《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Six


Note: "lllllllllllll " - for direct conversation.

'lllllllllllll '- for indirect conversation

lllllllllllll - for inner thoughts

Chapter Six: The Otherworldly Teacher Rising

As the sun rises, closes the curtains of the night, while it bathed the land on its evident warm light rays, pouring as much as it gave the signal that the day had started. An ample illumination appeared, awakened the soundly asleep person on his bed, inside an old and simple ambient cottage.

Sitting up, while on the bed. Morning yawned, Seigehart stretched his arms upwards and mumbled some words.

"Ahh, think about it. This is the first time I slept after coming to this world. It's quite invigorating. Since this body of mine doesn't need sleep at all, the mind still get tired, though meditation could do the job more quickly and beneficially, natural sleep still the best. Haah, This feels nostalgic."

In his previous life as a teacher. Seigehart always woke up early and the almost always the first person arrived at school, at the same time prepared all his teaching materials and stuffs. Thus, he was literally well known to all students and school staffs and personnel as the most decent teacher on school and most students took him as a role model.

Besides from being a teacher, he was also the school counselor, helping students in their study problems, most lecturing and giving punishment on some delinquents and juveniles students. However, that's not mean everything was fine, there's still times that some teachers envied him, and got on verbal fight, but because Seigehart doesn't wants to argue with them and felt its irrelevant. He always walked away, ignored their insults and protests.

Then, one day. He died accidentally. Now, reincarnated into another universe. He learned the truth behind the mysterious universe, but still intransigent and would perversely walked the same straight road.

As Seigehart rouse on his feet, head out and proceed outside where Blayne was waiting for him and Kdilla.

"you sure take your time, huh" Blayne greeted to him.

"sorry about that, then shall we go?"

"yeah, I want to arrived there early, to finish this more early. I still had to return to my territory." Kdilla complained.

"well then, let us go."

Then, light started gathering around them, distorting the space and time continuum and suddenly, in an instant. They're already at the place where the meeting of Ten Rulers would be held.

Blayne used the instant teleportation device he had. The same device he used when he rescued Kdilla. When they arrived at the location Seigehart was the first to asked.

"oh~, gramps where were we? This place is not within the continent. It has great landscape and views. Whoa! This island is an floating island."

"hoho! Enthusiastic aren't you? But No, this place is floating above the continent. It's called Thousands Sky Mist Island. Like the name implied, this island is not alone. There is thousands of island like this floating above our land. It's not noticeable because of the dense white mist that covers it. We also placed an illusion barrier around all the island so it won't be discovered. Okay, let's go. This way."

Blayne leaded the way. After a minute they stopped in front of a large infrastructure. It has glass windows, steel roofs, concrete foundations and shaped circularly, as well as convex roof. A stadium. But it's not what surprised Seigehart but the building materials it used.

The surroundings was like a park, trees and bench was on the side under the trees at a large open space, while the roadway was made of chiseled concrete in red. A magnificent place.


Is this place where beast concludes meeting? Seigehart thought was muddled of what he imagined the would be.

He was certain that planet Morvious is in medieval period, and don't had the technology to produce glass, more importantly the wide LED screen outside the stadium was more advanced than earth's.

Blayne saw Seigehart's surprised expression. He urged him to enter and would explain everything inside as they walked.

The building was cold inside as if he was in the lower level of the refrigerator. Then, he saw the caused of the cold atmosphere. The 5ft wide and high air conditioner machine. He was even more surprised.

"Blayne, how's that thing worked?"

"Ahh, the air-con? It doesn't used magical energy, but electricity. I don't know it's inner workings, but it releases cold air that's why the air inside the stadium is cold. "

So the name still the same, even the power source is electricity. There's only one way to find out Seigehart thought.

"gramps, last question. When it was made?" Seigehart asked expecting his conclusion was correct.

"ah.. It was invented a long time ago. Hmm, probably 10 million years ago. It was made by a person who couldn't used magic. Interesting isn't.?"

What!? So I cultivated for almost hundred million years? Seigehart exclaimed in thought.

"let's go Seigehart, the other ruler is waiting." Blayne said bringing back Seigehart in daze state.

The planet Morvious modernized after a long millions of years to be exact.

"yeah, let's go."

