoed at the location, while Seigehart couldn't say anything but sigh.

Haah... No matter where, students are still the same, he thought, follows by an long sigh while the girls were still sobbing.

"enough, return now and think over what happened here. Used this incident as an lesson, understood!" the girls were still sobbing and didn't reply.

"I said understood!?" Seigehart repeated.

"*hiii ! ! !* ye-yes! teacher!" the girls said as they lowered their heads. They couldn't saw Seigehart's face because of tears that flooded their eyes.

"good" Seigehart nodded. "now, remember this. If this happened again, I Seigehart Caduceus will punish you, understood!?"

"ye-yes! "

"Good!~ now, return to the academy and train indoors!"

"ye-yes!" the girls said and immediately ran towards the academy without looking back!

On their way they talked about Seigehart.

"Lily... Who's that person? I-its my first time seeing him, but thanks to him we're still alive. I thought, we would have had it." she said, terror was still evident in his voice.

"ye-yeah, it's all thanks to him. Didn't you hear. He scolded us roughly. He must be a new teacher." she thought, as she expect to have seen him in the future.

When the girls disappeared, he then suddenly sense someone from afar.

"ho~ there's someone secretly training, not far from here and he had an formidable company, I'll go there first then head straight to Blayne later"

The, in a single leap. Seigehart arrived at the location, and immediately saw a Black haired 16 year boy at initial stage of GrandMaster rank, while training some profound martial techniques. An middle tier Celestial rank technique.

As so techniques and spells were classified in ranks; which is Human, Transcendant, Immortal, Celestial, Demigod and God tier which is divided into three tiers; Early tier, Middle tier and Peak tier, respectively from lowest to highest.

The boy's sword repeatedly moved again and again, until he grasped the essence of the technique. As the same time while being instructed by an ghost. Yes, an deity rank expert in ethereal form, which is non-physical.

Seigehart approached the boy, intrigued by the special circumstances the deity expert had, while question roused from his mind.

Why an dead HighGod rank expert, was instructing a young student? hmm... Maybe he doesn't wanted his techniques to disappear with him? That might be it. Seigehart pondered as he watched the boy.

"argh! Rick! you're doing it wrong! Do it like this, this and this! " the ghost as he showed the move.

Then, Seigehart decided to approached them.

As Seigehart drew closer. He accidentally stepped on an restriction array, laid by the HighGod rank ghost expert around them, which activated but couldn't stopped him as he entered.

The HighGod rank ghost expert sense the disruption on his array, then he saw Seigehart calmly walking towards them, which shocked him and immediately informed the boy, Rick about it.

Then, Rick's gazed fell on Seigehart as he firmly evaluate him. He was sweating as he felt an overwhelming unfathomable aura, which Seigehart gave. The HighGod ghost expert lost his composure when Seigehart started to speak...

"hmm... You have a good teacher" Seigehart said as he glanced towards the floating ghost.

With an astonished face, the ghost terrified at Seigehart, immediately hid inside the sheathed sword on the back of the blackhaired boy, at the same time the boy leaped backward from astonishment and retreated away.

But the boy forgot about the restriction array and obstructed his advance. He then, looked back at Seigehart which didn't moved from his position, while the ghost expert and the boy talked in their minds.

'Rick, you made wrong move! No, we made a wrong move! This person is beyond my comprehension! His strength surpassed those higher than me I could felt it. Don't be reckless, be polite to him maybe he doesn't want is any harm, if he wanted us, you dead he could do it without lifting a finger! I forgot I'm already dead!' he ghost warned as his gulp with his ethereal throat.

"uhm, se-"

"ah, pardon. I didn't mean to interrupt your training. I was just intrigued by your sword. An HighGod rank sword, interesting, but what more interesting was the soul of an HighGod expert sealed inside. Could you come out for a moment? Please..." Seigehart said nonchalantly, but the two could felt the unfathomable power hidden in his voice.

Then, the ghost came out, floating in the air and landed on the ground as he bowed his head politely in martial artist way, cupped hands.

"this, junior politely greet senior" the ghost said while the boy was still perplexed, and perturbed.

"interesting, a HighGod rank expert. Tell me are you teaching this boy your techniques?"

"yes, senior. I don't want my techniques to die with me thus, I took the trouble of teaching it to those who are worthy" the ghost politely answered as he tried not to stuttered.

"you don't have any knowledge about the boy's special circumstances don't you?"

"cir-circumstances? "

"looks like you really don't know. Then, as a teacher. I'll tell you. Thus, listen carefully. You too Rick."

"ye-yes" they said in unison as they sit on the knees folded.

"do you know of divine gifts?" Seigehart asked.

"yes, senior. It is the powerful present that said to be from heaven which is divine bodies, enigmatic abilities, divine innate abilities, divine magical and martial channels and many more, that actually came and bestowed by the True Creator himself, and the world heaven was really not real."

"yes, you're right, but the thing about heaven being not real is false. Thus, You only have 83 points"


"Ahh, haha. Sorry bout that, I got carried away. Then, let me tell you. Heaven is real but only those who had succeeded on Divine Heavenly Tribulation have the chance to enter and live an serene and tranquil life. When you reach True God rank, one could go to heaven and accept the trial. As for the divine gifts, Rick have one."

Both of them was greatly shocked from the revelations Seigehart revealed them. Rick was almost lost his eyes from popping out without breathing, as he couldn't take it and haggardly gasped for air, while the dead ghost expert died yet again.

After a moment, they finally moved on and accepted it.

"then, senior. Could you tell us what kind of divine gift the True Creator had bestowed upon me?" Rick asked

"actually, your divine gift is still yet to be awakened. That's why you still haven't felt its power and I had a vague idea what would it be, but don't worry. When you reached the Warlord rank, that divine gift inside you would awaken on its own, and it would be dire. Thus, before you breakthrough to Warlord rank seek me, and I'll help you awaken it. After all I'm a new teacher of the academy."

"oh, looks like its time for me to go. Look for me if the ghost that died two times couldn't answer some of your questions from cultivation, and don't be late on class. Alright see you."

Then, Seigehart disappeared leaving an astounded Rick and and dead HighGod ghost expert. They still couldn't believe what they just heard and saw, a knowledgeable teacher and he could also see the spirit of an HighGod rank expert that even True God ranks expert couldn't manage to do, of course it was literally hard to swallow.

Rick couldn't do anything but repeat Seigehart's words that more believable. " a new teacher?"


I know, I know my sentences was still simple and mediocre. I couldn't even bring out the

feelings of the conversations, *sob* sorry for my incapability! Thus, if you ever found any errors please, let me know.

Many thanks fellow, authoists. Thanks for reading. Happy New Year!!!


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