Inside the stadium, at the center. There placed a circular table, and each ten comfy chairs had numbers from one to ten engraved on it, while equally revolved around it. Every chairs was already occupied and only one still not. The chair with the number 1.

Blayne entered, some of the occupants of the chair frowned when they saw him. An intense atmosphere erupted as they looked at him. Then, all their gaze fell on the person beside Blayne, Seigehart Caduceus.

Blayne arrived and seated on his chair, while Seigehart was standing still on his side. Immediately followed by speech from the person seated on chair number 2.

"Now that lord Blayne is here. Let shall continue and discuss about the problem we faced. The issues relating Aldera, but first let's congratulate Kdilla on being the Tenth Ruler."

"heh! Piece of cake. I could kick even Allagon's ass if I want to." kdilla provoking the person seated on chair number 7.

"what!? You want a fight!?" he howled. Irritated by Kdilla's smug face.

Allagon the ruler of [Crystal Cove Swamp]. An early stage God rank spirit beast, [Crystal Scaled Barracuda].

Both stood up and ready for clash but stopped by Herin, the person seated on chair number 4. "if you two continue it. I might kick both your ass." she said which kinda worked and silenced the two. They're now like an innocent sheep.

'Just you wait, stinky fish. I'll roast you after this!' Kdilla sent through his divine sense.

'heh! Your far from burning even my whiskers! Stupid monkey!' the two continue on their internal mocked battle disregarding the meeting and glaring at each other.

Herin the ruler of [Fortress of Cyclone]. An middle stage God rank spirit beast, [Snow White Swan].

"if Blayne had arrived more early, we're already finished with this stupid huddle!" complained by the person seated on chair number 6.

"Now, now. Stop complaining Zirus. You're obliged to attend in this meeting. If you don't then, step down on your chair and don't let us see your face ever again, otherwise you'll get a beating. Any complains?" said the number 2.


"Che..." he said, while his eyes still darted on Seigehart as well as the others, they were all inwardly disturbed by his presence.

Zirus the ruler of Ice side of [Fire&Ice River Falls], an middle stage God rank spirit beast, [Frostborn Yeti].

"Good, then Lord Blayne, tell us who is this person beside you first. Before we start." number 2 said, he was curious who Seigehart was and how Blayne and Seigehart became acquaintance.

"oh! Yeah. Auric, this is Seigehart a friend of mine. There's no need for him to be here but I insist on coming here with him. But don't worry if you don't want him here he could left. Right Seigehart?"

"ehh, sure I also want to stroll around. So it's okay."

Auric the ruler of [Dragon Volcano], an peak stage God rank spirit beast, a variant [Blood Lava Dragon].

Actually, Seigehart lost his interest on the meeting when he saw the stadium and want to explore it, and he felt listening on their meeting make him fall asleep from boredom.

"hmm, okay if you please, this discussion is a bit sensitive and confidential." said by the person seated on chair number 3.

"okay, Blayne. I'll just go outside."

"thank you, Seigehart. I'm Gilion by the way." Gilion said, extending his hand, gesture of hand shake.

"no it's okay. Seigehart, Lord Gilion" he said and shake Gilion's hand.

Gilion the Ruler of [Titan's Domain], an middle stage God rank spirit beast, [Steeled Thunder Behemoth].

When Seigehart shake his hand. Gilion test his strength through hardly squeezing his hand, but failed and Seigehart effortlessly freed his hand as if nothing was obstructing it, which was inwardly astonished Gilion and immediately stopped himself.

In terms of physical strength Gilion surpassed all the other rulers even though he's only a Middle stage God rank, that's why he got the third chair. It was his pride, but this pride was miserably destroyed by this Seigehart. Gilion wasn't discouraged at all, but instead, it opened his eyes that the world is vast and there's always a stronger person than you.

Then, Seigehart said his goodbye and left. While Gilion seated back at his chair, his face was sweating profusely, which was noticed by the person beside him.

"Gilion, how is it?" he curiously asked.

"Allec, that person is strong, stronger than me in physical strength. I grifted his hand with all my strength but he take back his hand, nonchalantly. That's terrifying. He maybe even stronger than Wilhelm, and I couldn't figure out his strength. He might be a HighGod or maybe higher. if we all fought together against him. It would be us who would die." Gilion's word startled Allec which roused his curiousity about Seigehart more.

Where did Blayne meet this person? He thought.

Allec the ruler of the [Fire side of Fire&Ice River Falls]. An middle stage God rank [Nether Bluefire Scorpion].

However, when Seigehart walked about to stepped outside. Wilhelm attacked him suddenly but he effortlessly evaded, and the attack destroyed the entrance instead.

This sudden event astounded Blayne and the others, but someone got angered by it. "you bastard!, your that person who entered my territory without my consent! You disturbed my sleep!" Wilhelm wailed angrily. "I'll beat you until I'm satisfied!" then attacked again.

"Wilhelm stop that! You destroyed my stadium!"

Then, suddenly Wilhelm flew out of the island into the horizon back to his territory the Abyssal Lake. " Fuck you, Frenia!" he howled as he flew into the sky.

The one who did it was the lady dressed with fiery red elegant gown, her fiery red hair flutter as she seated back on her chair with an angered complexion, while all of them was staring with disbelief.

Frenia the ruler of [Phoenix Nest], an peak stage God rank [Rainbow Phoenix].

"What!? He destroyed my stadium, so I kick him out. That bastard, once I'm done here I'll evaporate his entire lake!" she declaimed.

All man inside the stadium are shocked while Herin were unfazed and snickering in amusement.

Woman are really scary, if their pissed. The mans thought were in sync because of it.

Auric cleared his throat and speaked to break the tense atmosphere. "we-well now that the issue has been immediately solved. Let's continue on our agenda. Friend Seigehart if you please"

"okay, then." Seigehart said and left finally.

Then, the discussion in stadium continues.

Meanwhile, Seigehart strolled around the stadium. He found many familiar things that only exist on earth is now also on Morvious.

"So I really cultivated for hundred million years? That's unbelievable. No doubt I reach this height of strength. More importantly, Morvious made a breakthrough on their technology. All this appliances relied on electricity and not on magical energy, nor Mana crystal." then he paused. "I felt like I'm on earth again because of this appliances"

He then, walked on the edge of the island and gazed upon the land below. Masses of forest, mountains and lakes could be seen.

Then, at the far distance, he saw an outstanding structure, a building that outstretched the Ancient Blood Oak Tree, that it reached the planet's atmosphere.

"what a freaking high tower, that's in Midgard continent. That tower is way more advanced than the buildings on earth."

Seigehart couldn't help but smile on what would encounter in the future, as he think about it.

"I can't wait, to see what this world have in store for me." he said as he seated on the bench under the tree, and take a nap.

After an hour of waiting, Blayne walked out of the stadium, toward Seigehart with relieved expression that the irritating meeting is now finished.

"Does the meeting adjourned?" Seigehart said, seated on the bench as he looked at Blayne through his left eye, while the other was closed.

"yes. Actually, we're conducting this meeting every 100 years. So, it would be long until this happen again. Tell me, did you really intruded in Wilhelm's territory?"

"Ahh, yeah. He's sleeping though and hey, I didn't disturbed his sleep." he defended.

Blayne frowned and looked at Seigehart. Then, asked. "did you entered the Labyrinth of Zor?"

"yeah, that place is quite nice... and old." then Seigehart looked at Blayne. And said "if you plan on conquering it. Your just killing yourself. There were two HighGod rank spirit beasts protecting it, so think first" he said and smiled mischievously.

"hoho! As I thought, but no I don't have a plan on disturbing what's inside that place. Anyway, shall we go? On my academy?"

When Blayne said it, immediately. Seigehart's eyes lit up and stand up. "Let's go I can't wait to see what kind of school an old man like you managed." he mocked

"hohoho! You'll see, you'll see. Also I want to know what kind of teacher you are. Then, let's go to the Gaia's Heart Academy!" then, light enveloped them and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately after, in front of the majestic wooden gate. A flash of light appeared and immediately disappeared, leaving two people as they stand and stare at the gate.

"I know this seems early but, welcome to the Gaia's Heart Academy! So what are you waiting for? Let's go to the academy!"

With the simple wave of Blayne's hand, the majestic wooden gate opened, revealing the wide and long road towards the entrance to the world, hidden to the populace of the surface.

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